mineral deposit
- 矿床
- 1. The mineral deposit in the area is rich in gems.
- 这一带的矿体,宝石蕴藏量很丰富。
- 2. Rocks underwent strongly shearing deformation. The mineral deposit type belongs...
- 矿区内岩石剪切变形明显,矿床类型为沉积改造型。
- 3. The choice of mineral deposit development program is of importance to the underground exploitation.
- 矿床开拓方案的选择对地下矿床开采具有特别重要的意义。
- 4. Development and utilization of selenium products and the selenium mineral deposit have a bright future.
- 硒产品和硒矿床的开发利用前景广阔。
- 5. The mineral deposit model is one of the focal points in the study of mineral deposit at the present time.
- 当今矿床学研究中的热点问题之一是矿床模型研究。
- 6. Two heavy fracture that tectonic movement form control this district exhibition cloth form of mineral deposit.
- 两次大的构造运动形成的断裂控制了本区矿床的展布形式。
- 7. This site offers a data collection with descriptions of the mineral deposit types that can be found in the Cordillera .
- 该网站提供了一个科迪勒拉山系的矿藏类型的数据集合。
- 8. The geologic image model of the mineral deposit is annular fault block controlled by northeast and northwest structures.
- 其矿床遥感地质影像模式为:受控于北东向和北西向断裂构造交切所夹的环形断块。
- 9. The regional geological characteristics and mineral deposit geology of theHuajian gold deposit are described in this paper.
- 本文概述了华尖金矿的一床地质特征。
- 10. Physical exploration, the phase that follows, involves determining the extent, shape, and probable value of the mineral deposit.
- 随后的物理勘探就是为了测定矿床的范围、形状及概值。
- 11. A conical mineral deposit, usually calcite or aragonite, built up on the floor of a cavern, formed from the dripping of mineral-rich water.
- 一种锥状矿物沉积,通常为钙或霰石,由含矿物丰富的水下滴而在洞穴的地上形成。
- 12. So this text reconnoitre to general geochemistry characteristic of mineral deposit its geochemistry characteristic go on the deep discussion.
- 因此,本文对其矿床的一般地球化学特征和勘查地球化学特征进行了深入的讨论。
- 13. Grey system models have been used in many problems of hydrogeology, engineering geology, environmental geology and mineral deposit predictions.
- 灰色系统理论在水文地质、工程地质、环境地质和矿床预测的很多问题中得到应用。
- 14. Analyzing mechanism of formation and component features of alteration and mineralization of clay mineral deposit, sum up indicator of effective.
- 分析了区内高岭土矿形成机理及蚀变矿化组分特点,总结了有效的找矿标志。
- 15. Mineral deposit controlled by north and south faulted structure, mineral body exist in faulted structure with lenticular style, vein style and sprouted style.
- 矿床受近南北向断裂构造控制,矿体以脉状、透镜状、豆芽状赋存于这些断裂破碎带中。
- 16. To solve the problems arising from ore prospecting and prediction, mineral deposit has been redefined based on a probing study of its essential characteristics.
- 根据找矿预测中发现的问题,从探索矿床的本质特征入手,重新定义了矿床。
- 17. The technical mining conditions of mineral deposit of Baofengshan Lead-Zinc Mine are stated in detail, some problems in application of shorthole shrinkage stoping introduced.
- 详述了宝丰山铅锌矿的矿床开采技术条件,介绍了浅孔留矿法在应用中存在的问题。
- 18. Mineral deposit model of Jiaojia gold belt is distribution of the deposits along the "one tectonic belt, two mineralized enrichment zone and three mineralized alteration zone".
- 焦家带金矿床构成了沿“一条构造带、二段矿化富集带、三层矿化蚀变带”产出的矿床模式。
- 19. The previous research data are used to analyze material source, formation mechanism and characteristics in mineral deposit of the gold mine of diabase in the west of Guangxi, southern China.
- 根据已有的研究资料,分析桂西辉绿岩型金矿的物质来源、形成机制及矿床特征。
- 20. The exploration geochemistry play a decisive role in discovering the ore guide of prospecting, ascertaining the genetic types of mineral deposit and evaluating the foreground of prospecting.
- 在发现找矿线索、确定成矿类型和评价找矿前景的过程中,勘查地球化学起了举足轻重的作用。
- 21. For the purpose of improving the efficiency and precision of the mineral reserves evaluation, it is essential to establish the Geological exploration and evaluation system of mineral deposit.
- 建立矿床地质勘查评价系统是提高矿床储量评价的工作效率和精度的必然要求。
- 22. The built models and calculation results had been applied to resource assessment, mining plan, and so on, which improved the quality of mineral deposit resource mining and the management level.
- 所建模型和计算结果已用于矿山资源评估、采矿计划编制及资源开采设计等工作,促进了矿床资源开采质量和管理水平的提高。
- 23. The intersection and infiltration of the correlation disciplines not only pour vitality into the theory of mineral deposit geology , but also derive some new disciplines such as metallogenic dynamics.
- 相关学科的交叉、渗透,不仅为矿床学理论注入了新的活力,也衍生出一些新的学科,如成矿作用动力学。
- 24. Sims says measurements of the grade, mineral matrix, and size of the ore deposit appear favorable to commercial extraction.
- 希姆斯说对矿品位、矿母及矿床大小的测量对商业提取显得十分有益。
- 25. A fault is essential for creating any deposit of gold, as mineral-rich fluids pumping through the fissure for eons gradually concentrate the ore there.
- 断层对于形成金子有着至关重要的作用。富含矿物质的水流在数亿年间不断冲刷裂缝,逐渐累积成了矿石。
- 26. High rates of evaporation deposit thick layers of salt minerals, such as common table salt and gypsum (a chalky mineral that is a major component of wallboard).
- 极高的蒸发率使厚实的盐矿逐渐沉积,包括食用盐和石膏层(一种白垩矿,是墙板壁的主要成分)。
- 27. Quartz in main silver carrier mineral of primary silver deposit.
- 石英是原生银矿床银的主要载体矿物。
- 28. There may be a halo, the mineral content of which usually decreases the further away it is from the core of the deposit.
- 可能有一个浸染晕,晕中矿物的含量一般随远离矿床核部而减小。
- 29. There may be a halo, the mineral content of which usually decreases the further away it is from the core of the deposit.
- 可能有一个浸染晕,晕中矿物的含量一般随远离矿床核部而减小。
- We have found a promising iron deposit.
我们已经发现了一个有开采价值的铁矿床。 - They proved up the copper deposit.
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