measure out
- vt. 量出
determine the measurements of something or somebody, take measurements of;
"Measure the length of the wall"
- 1. Measure out a pint of milk.
- 我一天吃一品脱牛奶。
- 2. Measure out one cup of rice and pour it into a pot.
- 盛出一杯米将其倒入锅中。
- 3. Measure out the cake flour and sift into a separate bowl.
- 量好低筋面粉并筛入另外一个碗中。
- 4. The next step is to measure out where the ribbons will be positioned.
- 下一步就是测出带子的定位点。
- 5. Can I use instrument to measure out the energy in the energy chamber?
- 能量屋的能量是否可用仪器测出来?
- 6. To make the cake, first measure out 200 grams of flour and 75 grams of butter.
- 做蛋糕先要量取二百克面粉和七十五克奶油。
- 7. Measure out the pet's food portion yourself and have your child place it in the bowl and feed it to the pet.
- 亲自量出宠物的一份食物,并让你的孩子将其放入碗中,并喂给宠物。
- 8. Measure out the flour, get the canned tomatoes open, dice everything ready to go, start the rice cooker, and so on.
- 量好面粉,把罐装的西红柿打开,把所有要切丁的都切好,开始做米饭,等等。
- 9. For jewelry: Measure out one-fourth cup vodka in a shallow drinking glass or bowl. Drop in jewelry and let soak for 5-10 minutes.
- 珠宝:在一个浅玻璃杯或一只碗里倒入1/4杯伏特加,将珠宝放进去,浸泡5-10分钟,冲洗,晾干。
- 10. The balance scales held by the rider to measure out the grain, and the very high price of the grain seem to indicate scarcity of food.
- 骑士手上拿的天秤是来衡量价值的,而食物出奇的贵代表了食物的短缺。
- 11. A hoary old man upon a mow-white horse shall divert the River Periron, and above the stream he will measure out a mill with his white rod.
- 一位头发灰白的老人在干草堆之上——白色的马会转移到佩里安河,他会在溪水上端用白杆调节着磨坊。
- 12. Owe system the amounts adjusting a circuit carrying out calibration and comparison method on standard wave form , may measure out part discharging looking at in electric charge by JFD-301.
- 该系统通过JFD-301校准脉冲发生器对标准波形进行校准及比较法,可测量出局部放电的视在电荷量。
- 13. As Venus was closer to the Earth, its parallax angle would be larger, and Halley worked out that by using Venus it would be possible to measure the Suns distance to 1 part in 500.
- 由于金星离地球更近,所以它的视差角会更大。哈雷计算出,利用金星可以测量出太阳与地球之间的距离,误差为五百分之一。
- 14. They will usually send a salesperson out to measure your bathroom.
- 他们通常会派一名推销员去测量你的浴室。
- 15. You measure yourself, enter measurements and the computer will print out the pattern.
- 你量一量自己,输入量得的数据,然后电脑就会将样式打印出来。
- 16. So in other words, by defining that reference state, we can then figure out or measure heats of formation of a vast number of compounds.
- 对于任何其他的,化合物也是一样,所以换句话讲,定义了这个参考状态,我们就能算出或测量许多。
- 17. These levies are not, however, spelled out in the measure that passed this week.
- 不过,这些征税额在本周通过的措施中并未祥加阐述。
- 18. Robin Brooks, an economist at Goldman Sachs, has worked out a measure of net capital inflows from figures on countries’ foreign reserves and current-account balances.
- 高盛经济学家罗宾.布鲁克斯研究出了通过一个国家的外汇储备和经常项目收支的数据来衡量资本净流入的方法。
- 19. The men also don't measure a good night out in terms of how many pints of beer they drink - beer is just not thought of in that way.
- 男人也不根据他们喝多少品脱酒来衡量一个好的夜晚——不能用那种方式考虑酒。
- 20. Measure: Efferent coupling (fan-out per class).
- 度量:传出耦合(每个类的扇出(fan - out))。
- 21. So experimental, if you want to find out these rates, you can measure their equilibrium concentrations.
- 那么从实验的角度,如果你想找出这些速率,你可以测量它们的平衡浓度。
- 22. On the global measure, people start out at age 18 feeling pretty good about themselves, and then, apparently, life begins to throw curve balls.
- 根据全球范围的测验,人们从18岁开始对自己感觉告别好,然后很明显地,生活抛出了一个曲线球。
- 23. You can also measure scaling out by the maximum number of servers supported in the server farm.
- 您还可以通过服务器机群最多可支持的服务器数目来衡量向外扩展能力。
- 24. A way to find a class with too much responsibility is through the efferent coupling measure, also referred to as fan out complexity.
- 找到带有太多责任的类的一个方法就是通过传出耦合度量方法,亦指扇出复杂度。
- 25. And who first decided how we would measure everything? Find out below.
- 谁第一次决定我们应该怎样来度量一切?
- 26. China's export model, then, still consists in big measure of renting out cheap Labour and land to foreigners.
- 中国的出口模型,依然在很大程度上依赖廉价出租劳动力和土地给外国人。
- 27. Number of users that can be maximally supported after you add servers to support the application through a server farm, to measure the scaling out ability of the application.
- 在通过服务器机群增加支持应用程序的服务器后最多可支持的用户数,可以衡量应用程序的向外扩展能力。
- 28. Number of users that can be maximally supported after you add servers to support the application through a server farm, to measure the scaling out ability of the application.
- 在通过服务器机群增加支持应用程序的服务器后最多可支持的用户数,可以衡量应用程序的向外扩展能力。
- He was pacing out the open course.
他在以步子量出开阔地的长度。 - He paced the distance out from the school to the bus station.
用作及物动词 (vt.)
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