- 粘蛋白
- 黏液素
- 【生化】黏蛋白
- 粘液素
n. (名词)
a nitrogenous substance found in mucous secretions; a lubricant that protects body surfaces
- 1. Many of the neoplastic cells have clear vacuoles of mucin.
- 很多肿瘤细胞有明显的黏液空泡。
- 2. Most of them contained plenty of mucin granules in the supramuclear area.
- 卵巢粘液性肿瘤上皮为柱状上皮,多数细胞上核区的粘液分泌颗粒丰富。
- 3. Regulation of mucin secretion may be under the influence of multiple pathways.
- 眼表粘蛋白的调节可能受多种因素影响。
- 4. Alcian blue stain showed abundant mucin deposition in collagen bundles of dermis.
- 阿新蓝染色在真皮胶原纤维束间有大量黏蛋白沉积。
- 5. The deposition of mucin in the follicle was demonstrated by Alcian blue staining.
- 阿新蓝染色阳性,毛囊内可见黏蛋白沉积。
- 6. Objective To analyse the homology of mucin 1(MUC1) on mou se cells and human cells.
- 目的分析鼠与人粘蛋白1(MUC1)的同源性位点。
- 7. The tumor is characterized by lakes of stromal mucin containing scant malignant epithelial cells.
- 镜下肿瘤表现明确的间质黏液湖及其上漂浮较少的恶性上皮细胞。
- 8. This report introduced the methods of extracting bifidus factor (BF) from pig gastric mucin and carrot.
- 本文介绍了多种从猪胃粘蛋白及胡萝卜中提取双歧因子的方法。
- 9. PSGL-1 (P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1) is a mucin expressed on microvilli of almost all types of leukocytes.
- 选择素糖蛋白配体1)是一种组成性地表达于几乎所有白细胞微绒毛上的黏蛋白。
- 10. The mechanism of TFF is not clear and two hypotheses were proposed which were co working with mucin or receptor.
- 三叶因子家族多肽的作用机理仍处于猜测阶段,现有与粘蛋白共同作用和与受体作用两种假说。
- 11. Airway mucus is composed of water, ions, lung secretions, serum protein transudates, and mucin glycoproteins (mucins).
- 气道粘液层由水、离子、肺分泌物、血浆蛋白渗出液及粘蛋白组成。
- 12. Please note that degenerated mesothelial cells can have cytoplasmic Spaces, mimicking mucin vacuoles in adenocarcinoma.
- 要注意变性的间皮细胞可以有胞浆内空泡,类似腺癌中的粘蛋白空泡。
- 13. The heterogeneity in 104 cases of gastric carcinoma were studied by immunohistochemical and mucin histochemical techniques.
- 应用粘液组化及免疫组化方法对104例胃癌的异质性进行了研究。
- 14. Authors measured serum Ca, p, Mg, K, Na, Cl, nonprotein nitrogen and mucin of 8 serum in urolithiasis sheep and health sheep separately.
- 作者取患尿石病和健康绵羊血清各8份,分别测定其钙、磷、镁、钾、钠、氯、非蛋白氮和粘蛋白等成分。
- 15. The study on function and regular mechanism of the mucin in the ocular surface will supply new and effective pathway for the therapy of dry eye.
- 对眼表黏蛋白的功能和调节机制的研究将为干眼的治疗提供新的有效途径。
- 16. NAG is produced in the intestinal tract via specialized cells called goblet cells which are responsible for producing your mucin (or mucosal lining).
- NAG是通过所谓的生产杯状细胞,这些细胞是用于生产的粘蛋白(或黏膜衬里)专门负责肠道细胞。
- 17. Significant decrease in the number of tracheal epithelia goblet cells, secretion of mucin were observed in ipratropium bromide and atropine treated rats.
