mineral acid
- 矿物酸,无机酸
- 1. The metal ion and the anion of the mineral acid form an insoluble salt.
- 金属离子和无机酸的阴离子生成一种难溶的盐。
- 2. The metal ion and the an ion of the mineral acid form an insoluble salt.
- 金属离子和无机酸的阴离子生成一种难溶的盐。
- 3. Chemistry 4 Mineral acid cleaning and passivation can be performed for iron oxide removal or passivation.
- 化学作用4:可进行无机酸清洁和钝化以去除或钝化氧化铁。
- 4. After the coal is ground into a powder, a weak mineral acid is added to extract stabilizing additives from the coal.
- 在将煤研磨成粉末后,加入弱无机酸,以从煤中萃取稳定性添加剂。
- 5. Formic acid is an effective and environmentally benign alternative. Unlike mineral acids, formic acid leaves no inorganic residues.
- 甲酸是一种良好的有效的替代品,不像无机酸那样,甲酸不会留下无机物。
- 6. Wool is attacked by hot sulphuric acid and decomposes completely. It is generally resistant to most other mineral acids of all strengths.
- 羊毛会受到浓硫酸的侵袭并完全分解。羊毛一般能抵御多数其它不同浓度的无机酸。
- 7. Because the salt components of the influent stream do not diffuse into the resin phase, the mineral acid can thereby be separated from its salt.
- 因为进水流盐组件不扩散到树脂阶段,无机酸,从而能够离开它地盐。
- 8. Faults: no acid especially not resistant to mineral acid, not ultraviolet radiation resistant, no self-extinguishing RTV silicone compound, not near fire.
- 缺点:不耐酸尤其不耐矿物酸,不耐紫外线,无自熄性,不能近火。
- 9. The results showed that the methods of iodine-iodide kalium, TTC or modified TTC, FDA, mineral acid were not able to detect the pollen viability of chrysanthemum.
- 结果表明:碘-碘化钾法、TTC法及改进TTC法、无机酸法和荧光染色法都不适合菊属植物花粉生活力的检测;
- 10. The present invention relates to a method of preparing a composition comprising mixing a silica sol having an S-value from about 5 to about 50% and a mineral acid.
- 本发明涉及制备组合物的方法,该方法包括将S值为约5%至约 50%的硅溶胶与无机酸混合。
- 11. In this paper, the technology conditions of recovering ethanol and diisopropylamine from pharmaceutical waste were studied using mineral acid, alkali neutralization and rectification.
- 采用加入无机酸、碱中和以及精馏技术,考察了从制药废液中分离乙醇和二异丙胺的工艺条件。
- 12. Zoledronic acid was also associated with a significant improvement in bone mineral density and bone metabolism markers.
- 唑来膦酸注射也伴随着骨矿物质密度和骨新陈代谢标志物的显著改善。
- 13. Through various analyses and tests on pyrite cinder in Suzhou Sulphuric Acid Plant, its character of technological mineral has been found out.
- 通过对苏州硫酸厂黄铁矿烧渣进行了多种分析测试,查明了黄铁矿烧渣的工艺矿物特征。
- 14. Mineral phosphate precipitation is often recognized to limit the availability of phosphorus in acid soils of tropical and subtropical forests.
- 热带和亚热带酸性土壤磷矿物的沉淀通常被认为会限制土壤有效磷的供应。
- 15. Jarosite is a major secondary mineral formed in acid supergene environment by oxidation of metal sulphide.
- 黄钾铁矾是金属硫化物在酸性条件下氧化形成的主要次生矿物。
- 16. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and mineral oils are a solubility, can make the oil viscosity is reduced, if there is water, it produces corrosive carbonic acid.
- 二氧化碳及一氧化碳均与矿物油有互溶性,会使油的粘度降低,如果有水,还会产生腐蚀性碳酸。
- 17. This is possible if the microbes or bacteria act very specifically (for example, producing acid) in key locations to help break apart the mineral structure.
- 如果微生物或细菌活动非常特别(比如产生酸)在重要位置帮助分解矿物结构,这一点是完全可能的。
- 18. Organo mineral compound fertilizers are digested with sulfuric acid hydrogen peroxide and nitric acid perchloric acid respectively and then their total potassium content is determined.
