neutral line
- 中线
- 1. So, it is significant to prevent the occurrence of faulted neutral line within the circuit of three phase and four line system.
- 因此,防止三相四线制配电回路断零事故的发生,具有更广泛的意义。
- 2. The paper analyses the causes of overload of neutral line and great errors of measuring instrument by harmonics electrical line.
- 对电气回路中因谐波造成的电力线路中性线过载和测量仪表出现较大误差的原因进行了分析,探讨了抑制谐波的措施。
- 3. The paper presents the causes of harmonics current and overload hazard of neutral line and phase line by harmonics in electrical line.
- 阐述了电气回路中谐波电流产生的原因及其引起中性线和相线过载的危险。
- 4. The plasmoids on the earthward side of the neutral line move toward the earth and coalesce with the reconnection region near the earth.
- 中性线近地侧的等离子体团朝着地球运动,并合并于地球附近的重联区内。
- 5. After the occurrence of flares either the arrangement of magnetic polarity or the neutral line of the longitude field tends to a relatively stable state.
- 在耀斑爆发后,无论是磁极性排列和纵场中性线都趋于相对稳定状态。
- 6. Change the following line of web.config (note the difference in the version number): add assembly="System.Data.DataSetExtensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/>
- 修改web.config中如下一行(注意版本号的区别): addassembly="System.Data.DataSetExtensions,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/>
- 7. It is also vendor-neutral since it deals with universally applicable concepts and also logical components that are likely to be found in any vendor's product line-up.
- 并且它对产商是中立的,因为它谈的是通用概念和逻辑组件,它们几乎出现在每个产商的产品线中。
- 8. Spike Protection Modes: Line to neutral, neutral to ground, line to ground.
- 穗保护模式:行至中性,中性接地,接地线。
- 9. The parameters of neutral reactor for HV shunt reactors and the line ground switch are selected.
- 选择了高抗中性点小电抗和线路接地刀闸的参数。
- 10. You claim a neutral position and yet your tone and line of argument speak otherwise.
- 你宣称中立,然而你的语气与争论方式却显得相反。
- 11. The line is just this: it is the line between the part of logic which is neutral on the question of universals, and the part of logic which implies a Platonistic answer to the question of universals.
- 逻辑的这两个部分的区别在于,其中一个部分对共相问题是中立的,而另一个部分则蕴含了对共相问题的柏拉图主义的答案。
- 12. The electromagnetic pulse is then induced into the other wires of the extension socket, eg. the line and neutral.
- 接地触头。然后,电磁脉冲感应到的扩展插座的其他电线,例如。 相线和中线。
- 13. This paper gives a general overview of various neutral grounding modes. Some existing theories schemes on the fault line selection have been summarized systematically.
- 配电网中性点采用小电流接地在世界范围内是一种较流行的接地方式,并在我国配电网中得到了广泛应用。
- 14. When single-phase-to-earth fault occurs on a neutral non-direct grounded power system, it is nexessary for improving the reliability of power supplying to select the faulted line quickly.
- 中性点非有效接地配电网发生单相接地故障时,尽快选出故障线路对提高电网的供电可靠性有重要意义。
- 15. This paper proposes a new method for the fault line and fault area detection in radial neutral-point resonant grounded system.
- 提出了一种针对辐射状谐振接地系统确定单相接地故障线路及故障区域的新方法。
- 16. The protection for earth fault line selection and fault point location by S injecting current in neutral isolated power system is presented.
- 介绍了基于“S注入法”的小电流接地系统单相接地故障选线定位保护。
- 17. The phase comparison between fault feeder and healthy feeder is one of important criteria in fault line selection for neutral non-effective grounding systems.
- 小电流接地系统发生单相接地故障时,故障线路与健全线路在特征频段内零序电流的相位差别是接地选线判据的重要依据之一。
- 18. By analyzing the zero-sequence full current for single-phase grounding fault in isolated neutral distribution network, a new approach to determine the faulty transmission line is obtained.
- 通过对中性点不接地配电网单相接地故障时零序全电流的分析,得出了利用零序全电流的大小和方向进行故障选线的新方法。
- 19. By analyzing the zero-sequence full current for single-phase grounding fault in isolated neutral distribution network, a new approach to determine the faulty transmission line is obtained.
- 通过对中性点不接地配电网单相接地故障时零序全电流的分析,得出了利用零序全电流的大小和方向进行故障选线的新方法。
- Don't trap him until he goes over the central line.
等他过了中线再夹击他。 - And it's Moore to throw the ball in near the halfway line.
由穆尔在中线附近掷界外球。 - The meaning of the current account balance can be seen by comparing what is above the line with what is below it.
经常项目差额的含意可以通过对比线之上和线之下的项目看出。 - Especially, the adjacent tree graph and line graph are both included as special cases of our generalization.
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