- 溴化异丙托品和阿托品都显著减少气管上皮杯状细胞数目及粘蛋白的分泌。
- 18. While "unidentifiable" debris is often found, documented cases of AFE frequently detect mucin, vernix, lanugo hairs, and squamous and trophoblastic cells.
- AFE后母体循环中常可发现尚“无法确定”其成分的碎片。在有据可查的病例中可检测到粘蛋白、涂剂(vernix)、胎毛、鳞状上皮及滋养层细胞。
- 19. Mucin is the most significant composition of the lacrimal film, and plays a key role in maintaining the ocular stability and preventing the ocular process.
- 黏蛋白是泪膜的重要成分,对维持眼表稳定及预防眼表病变起着重要作用。
- 20. A smooth oil layer helps to prevent evaporation of the water layer, while the mucin layer functions in spreading the tears evenly over the surface of the eye.
- 当黏液层快速地覆盖到眼球表面时,光滑的油层能防止水层的挥发。
- 21. This is a signet ring cell pattern of adenocarcinoma in which the cells are filled with mucin vacuoles that push the nucleus to one side, as shown at the arrow.
- 如图腺癌表现为印戒细胞癌,细胞里充满黏液空泡把核挤向一边,如箭头所示。
- 22. Objective To investigate the effects of mechanical stretching on the expression of mucin(MUC)5AC in airway epithelial cells, and explore its mechanism of signaling pathway.
- 目的观察机械牵张对人气道黏膜上皮细胞黏蛋白(MUC)表达的影响,并对其信号转导机制进行初步探讨。
- 23. Conjunctival goblet cells and ocular surface epithelial cells, which are the main source of ocular surface mucin, appear to be under parasympathetic and sympathetic control.
- 眼表粘蛋白主要由结膜杯状细胞和角结膜上皮细胞分泌,这些细胞均受副交感神经和交感神经的支配。
- 24. Cholangiocarcinomas do not make bile, but the cells do make mucin, and they can be almost impossible to distinguish from metastatic adenocarcinoma on biopsy or fine needle aspirate.
- 胆管癌不产生胆汁,但这些细胞生成粘蛋白,并很难与活检或针吸标本的转移性腺癌相区分。
- 25. Mucin secreting function differentiation type(MSFDT): 15% of the series; 98.1%(53/54) of cases of this type had the serosa involved at operation; the 5-year survival rate was 28.6%.
- 粘液分泌功能分化型(MSFDT):54例,占全组的15%,以局部垂直向胃壁深层侵袭为主,手术时绝大多数(98.1%,53/54)已侵透浆膜,术后5年生存率为28.6%。
- 26. The aim of this study was to explore relationship between expression of mucin MUC1 and MUC2 in colorectal carcinoma and clinicopathological parameters and their clinical significance.
- 本研究的目的是探讨结肠直肠癌组织中粘蛋白MUC1和MUC2的表达与不同的临床病理参数间的关系及其临床意义。
- 27. In our research, we set up the models of SD rats chronic airway inflammation, and observe the effect of eucalyptus globulus oil on chronic airway inflammation and mucin hypersecretion.
- 故在本研究中,我们建立了SD大鼠慢性气道炎症模型,并观察了蓝按油在气道炎症和粘蛋白高分泌中的作用。
- 28. In our research, we set up the models of SD rats chronic airway inflammation, and observe the effect of eucalyptus globulus oil on chronic airway inflammation and mucin hypersecretion.
- 故在本研究中,我们建立了SD大鼠慢性气道炎症模型,并观察了蓝按油在气道炎症和粘蛋白高分泌中的作用。
- Many of them have lumens containing bluish mucin.
很多腺体有含有兰色黏液的腺腔。 - The carcinoma cells appear to be floating in the mucin.
癌细胞好象漂浮在黏液里。 - The deposition of mucin in the follicle was demonstrated by Alcian blue staining.
用作名词 (n.)
- determination of mucin 粘蛋白测定
- gastric mucin 胃粘蛋白,胃粘膜素...
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