a syndrome characterized by edema and large amounts of protein in the urine and usually increased blood cholesterol; usually associated with glomerulonephritis or with a complication of various systemic diseases
a disease affecting the kidneys
- 1. What symptom do nephrosis and uremia have each?
- 肾病和尿毒症各有什么症状?
- 2. Objective: To study the therapeutic effects of Lingzhi capsule on nephrosis.
- 目的:探讨灵芝胶囊治疗肾病的效果。
- 3. The Shan urine sickness patient has had the tree top urine sickness nephrosis.
- 姗尿病患者发生了梢尿病肾病。
- 4. Objective: To investigate the efficacy of Astragalus Injection on diabetic nephrosis.
- 目的:观察黄芪注射液治疗糖尿病肾病的疗效。
- 5. Methods 82 patients with primary nephrosis syndrom were randomly divided into two groups.
- 方法将82例原发性肾病综合征患者随机分为2组。
- 6. Objective To discuss the relation between diabetic nephrosis hypertension and blood insulin.
- 目的探讨糖尿病肾病高血压与血胰岛素之间的关系。
- 7. Objective To discuss the acoustic image characteristics of nephrosis with hyperuricemia and its relevance.
- 目的探讨高尿酸血症致肾病声像图特征及其相关性。
- 8. Regarding the old age primary nephrosis syndrome, the most common pathology type is the membrane nephrosis.
- 对于老年原发性肾病综合征,最常见的病理类型是膜性肾病。
- 9. Objective To investigate the protective effect of nifedipine on adriamycin nephrosis (an) and its mechanism.
- 目的观察钙拮抗剂硝苯地平对阿霉素肾病(AN)大鼠的保护作用。
- 10. Objective: To investigate the effects of both dialysis and drug treatment on mannitol-induced osmotic nephrosis.
- 目的:研究透析、药物等综合治疗甘露醇诱发渗透性肾病的效果。
- 11. Objective: To study the effect of glucocorticoid on urinary protein excretion in adriamycin nephrosis (AN) rats.
- 目的:了解肾上腺糖皮质激素对阿霉素肾病大鼠尿蛋白排泄的影响。
- 12. Nephrosis is characterized by a group of symptoms resulting from kidney tissue damage and impaired nephric function.
- 肾病以一组因肾组织损伤和肾功能受损而导致的症状为特征。
- 13. ObjectiveTo observe the therapeutic effect of Cyprinus carpio decoction on proteinuria of adriamycin nephrosis rats.
- 目的观察鲤鱼汤对阿霉素肾病大鼠蛋白尿的治疗作用。
- 14. Objective: To study the plasma thyroid hormone levels in children with nephrosis and therapeutic effects of heparin.
- 目的:探讨肾病患儿血清甲状腺激素水平及肝素治疗的疗效。
- 15. Conclusions in rats with adriamycin nephrosis, EGFR can be expressed in visceral glomerular epithelia cells or podocytes.
- 结论阿霉素肾病大鼠的肾小球脏层上皮有egfr的表达。
- 16. The measurement of the high distinguish Color Doppler sonographer can help clinic diagnose the degree of children nephrosis.
- 结论高分辨力彩色多普勒检查肾各级动脉血流动力学改变可协助临床判断儿童肾实质疾病的严重程度。
- 17. Pulmonary lobectomy was carried on 2, Wedge-shaped excision of lung under VATS on 3, lung biopsy on 3, and renal biopsy on 3 with nephrosis.
- 手术方式为2例开胸行肺叶切除术,3例胸腔镜下肺楔形切除术,3例行透壁肺活检,3例伴发肾脏病变行肾活检。
- 18. Meanwhile, the urine NAG enzyme in children with renal tubule lesion was significantly higher than that in the nephrosis group and the control.
- 同时测定肾小管损伤组儿童尿NAG酶的水平,明显高于肾病组与对照组;
- 19. Objective: Explore the clinical effect of Zehuang Granule, the Chinese medicine removing stasis and alleviating water retention, on diabetic nephrosis.
