- 1. The main types of open-water estuarine mariculture include.
- 开放型河口海水养殖主要有。
- 2. The results showed that level of growth hormone of serum was positively correlated with content of Zn of serum in mariculture fishes.
- 实验结果表明,养殖鱼类血清中的生长激素水平与锌含量呈正相关。
- 3. Clean-up and repairing aquaculture and mariculture ponds, damaged cages and aquaculture hatcheries and training centres will be a priority.
- 清理和修复水产养殖和海水养殖池塘、受损的网箱和水产养殖孵化场及培训中心将是优先重点。
- 4. Zooplankton was rare in the mariculture areas of the inner bay, indicating that the large-scale cage fish culture might influence the distributions of zooplankton.
- 湾内大规模网箱渔排养殖区往往形成浮游动物的低值区,说明了大规模网箱养殖对浮游动物的分布有重要影响。
- 5. Then the second chapter introduces the pollution and destruction which the mariculture is bringing to the Marine environment and its problems in laws and management.
- 此后的第二章部分,笔者主要介绍了海水养殖对海洋环境的污染和破坏以及其自身存在的法律与管理上的不足。
- 6. There will be disruptions and losses to commercial, sport and subsistence shell and fin fisheries and mariculture, as well as to commercial shipping and recreational boating.
- 事故还将给商业,体育业,贝壳类、渔业和海水养殖业生计,以及商业运输和娱乐船业造成破坏和损失。
- 7. Our group includes 30 members from Zanzibar and we are here to attend a monthlong mariculture technology training session organized by the Fujian Institute of Oceanography.
- 我们一行30人来自坦桑尼亚桑给巴尔,来此参加福建海洋研究所组织的海产养殖培训。
- 8. The paper reported the experiments on south domestication and mariculture of turbot in the net cages, and the future of mariculture of turbot in the net cages was evaluated.
- 本文报道了大菱鲆鱼种南移网箱养殖试验结果,并探讨了其网箱养殖前景。
- 9. For Xiangshan Bay, main sources of nutrients are continental runoff input and the discharge of mariculture waste water, followed by Marine life and atmospheric sedimentation.
- 象山港海域营养元素的主要来源为陆源径流输入和海水养殖废水的排放,其次是海洋生物和大气沉降输入。
- 10. Along the mangrove waterways, creeks and estuarine waters, a rich tradition of artisanal mariculture has evolved and fish constitutes an important part of the peoples' protein supply.
- 沿着红树林水道、溪流和河口水域形成了传统的手工海水养殖。养殖的鱼成为当地人们蛋白质来源的重要部分。
- 11. Traditionally mariculture, involving the use of a system of man-made ponds in rearing specific Marine or brackish-water animals, has been practised in Indonesia for hundreds of years.
- 传统的海水养殖在印度尼西亚有几百年的历史。它包括在人工池塘中养殖专门的海水或半咸水动物。
- 12. Therefore, we concluded using mariculture wastewater to irrigate salt-tolerant crop could increase soil nutrients, while the total desolved salts would not be excessively accumulated.
- 因此,适时适宜矿化度的海水养殖废水结合适当的淋洗分数补充灌溉耐盐植物,有效地增加了土壤养分,而盐分不会过量累积。
- 13. "Fishing areas" means spawning grounds, feeding grounds, wintering grounds and migration channels of fishes and shrimps , and the mariculture waters of fishes, shrimps shellfishes and algae.
- 渔业水域,是指鱼虾类的产卵场、索饵场、越冬场、洄游通道和鱼虾贝藻类的养殖场。
- 14. "Fishing areas" means spawning grounds, feeding grounds, wintering grounds and migration channels of fishes and shrimps , and the mariculture waters of fishes, shrimps shellfishes and algae.
- 渔业水域,是指鱼虾类的产卵场、索饵场、越冬场、洄游通道和鱼虾贝藻类的养殖场。
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