martial law
- n. 戒严法;戒严令
the body of law imposed by the military over civilian affairs (usually in time of war or civil crisis); overrides civil law
- 1. Martial law has now been lifted.
- 戒严令现已解除。
- 2. The city remains firmly under martial law.
- 这个城市仍实施严格的军事管制。
- 3. The military leadership has lifted martial law in several more towns.
- 军方领导层又解除了几个城镇的军事管制。
- 4. The country is now under martial law.
- 这个国家目前在戒严中。
- 5. The country has now spent more than eight years under martial law.
- 这个国家实行军事管制现在已有八年多的时间了。
- 6. Martial law has been declared but this has zero impact for tourists.
- 战时法规已经颁布但是这对旅游者来说没有任何影响。
- 7. When peace came, were the Japanese a people who would require perpetual martial law to keep them in order?
- 当和平来临,日本人需要永久的严格的法律来约束他们吗?
- 8. "I want it to be healthy and I want it to be upbeat, and I don't want people to feel like it's martial law," he says.
- “我希望整个会议过程中氛围良好,积极向上,我不想让人们觉得像是在进行军事管制。”他说。
- 9. Martial Law is not holding the closure of the case, especially in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta region.
- 江龙控股倒闭不是个案,尤其是在长三角和珠三角地区。
- 10. Her more extreme opponents suspect that the declaration of martial law in Maguindanao is a dry-run for its imposition more broadly.
- 据此更为激进的反对派怀疑在马京达瑙的军事管制其实是为在更广范围实施它而进行的演习。
- 11. The state of martial law to stem tea duck Jiande specialty unique local characteristics, has been created more than 300 years of history.
- 严州干茶鸭为建德独有的地方特色名菜,创制至今已有300多年的历史。
- 12. We are accustomed to different standards in order to see oneself and others, so that people are often responsible for martial law, has to be wide.
- 我们习惯以不同的标准来看人看己,以致往往是责人以严,待己以宽。
- 13. And this is striking: the main excuse for his martial law is one that is all too familiar to Americans - the war on terror (and never mind the terror dispensed by the warriors themselves).
- 惊人的是:军事统治的主要借口也为每一个美国人所熟知-反恐战争(永远别介意勇士们自己实施的恐怖)。
- 14. So it is necessary to classify and summarize the Tang Dynasty' s martial rules of law, and this paper tries to manage this object.
- 因此,有必要对唐代的军事法律和法规进行重新系统地分类和总结。
- 15. Latin words used in law, French words used in cooking, German words used in academic writing, Japanese words used in martial arts?
- 法律中使用的拉丁词汇、烹饪中使用的法语词汇、学术写作中使用的德语词汇和武术中使用的日语词汇怎么办?
- 16. The technique branch curriculum includes: The leg law, the skill at martial arts, the instrument branch, athletics branch, take as an elective the branch, the special branch, military branch seven.
- 术科课程包括:腿法、拳术、器械科、竞技科、选修科、特别科、军事科七门。
- 17. The technique branch curriculum includes: The leg law, the skill at martial arts, the instrument branch, athletics branch, take as an elective the branch, the special branch, military branch seven.
- 术科课程包括:腿法、拳术、器械科、竞技科、选修科、特别科、军事科七门。
- Due to the draconian measures of martial law, the communities and groups also could not organize themselves to protect their resources and their environment.
且由于戒严法的严格规范,社区和团体也无法组织起来保护他们拥有的资源和环境。 - Germany then declared martial law in these cities.
德国这时就在这些城市宣布戒严令。 - Martial law has now been lifted.
用作名词 (n.)
- oppression 压抑
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