- 1. Results Microanatomy in the occipital and cervical joint region were complicated.
- 结果枕颈交界区显微解剖结构复杂。
- 2. Objective to provide the microanatomy of sellar region for the clinical neurosurgery.
- 目的为临床神经外科提供鞍区显微解剖和解剖参数。
- 3. Objective to provide the microanatomy for surgical operation in the region of the insula.
- 目的为大脑岛叶区域的手术操作提供显微解剖参数。
- 4. Most importantly this work opens the way to a much clearer understanding of the microanatomy of the disc wall.
- 本研究最重要的是开创了进一步明确椎间盘组织学结构的先河。
- 5. The microanatomy changes can characterize with cellular granulocytes in the bronchiole and lung-bubble cavities.
- 组织学变化以细支气管腔和肺泡腔内细胞浸润为特征;
- 6. Objective to study the microanatomy of the anastomotic veins of superficial cerebral veins and discuss its clinical application.
- 目的探讨大脑浅静脉吻合静脉的显微解剖及其临床应用。
- 7. Objective:To provide microanatomy data for treatment of carotid-cavernous sinus fistulas using a superior ophthalmic vein approach.
- 目的:为经眼上静脉行海绵窦动静脉瘘栓塞提供显微解剖学依据。
- 8. Objective to study the detailed microanatomy of endoscope assisted glabellar nasial keyhole approach (GNKA), preparing for its clinical application.
- 目的研究内镜辅助眉间鼻根锁孔入路(GNKA)的显微解剖和显露范围,为临床应用作准备。
- 9. Objective to study the new concept of the microanatomy of cavernous sinus region and provide the detailed anatomical parameters for its operative approach.
- 目的探讨海绵窦区解剖学新概念,为海绵窦区手术提供详实的解剖学依据。
- 10. Objective to study the microanatomy of endoscope-assisted pterional keyhole approach with a skin incision of lateral eyebrow, and explore its useful value in clinics.
- 目的进行内镜辅助下眉外侧锁孔入路的显微解剖学研究,探讨其临床应用价值。
- 11. Results The knowledge of the microanatomy in sellar region and the separated techniques of sylvian cistern were basically understood by studying microscopically in the cases.
- 结果通过对高血压性脑出血、慢性硬膜下积液病人的鞍区显微手术实践,基本掌握了侧裂分离技术和鞍区的解剖知识。
- 12. Objective To investigate the feasibility of neuronavigation in study of the skull base anatomy so as to discuss the application of neuronavigation on microanatomy measurement.
- 目的将神经导航测量理念融入颅底解剖学研究中,探讨神经导航在颅底结构测量中应用的可行性。
- 13. Objective:To provide an optimal secure method for procedure of sympathectomy through observing microanatomy of the upper thoracic sympathetic trunk and its adjacent structures.
- 目的:探索胸交感干及其周围的显微解剖,为交感干切断术提供解剖学依据。
- 14. Objective to study the microanatomy of facial nerve related to acoustic neuromas so as to provide the anatomic data and the techniques of intraoperative protection of facial nerve for surgery.
- 目的探讨听神经瘤涉及的面神经段的显微解剖,为听神经瘤手术提供解剖学数据。
- 15. Objective To study the microanatomy of trigeminal ganglion region and clinical value of robot CAS-R-2 assisted system in percutaneous controlled radiofrequency rhizomy for trigeminal neuralgia.
- 目的为临床提供三叉神经节穿刺术的应用解剖学资料,探讨机器人导航下卵圆孔定位在三叉神经节热凝术中的临床应用价值。
- 16. Conclusions To be familiar with the microanatomy of the cerebellopontine angle and structures in it is important to save the function of cranial nerves VII and VIII in the acoustic neuronal operation.
- 结论:熟悉桥小脑区的解剖结构,掌握小脑前下动脉等重要结构的解剖特点有助于在切除听神经瘤的手术中保护面听神经的正常功能。
- 17. Conclusions To be familiar with the microanatomy of the cerebellopontine angle and structures in it is important to save the function of cranial nerves VII and VIII in the acoustic neuronal operation.
- 结论:熟悉桥小脑区的解剖结构,掌握小脑前下动脉等重要结构的解剖特点有助于在切除听神经瘤的手术中保护面听神经的正常功能。
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