- 用硫酸—过氧化氢和硝酸—高氯酸分别对有机—无机复混肥料进行消化处理,然后进行总钾含量的测定。
- 19. High temperature performance of acid lining of the induction crucible furnace mainly depends on the physical and chemical properties and mineral composition of used refractory.
- 坩埚式感应炉酸性炉衬的高温性能,主要取决于所用耐火材料的物理、化学性能及矿物组成。
- 20. But it is easy to aging in the air, the heat variable viscosity, easy expansion in mineral oil or gasoline and dissolved, but not resistant to acid alkali.
- 但在空气中易老化,遇热变黏,在矿物油或汽油中易膨胀和溶解,耐碱但不耐强酸。
- 21. Geology body (Rock and Mineral) is a indispensable study target of acid sensitivity.
- 地质体(岩石、矿物)为酸雨敏感性研究不可或缺的组成部分。
- 22. The results show that the distribution of labile and moderately labile pool in organo-mineral complexes of different soils is related to the contents of nucleic acid-P and inositol-P.
- 不同土壤有机矿质复合体中活性磷和中等活性磷的分布,与有机磷化合物中的核酸磷和肌醇磷的含量有关。
- 23. According to laboratory testing, strontium and metasilicic acid content are measured up to natural drinking mineral water standard and have higher exploitability and utilization prospect.
- 经检测,龙门温热水中锶及偏硅酸含量都达到了天然饮用矿泉水标准,具有较高的开发价值于利用前景。
- 24. These sulfate minerals have been used as a new type of acid resource for wet smelting of copper, showing great advantages in mineral beneficiation and environmental protection.
- 该类硫酸盐矿物已作为新型资源直接制酸用于湿法炼铜,具有选矿和环保上的巨大优势。
- 25. The effects of major nutrients including protein, amino acid, saccharide, fat, mineral and vitamin on the immunity and health status in early-weaned piglets were reviewed.
- 本文阐述了饲料中主要营养物质(蛋白质、氨基酸、糖类、脂肪、矿物质和维生素)对早期断奶仔猪免疫功能和健康的影响。
- 26. It's full of mineral and many kinds of human body's essential amino acid, vitamins, microelements and LBP.
- 使其富含矿物质和多种人体必需的氨基酸、维生素和微量元素及枸杞多糖。
- 27. Since it was discovered in the 19th century, few attention has been paid on the adsorption mechanism of heavy metal ions to the mineral and kinetics of acid-dissolution of palygorskite.
- 凹凸棒石是一种链层状镁铝硅酸盐矿物,早在19世纪就已被发现,但是至今该矿物在重金属离子吸附机理和纯凹凸棒石酸溶动力学方面的研究仍较少。
- 28. The Dead Sea mineral improves the skin cells metabolism relieves muscle cramps and stiffness. Protects body against fluid loss and balances acid-alkali levels.
- 钠>死海矿物改善皮肤细胞新陈代谢、舒缓肌肉痉挛和僵硬。保护身体对液体流失和平衡酸碱度。
- 29. Main Ingredients: colostrum, lactobacillus, soybean lecithin, albumen powder, taurine, folic acid, immune-enhancing substance, comprehensive vitamin, comprehensive nutriment, and mineral substance.
- 主要成份:牛初乳,乳酸菌,大豆卵磷脂,蛋白粉,牛磺酸,叶酸,免疫增强素,综合营养素,综合维生素,矿物质。
- 30. Main Ingredients: colostrum, lactobacillus, soybean lecithin, albumen powder, taurine, folic acid, immune-enhancing substance, comprehensive vitamin, comprehensive nutriment, and mineral substance.
- 主要成份:牛初乳,乳酸菌,大豆卵磷脂,蛋白粉,牛磺酸,叶酸,免疫增强素,综合营养素,综合维生素,矿物质。
- It has high anti-corrosion for inorganic acid, organic acid and organic solvent except the hydrofluoric acid.
它具有较高的抗腐蚀性能,为无机酸,有机酸及有机溶剂除氢氟酸。 - Isoamyl propionate was synthesized by using solid iron system super strong acid as catalyzer instead of inorganic acid in present research.
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