- n. 沉思者;冥想者;策划者
- 1. The meditator who realises this also realises death and birth.
- 了悟这些的行者也了悟死与生。
- 2. And remember, you don't have to become an expert or obsessive meditator.
- 但要记住,你不必成为一个冥想专家,也不必过度痴迷于冥想。
- 3. When a meditator has gained deep concentration of mind, his mind is purified.
- 当修行者获得较深的定力时,他的心变得清净。
- 4. Whether you are a musician, businessman, or meditator, we have the gong for you.
- 不论你是音乐家,商人或冥想者,我们有龚你。
- 5. Maybe you are a beginner and have never meditated before. Or maybe you are an experienced meditator.
- 也许你是初学者,以前从未坐过禅;或者你经常坐禅。
- 6. The meditator may do this by intending changes to come about, by employing the following four steps.
- 禅修者可以做这个步骤打算改变以下四个到来,由用人。
- 7. Any movement breaks the continuity of the practice and this causes the meditator to start all over again.
- 因为任何的移动会打断持续的专注力,而使得禅修者必须重新开始。
- 8. At that time, the meditator will generally experience many different painful feelings arising in his body.
- 这时候,禅者通常会经历很多不同的苦受,它们不断在身中生起。
- 9. In fact we have now precisely a way to know when the Kundalini is rising or when it is in a risen state, in any Meditator.
- 事实上,我们现在恰恰有途径知道在任何冥想者,昆达·里尼正在上升或在一个上升的状态。
- 10. Sit around doing nothing for a couple years, and you can call yourself an experienced meditator, philosopher, or politician.
- 什么事也不去做就光坐个几年光景,你就可以自称为有经验的冥想者、哲学家或政客。
- 11. With this direct experience of truth in its entirety, the meditator witnesses the Second Noble Truth: the cause of suffering.
- 有了对此全面真相的直接体验,禅修者体证第二圣谛:集谛(苦因)。
- 12. Vipassana meditator should nurture awareness and equality mind as well so as to make an improvement in practicing meditation.
- 内观者必须同时培养觉知与平等心,才能在修行的正道上向前迈进。
- 13. Therefore, during the very act of noticing, the meditator will also come to understand: "These formations are indeed fearful."
- 所以,禅者在观照的当下也会明了:“这些行法确实是可怖畏的。”
- 14. Now the meditator will give primary importance not to the sensory object, but to its manifestation within the mental-physical structure.
- 此时,禅修者首要关注的不是感官对象本身,而是它在身心结构内的显现。
- 15. Then, as Dudjom Rinpoche used to say: "Even though the meditator may leave the meditation, the meditation will not leave the meditator."
- 然后,就象敦珠仁波切所说的:“即使禅修者,也要脱离禅修;而禅修永不脱离禅修者。”
- 16. If you seek to be a yoga meditator and use yoga as a means for the discovery of higher consciousness, you must first examine your own qualities.
- 如果你想成为一名瑜伽冥想者,通过瑜伽去发现更高层次的意识状态,你必须首先检查一下你自己的品质。
- 17. You think now you're known as a meditator, so you should proceed in a special way to become a full-fledged meditator. That is the wrong attitude.
- 你觉得现在你被称为禅修者,所以你应该继续以特殊的方式,全然地成为一位禅修者。这是错误的心态。
- 18. And to find out, to understand what the meditator is about, is far more necessary, far more important than to say 'Please teach me how to meditate'.
- 那么去发现,去理解冥想者是关于什么的,比说“请教我如何冥想”,要必要的多,重要的多。
- 19. Similarly, by experience the meditator realizes that whenever a pleasant sensation occurs within the mental-physical structure, one reacts with craving.
- 同样,透过体验,禅修者了知每当身心架构内生起愉悦感受,人的反应就是贪爱。
- 20. Even more importantly, the meditator gains greater awareness of their own patterns of feeling and thought, as well as the Intentions which underlie them.
- 更重要的是,禅修收益的认识,感受他们对自己的模式和思想,以及他们所依据的意图。
- 21. The "I Ching' itself can be read as a manual describing the course of the 'chi' in meditation and as a guide to the temptations and goals of the meditator."
- 《易经》本身也可以做为描绘冥想中“极“的运动过程的手册来读,并且可以引导冥想者有想象的空间。
- 22. On noticing the respective painful feeling repeatedly, twice, thrice or more, the meditator will see that it gradually grows less, and at last ceases entirely.
- 对每一苦受观照,两次、三次或者更多次,禅者会看到它逐渐变弱并最终彻底灭去。
- 23. As the meditator becomes increasingly aware of their own inner state of being through meditation, they are also enabled to take greater notice of their psychic environment.
- 由于禅修变得越来越自己通过冥想意识到存在的内在状态,也使他们更多地考虑他们的心理环境的通知。
- 24. When this "purification (of insight) by overcoming doubt" has reached maturity, the meditator will discern distinctly the initial, middle, and final phases of any object noticed by him.
- 当缘摄受智成熟的时候,禅者能清楚地看到他所观照的任何所缘的初、中、后阶段。
- 25. Once the meditator achieves a strong and powerful concentration, his mind is ready to penetrate and see into the ultimate nature of reality, eventually obtaining release from all suffering.
- 一旦一个冥想者达到了一种强而有力的集中,他的思想已经看穿和看见最终的真实本性,最后会从所有苦楚中得到释放。
- 26. The meditator is taught to appreciate the lack of disturbance as a positive accomplishment, and to see any remaining disturbance created by the mind, however subtle, as a problem to be solved.
- 禅修者要学会把无扰动当作正面的成就加以欣赏,把剩下的由心造作的扰动,无论何等微妙,视为必须消解的问题。
- 27. It is important that the meditator understands the difference between "concept" and "ultimate realities," because it is the direction which he will have to lead his mind-from concepts to realities.
- 理解概念法(concept)和究竟真实法(ultimate realities)的差别,对禅修者很重要,因为从概念法到究竟法,这是禅修者必须引导自心所走的方向。
- 28. It is important that the meditator understands the difference between "concept" and "ultimate realities," because it is the direction which he will have to lead his mind-from concepts to realities.
- 理解概念法(concept)和究竟真实法(ultimate realities)的差别,对禅修者很重要,因为从概念法到究竟法,这是禅修者必须引导自心所走的方向。
- If enough energy is available, and conditions are right, the meditator can project that particular subtle body directly into its natural dimension.
如可获得足够的能量,条件适宜,冥想者可以将特定的微细身体直接投射至它的自然的维度。 - In some types of meditation, the meditator learns to observe the rising and falling of thoughts and emotions as they spontaneously occur.
用作名词 (n.)
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