molar tooth
- 臼齿
- 1. CONCLUSION: Treatment of Carisolv on molar tooth caries can obviously decrease occurrence of dental fear.
- 结论:伢典治疗磨牙龋可大大减少牙科恐惧症的产生。
- 2. Objective: to study the histological characteristic change during the development of mouse molar tooth in vitro.
- 目的:观察体外培养的鼠磨牙牙胚发育过程的组织学变化。
- 3. A couple of days later near the same spot, fossil hunter Alemayehu Asfaw found a piece of a child's jaw with a first molar tooth.
- 几天以后,在该目击地的附近,化石猎手阿勒迈耶胡·阿斯范(AlemayehuAsfaw)有又发现了一片带有第一臼齿的儿童颌骨化石。
- 4. Ameloblastoma is usually locally invasive, bubbly mixed cystic and solid mass involving the posterior mandibular ramus associated with an unerupted 3rd molar tooth.
- 造釉细胞瘤通常有局部的侵蚀性,表现为多囊泡状改变和和实性的肿块,累及下颌支后部伴有未萌出的第三磨牙。
- 5. The developing bone trabeculae invaded the dental follicle and reached the molar tooth germs, provoking deformities in enamel surfaces. No root formation was observed.
- 发育中的骨小梁侵入牙囊接触到了牙胚导致釉质发育的障碍。
- 6. The tooth, a molar, is bigger than any modern human tooth and is even bigger than the biggest Neanderthal tooth.
- 这是一颗臼齿,比任何现代人的牙齿都要大,甚至比最大的尼安德特人的牙齿还大。
- 7. I want to extract a tooth. It's the lower, left, third molar.
- 我要给病人拔牙,拔的是下排左边的第三颗磨牙。
- 8. A tooth adapted for tearing apart flesh especially one of the last upper premolar or first lower molar teeth in carnivorous mammals.
- 裂齿,食肉齿适合于撕裂肉的牙齿,尤指食肉哺乳动物最后上前臼齿之一或第一个下臼齿。
- 9. Unfortunately, the fourth premolar in the upper jaw is quite large and looks like the first molar in the lower jaw; it is known as a carnassial tooth.
- 不幸的是,上颚的第四颗前臼齿很大,看起来就象是下颚的第一颗臼齿,这颗前臼齿也被称作叫裂齿。
- 10. Stromatolite and molar-tooth structures are two kinds of peculiar Precambrian sedimentary phenomena, attracting great attention from geologists.
- 叠层石和臼齿构造是前寒武纪较为引人注目的两种沉积现象。
- 11. Metbods: a two dimensional finite element model was built up to analyse the stress within the periodontal tissue of the first molar, with a reduced tooth eruption-resistant force.
- 方法:用二维有限元法分析阻萌力减少前后下第一磨牙牙周组织内应力分布的变化。
- 12. Objective: to evaluate the capability of the apical tissue of rat molar to grow tooth root and periodontal tissue.
- 目的:探讨大鼠磨牙牙根根端组织发育牙根和牙周组织的能力。
- 13. Let me see. Open your mouth wide, please. The third molar (wisdom tooth) is badly decayed.
- 让我看一看,请把嘴巴张大。第三颗智齿蛀的很厉害。
- 14. A wisdom tooth is in humans any of the usually four third molars, including mandibular third molar and maxillary third molar.
- 人类的智齿就是第三大臼齿,通常有四颗,包括下颌第三磨牙和上颌第三磨牙。
- 15. Hamster has a pair of continuously growing incisors, three molar, tooth type : 1003, into a staggered triangular body.
- 仓鼠有一对不竭生长的门牙,三对臼齿,齿型为:1 0 0 3,成交错摆列的三棱体。
- 16. Abstract: Objective to explore the clinical efficacy of making union crown restoration with adjacent tooth after hemisection to repair and retain molar teeth.
- 摘要目的探讨牙半切除术后与邻牙联冠修复保留磨牙的临床疗效。
- 17. The first molar has the most serious tooth wear and the third molar was the lightest.
- 第一磨牙的磨耗程度最重,第三磨牙的磨耗程度最轻。
- 18. Conclusion the imbedding method can be employed to perform tooth implantation and restoration on sufferers with molar anodontia, and the clinical effect is satisfying.
- 结论采用埋置的方法可对后牙缺失的患者进行牙种植修复,临床效果满意。
- 19. Conclusion The hemisection can get satisfactory effect to repair the first mandibular molar with distal tooth reservated by selecting suitable tooth.
- 结论采用半切术技术保留下颌第一磨牙远中根的修复可获得满意效果。
- 20. Objective: Statistical analysis of mandibular molar mesiodistal crown width and tooth length and development of root.
- 目的:统计分析下颌第一、第二、第三磨牙牙冠近远中宽度、牙体长度、分根情况以及相关因素。
- 21. Impacted tooth frequently appears in upper cuspid and upper central incisors(except of the third molar) .
- 较常见的是尖牙和上颌切牙的埋伏阻生(第三磨牙除外)。
- 22. Most of the third molar embryo had been formed and their tooth crowns had been calcified, the occurrence ratio was 84 0 % in maxilla and 85 2 % in mandible.
- 上下颌第三磨牙牙胚绝大多数已形成且牙冠已钙化完成,其出现率为上颌84 0 % ,下颌85 2 % ;
- 23. Status of first molar space closure, tooth alignment, occlusal relationship, soft tissue lateral profile after treatment were evaluated.
- 对治疗后第一磨牙间隙关闭情况、牙关系和侧貌进行评价;
- 24. Objective To Probe into the curative effect of tooth implantation technique on the restoration of molar anodontia.
- 目的探讨牙种植术对磨牙缺失修复的疗效。
- 25. The X-ray photographs of 400 cases of mandbular impacted third molar were observed and the impacted molar types and relations between impacted types and complications of impacted tooth were analysed.
- 通过400例下第三磨牙的X 线片观察,分析了阻生齿的阻生类型,阻生类型与阻生齿并发症的关系。
- 26. The X-ray photographs of 400 cases of mandbular impacted third molar were observed and the impacted molar types and relations between impacted types and complications of impacted tooth were analysed.
- 通过400例下第三磨牙的X 线片观察,分析了阻生齿的阻生类型,阻生类型与阻生齿并发症的关系。
- The doctor pulled out my cavitary tooth.
医生把我的臼齿拔了。 - Most of the lesion are on the molar region, body and ascending ramus.
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