military order
- 军事秩序; 军事命令
- 1. But a spokesman for the Military Order of the Purple Heart organization, John Bircher, was not amused.
- 但是紫心勋章组织的发言人伯彻却不觉得好笑。
- 2. The document also describes a secret meeting in London in April 2002 to reconstitute the Knights Templar, a Crusader military order.
- 宣言还记录2002年4月在伦敦举行过一场秘密会议,旨在重建一个十字军时代的军代勋爵士团——圣殿骑士。
- 3. They have a military order and get rewarded for their evil actions, which include Satanism, and symbols and yellow-orange-black colors.
- 他们有一个军令状,奖赏他们的邪恶行动,其中包括黄橙黑颜色的撒旦符号。
- 4. One says the Knights Templar, a medieval military order that persisted for more than 200 years, took it from Jerusalem during the Crusades.
- 有人说是圣殿骑士(一个持续了200多年的中世纪的骑士修道组织)在十字军东征时在耶路撒冷取走了它。
- 5. Because of the particularity in battlefield environment, environmental noise is a main obstruction in the military order recognition technology.
- 由于战场使用环境的特殊性,环境噪声成为军事命令语音识别技术实用化的一个主要障碍。
- 6. Therefore, the proposed algorithm can be used to solve the security issues in commercial communications, confidential telephone and military order transmission.
- 综上,本文中的算法可用于解决商业通信、保密电话、军事指令发布中存在的安全问题。
- 7. The original forced conversion of pagan Livonia, what is now the Baltic states of Latvia and Estonia, was carried out by a military order known as the Brethren of the Sword.
- 在一个被称为“剑之兄弟”的军事头领的领导之下,最初以武力使那些信奉异教的立沃尼亚人(分布在现在波罗的海沿岸的拉脱维亚和爱沙尼亚)皈依了基督教。
- 8. The commonly expected order of military revival followed by economic and then by cultural recovery was reversed in Byzantium.
- 拜占庭推翻了人们普遍预测的军事复兴紧随着的经济和文化复兴的顺序。
- 9. After the riots, the military was brought in to restore law and order.
- 暴乱以后,军队出动来恢复治安。
- 10. All of this entailed tremendous risk, because France did not have the military resources to control this much territory and still protect itself and maintain order at home.
- 所有这些行动包含着巨大的风险,因为法国并不具备足够的军事资源,来控制这么多地盘,同时又能保护自己,维持国内的秩序。
- 11. Obama though excited was not yet prepared to order military action.
- 尽管激动,奥巴马并没有准备命令采取军事行动。
- 12. Military experts reckoned that it would take at least 20,000 troops to impose order on central Somalia.
- 军事专家认为,在索马里中部维持秩序至少需要20000名维和士兵。
- 13. Military experts reckoned that it would take at least 20, 000 troops to impose order on central Somalia.
- 军事专家认为,在索马里中部维持秩序至少需要20000名维和士兵。
- 14. We are deploying military force in association with our allies in order to achieve clear but limited goals.
- 为了完成清晰而又有限的目标,我们正在与我们的欧洲同盟一道部署军事力量。
- 15. Little of the cash promised to build such things as joint military units, bringing together the forces of north and south in order to build confidence between the two sides, has materialised.
- 诸如为了联合那些来自南北双方的军事单位而建立两方信任这类的援助资金,只有相当少一部分实现了。
- 16. The indictment alleged Jordan concealed her mother's death in order to receive both her U.S. Social Security benefits and her military survivor's benefit.
- 据起诉书称,乔丹隐瞒其母死讯以骗取她的社保和军人遗属抚恤金。
- 17. It is outrageous of you to suggest that I jeopardize the neutrality of the International Fleet in order to take control of children who have completed their military service with the IF.
- 你建议我侵犯国际舰队的中立以控制那些曾在IF效力的孩子,这令人不能容忍。
- 18. The report says the order would also allow for reconnaissance that could assist military strikes in Iran if tensions over its nuclear program were to escalate.
- 报导说,这项命令还允许进行侦察行动,一旦因伊朗核项目的紧张局势升级,能协助在伊朗的军事打击。
- 19. Thee liberal international order has rested not simply on economic vitality and military strength.
- 自由的国际秩序不仅依仗于经济活力和军事实力。
- 20. Israeli jet fighters have reportedly conducted drills at a military base in Iraq in order to strike targets inside Iran.
- 据报以色列战机已在伊拉克的一个军事基地进行演习,以图攻击伊朗境内的目标。
- 21. When a Yankees cavalry threat to their lives, in order to protect the mother's things and hard-won food, Scarlett woman in this serious military training actually shot and killed a man calmly opened.
- 当一个北方佬骑兵威胁到她们的生活时,为了保护母亲的东西和辛苦得来的食物,斯嘉丽这个手无缚鸡之力的女子居然冷静地开枪杀了人。
- 22. Many countries in order to demonstrate its technological and military strength, frequently launching all kinds of spacecraft, satellites.
- 许多国家为了显示其科技和军事实力,频繁地发射各种飞船、卫星。
- 23. Location is very important, in order to compete for military history, business must pass through.
- 地理位置十分重要,为历代兵家必争、商旅必经之地。
- 24. Then the original is very empty dormitories clean up, after military training in order to get tired, they can lie on the ground.
- 接着把原本就很空的宿舍收拾干净,为了以后军训累了就可以直接躺在地上。
- 25. Then the original is very empty dormitories clean up, after military training in order to get tired, they can lie on the ground.
- 接着把原本就很空的宿舍收拾干净,为了以后军训累了就可以直接躺在地上。
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