- 前言:目的:探讨化瘀利水中药“泽黄颗粒”对糖尿病肾病的临床疗效。
- 20. Because treats the body thinly to remove the armor first to be high, liver disease, nephrosis as well as tumor and so on many kinds of chronic illness.
- 医治体瘦先要排除因甲亢、肝病、肾病以及肿瘤等多种慢性病。
- 21. Methods Level of Mb in serum was measured in 32 cases of non diabetic nephrosis and 52 cases of diabetic nephrosis and compared with 35 normal controls.
- 方法采用放射免疫分析法测定了32例无糖尿病肾病和5 2例糖尿病肾病患者血清中肌红蛋白含量,并与35名正常健康人作对照。
- 22. Objective: To study the clinical effect and erythrocytes CR1 genomic density and quantitative expression, adhesive active in primary nephrosis syndrome(PNS).
- 目的:探讨原发性肾病综合征(PNS)患者红细胞CR1密度相关基因组多态性及数量表达、黏附活性与临床疗效的关系。
- 23. Urinates especially sickness merge hypertension cardiovascular disease and the apoplexy risk increases 1 time. has end the stage nephrosis danger to increase 5~6 times finally.
- 特尿病合并高血压者心血管疾病和脑卒中的危险性增加1倍。 发生终末阶段肾病的危险增加5~6倍。
- 24. The experiment model rat with nephrosis was made by way of intravenous injection of PAN to the SD male rat. Then observation was made on therapeutic effect of Radix Rehmanniae extract.
- 采用SD系雄性小鼠静脉注射嘌呤霉素氨基核甙(PAN)制成肾病模型,观察了地黄水提取液的治疗作用。
- 25. This article presents the authors realization of applying nourishing kidney and liver, eliminating blood stasis and poison method to treat 3 cases with chronic nephrosis plus hepatitis b.
- 结合慢性肾病合并乙型肝炎3例医案诊治经过,介绍滋肾柔肝、清化瘀毒法临证运用的体会。
- 26. The senior citizen nephrosis syndrome many following sends in other diseases, like the multiple myeloma, the kidney starch type changes, lymphoma or the entity tumorous nephrosis and so on.
- 老年人肾病综合征多继发于其他疾病,如多发性骨髓瘤、肾淀粉样变、淋巴瘤或者实体肿瘤性肾病等。
- 27. Objective: Goal Through will utilize the diet support therapy to the diabetes nephrosis patient, sharpens its disease-resistant ability, will promote the patient soon to be restored to health.
- 目的通过对糖尿病肾病患者运用饮食支持疗法,提高其抗病能力,促进患者早日康复。
- 28. The low blood hefts also to cause by following factor: Although the liver disease, the nephrosis, swell slide, many medicine functions, the long time strenuous exercise, to drink have sprinkled.
- 低血掂也由下列因素引起:肝病、肾病、肿溜、许多药物的作用、长时间剧烈运动、喝洒过虽。
- 29. The low blood hefts also to cause by following factor: Although the liver disease, the nephrosis, swell slide, many medicine functions, the long time strenuous exercise, to drink have sprinkled.
- 低血掂也由下列因素引起:肝病、肾病、肿溜、许多药物的作用、长时间剧烈运动、喝洒过虽。
- What symptom do nephrosis and uremia have each?
肾病和尿毒症各有什么症状? - Pneumococcal peritonitis may occur as a complication in children with nephrosis.
用作名词 (n.)
- amyloid nephrosis [医] 淀粉样肾变病...
- cholemic nephrosis 胆血性肾病
- lower nephron nephrosis 下肾单位肾病...
- chronic lipoid nephrosis 慢性脂性肾变病...
- nephrosis necrotisans 坏死性肾变病...
- chronic nephrosis 慢性肾变病
- necrotizing nephrosis 坏死性肾变病...
- nephrotic syndrome 肾病综合征
- nephropathy 肾病
- kidney disease 肾疾病
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