memorable years
- 难忘的岁月
- 1. One of his most memorable years was in 1999, when he helped United win the Treble.
- 最难忘的一年是1999年,那年他帮助曼联成就三冠王伟业。
- 2. Kai calendar lift dust-laden, memorable years has gone, life in the deep to talk to you: to write their own life without any regrets.
- 掀启尘封的日历,回味已经逝去的岁月,生命在深沉地向你倾诉:给自己的人生写上无悔。
- 3. That memorable song is the first track on the "10 Years of Hits" CD.
- 这首值得纪念的歌曲是“十年精选”CD的第一首曲目。
- 4. With over 10 years of experience in the photographic industry, they both have a passion for shooting memorable &striking images using the highest quality professional Nikon cameras and lenses.
- 在摄影行业浸淫十年以上,他们都十分钟爱用最高画质的专业尼康相机和镜头拍摄值得纪念和震撼人心的图片。
- 5. After three years of university life recall, this is absolutely memorable.
- 三年之后回顾大学生活,这绝对是值得回味的。
- 6. Ten years of life and death two boundless, do not consider, since the memorable, thousands of lonely grave, nowhere words desolate.
- 十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘,千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。
- 7. I'm happy to have contributed to it over 18 years, to write parts of this history, to write fantastic, memorable pages which I'll keep in my heart forever.
- 我很高兴作出了超过18年的贡献,书写这段历史的一个部分,书写奇妙的,令人难忘的一页,我将永远在我的珍藏在我心中。
- 8. I got through memorable college time, known a lot of close schoolmates, I grown up in every respect in the four years of college time.
- 我度过了难忘的大学时光,结识了一群要好的同学,四年的时光是自己在各方面都成熟了许多。
- 9. Here are some of the most memorable - and surprising - moments from the last 30 years.
- 以下是过去30年里部分最难忘的“意外”时刻。
- 10. He said the three years in Fuyong Middle School was the most memorable moment in his life.
- 他表示,在福中的三年是人生中最难忘的时光。
- 11. Nearly four years have passed since that memorable day at the Millennium Stadium and Van Persie can understand the Arsenal fans' frustration.
- 从千年球场那个值得纪念的日子至今已经四年了,范佩西能够理解球迷们的不满。
- 12. Time flies blink of an eye, passed six years of primary school life, my classmates and I experienced the ups and downs together, that period of sincere feelings, I really miss good memorable.
- 时光飞逝,转眼间,六年的小学生活过去了,我和同学们一起经历了风风雨雨,那段真挚的感情,让我好怀念,好难忘。
- 13. It was a memorable trip, long before the dramatic improvements in transportation infrastructure which have taken place during the past ten years.
- 那是一次难忘的旅行,时间远在交通设施得到重大改善之前(这是近10年来的事儿了)。
- 14. Something that last happened millions upon millions of years ago happens again. Though it's not as memorable as last time.
- 上一次发生在数百万年前的某事将再发生。虽然这次不会像上次一样被记得。
- 15. While this was a memorable experience, it was what happened on the bus ride home that affected the rest of my high-school years.
- 这是一段难忘的经历,回来时在校车上发生的事影响了我后来几年的中学生活。
- 16. Childhood years, I have many memorable things, which I am the most memorable thing is the beer.
- 童年里,令我有许多难忘的事情,其中我最难忘的一件事是偷喝啤酒了。
- 17. It was indeed memorable days to play with you. I also want to thank "Yao's team" (Yao Ming's business planning team) for all you have done for me over the years and I will never forget it.
- 当然感谢管理层姚之队,感谢章明基、陆浩……以及现在还在台前台后忙碌的人们,他们多年来帮助我做很多事情,我不会忘记。
- 18. Years later, when I stood in the kitchen of my new house, thinking how I wanted to make my first Christmas there special and memorable, I instantly remembered the women's visit.
- 多年以后,当我站在我新家的厨房里,思考着我多么想让这里的第一个圣诞节过得既特别又值得回味,我立刻想起了那些女士们的来访。
- 19. One of the questions they asked was "What's the most memorable sound you have heard during the years you've lived in China."
- 他们问我的问题之一是:“您在中国生活了这么多年,最让您难忘的声音是什么?”
- 20. After nearly twenty years, Vernor Vinge has produced an enthralling sequel to his memorable bestselling novel a Fire Upon the Deep.
- 将近二十年之后,弗诺文奇为他值得铭记的畅销长篇小说《深渊上的火》创作了一部迷人的续集。
- 21. After nearly twenty years, Vernor Vinge has produced an enthralling sequel to his memorable bestselling novel a Fire Upon the Deep.
- 将近二十年之后,弗诺文奇为他值得铭记的畅销长篇小说《深渊上的火》创作了一部迷人的续集。
- I have a hazy memory of those early years.
对那些早先的岁月我有著朦胧的记忆。 - They like to look back on those unforgettable years in the army.
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