- adj. [语]换喻的;转喻的
using the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated;
"to say `he spent the evening reading Shakespeare' is metonymic because it substitutes the author himself for the author's works"
- 1. It must be metonymic — but wait! It is spoken by a voice.
- 它肯定是转喻的,但是等等,它是有声音的。
- 2. Metaphorical and metonymic sense extensions have their respective features.
- 隐喻和转喻意义扩展各有其特点。
- 3. The form of color words has a metonymic and metaphorical basis in cognition.
- 其中复合法和转化法的构词方式是以认知的隐喻和转喻为基础的。
- 4. The process of producing Chinese lexical abbreviations is a kind of metonymic mapping.
- 第三章将词语缩略的过程视为一种转喻映射过程。
- 5. Moreover, metaphorical and metonymic sense extensions have their respective mapping models.
- 此外,隐喻和转喻意义扩展还各有其映射模式。
- 6. From the perspective of metonymic principles, this paper analyzes the cognitive rules by wh...
- 本文从转喻认知原理出发,探讨了构式义与词汇义相互压制所应遵循的认知规律。
- 7. Condensation, in other words, is metaphorical in its nature, and displacement is metonymic in its nature.
- 换句话说,凝缩本质上是比喻,移置本质上是转喻。
- 8. As one basic grammatical phenomenon, noun-to-verb conversion reflects human being's metonymic mode of thinking.
- 名词“动用”是一种常见的语法现象,体现了人类基本的转喻思维模式。
- 9. The Idealized Cognitive Model (ICM) which contains stands-for relations is what we referred as metonymic models.
- 包含有替代关系的理想认知模型即被称为转喻模型。
- 10. This is a Contrastive study of metaphorical and metonymic expressions containing body part term nose in Chinese and English.
- 本文就英汉两种语言中对含有身体部位“鼻子”的语言表达进行了对比研究。
- 11. The cognitive mechanisms hidden behind the meaning extension, namely, the metaphorical and metonymic thinking, are intend to explore.
- 试图对隐藏于词义扩展背后的认知机制——隐喻和转喻思维进行探究。
- 12. This paper shows that indirect speech act is metonymic by nature within the framework of speech act Scenario and Event Cognitive Model.
- 文章在“言语行为场景”和“事件域认知模型”理论框架内阐述间接言语行为的转喻性质。
- 13. There are four cognitive models of categorization: propositional model, image-schematic model, metaphoric model and metonymic model respectively.
- 范畴化的认知模型可归结为:命题模型、意象图式模型、隐喻模型以及转喻模型。
- 14. We hold that conversion, as a language phenomenon existing both in English and Chinese, is the reflection of people's metonymic mode of thinking.
- 本文认为,词类转换作为英、汉语中普遍存在的语言现象,是人们转喻思维过程的一种体现。
- 15. This paper, explores the metonymic function of ad hoc conceptual structures, extending the international forefront researches on metonymy into a new domain.
- 本文在借代的国际前沿性认知研究的基础上,从一个新的领域来分析特别概念结构的借代功能。
- 16. The paper first sums up the meanings of the words — "the eye" and "the heart" according to the dictionary and makes the metaphoric and metonymic analysis of them.
- 本文首先整理出两种语言中“眼睛”和“心”在辞典中的词义,并对其进行隐喻和转喻的分析。
- 17. The thesis holds that noun-verb conversion, as a language phenomenon existing both in English and Chinese, is the reflection of people's metonymic mode of thinking.
- 本文认为作为在英汉中广泛存在的语言现象,名动互转是人类认知上的转喻思维模式的体现。
- 18. They also demonstrate that much of pragmatic inferencing is metonymic in nature and believed that indirect speech ACTS can be described in terms of metonymic models.
- 他们的研究表明,大多数的语用推理本质上都是借代,因此间接言语行为可以用借代模型来描述。
- 19. This is a world understood from a metonymic point of view as that which lacks organicity, and yet at the same time the whole point of the story is thematically metaphoric.
- 这个世界要从转喻的角度来理解,因为世界没有组织性,而且同时,整个故事的主旨就是比喻性的。
- 20. The cognitive linguists define metonymy as a mental reflection and as metonymic language is an important thinking mode of human beings, it can be applied to interpreting anaphora in texts.
- 而认知语言学家认为转喻是一种心理映现,是人类一种重要的思维方式,因此我们就可以依靠其来分析语篇中的回指现象。
- 21. Filling in the narrative gap creates abundant opportunities for the reader to interpret the fiction and form their own fictional world on the basis of their metonymic thinking and reasoning.
- 而转喻不仅能够对其进行弥补,并且能为读者提供更多的机会想象和形成自己的小说虚构世界。
- 22. To sum up, the sense formation and extension of the spatial preposition is motivated by the image schema, which also provides the root and prime power for metonymic and metaphorical extensions.
- 简言之,空间介词义项的形成和扩展以意象图式为源泉,意象图式为转喻和隐喻提供了基础和原动力。
- 23. The interpretation of nominal tautology can be based on some concepts and theories in psychology and cognition, of which the most important are metonymic mapping, categorization and space mappings.
- 表示人或事物以及时间、方位等的词。多数汉语名词有同数词、量词组合的功能,而一般不同副词组合,在句子中主要充当主语、宾语、定语。
- 24. The metonymic expressions are used to encourage amore extensive exploration of context and make more complex and moreprecise assumptions with regard to the actual situation and the state of af-fairs.
- 然而,与隐喻相比,学者们对转喻的探索维度、深度及所取得的实际成果要少很多,这说明转喻研究还未得到充分重视,存在继续研究的必要性;
- 25. This paper, based upon Cognitive Linguistics?notion of scenario, attempts to demonstrate that the metonymic relations between components of scenario and the whole scenario or its CORE constitute conc.
- 本文以认知语言学中的事态场境为基础,指出事态场境组成部分与整个事态场境或场境核心之间的转喻关系是会话人进行语用推理的概念图式。
- 26. This paper, based upon Cognitive Linguistics?notion of scenario, attempts to demonstrate that the metonymic relations between components of scenario and the whole scenario or its CORE constitute conc.
- 本文以认知语言学中的事态场境为基础,指出事态场境组成部分与整个事态场境或场境核心之间的转喻关系是会话人进行语用推理的概念图式。
- metonymical [语]换喻的
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