null string
- 空字符串
- 1. Null string variant cannot be converted to a character.
- 不能将空字符串变量转换为字符。
- 2. A null string contains zero characters or only Spaces or tabs.
- 空字符串包含零个字符或只有空格或制表符。
- 3. To let users select the file to import, specify a null string for filename.
- 为了让用户选择要导入的文件,文件名指定一个空字符串。
- 4. However, client de-serializes it into a zero length string instead of a null string.
- 然而,. NET客户端将其反序列化成长度为0的字符串而不是空的字符串。
- 5. The CLP recognizes' null '(specified in uppercase characters) as a null string. For example.
- CLP将“NULL”(以大写字符指定)识别为空字符串。
- 6. If a page action method invocation returns a non-null string value, Seam treats it as a navigation event.
- 如果页面动作方法调用返回一个非空字符串值,则Seam将其当作一个导航事件。
- 7. Both null and undefined macros expand to null strings, but a macro defined as a null string is considered defined in preprocessing expressions.
- 空宏和未定义的宏都展开为空字符串,但定义为空字符串的宏被视为是在预处理表达式中定义的。
- 8. If the string is enclosed in two pairs of double quotes, the first pair is considered to enclose a null string, and the rest of the string is discarded.
- 如果字符串引号括在双两对,第一对被认为是一个空字符串括起来,而其余的字符串将被丢弃。
- 9. The default namespace is initialized to be no namespace-URI at all, so there is a syntax for undefining a previously-defined default namespace by assigning it to the null string.
- 对缺省名称空间初始化,使之完全不是名称空间 URI,这样就存在一个语法,它通过向以前定义的缺省名称空间分配空字符串来取消对该名称空间的定义。
- 10. I already used this technique above in the split call, which matched the null string (it matches everywhere, so all the characters in the matched string are returned individually).
- 在split调用中我们就已经使用了这种技术,它可以匹配空字符串(它可以匹配任何地方,因此所匹配的字符串中的所有字符都会一个一个地返回)。
- 11. In April of 2002, the XML Working Group of the W3C announced it was considering a revision of XML namespaces that would permit the assignment of a namespace prefix to the null string.
- 在2002年4月,W3C的XML工作组宣布它正在考虑修订XML名称空间,可能会允许把名称空间前缀指定为空字符串。
- 12. This parameter can be an empty string or NULL, if defaults should be picked.
- 如果应该使用默认值,那么这个参数可以是空字符串或NULL。
- 13. If you omit a table name (that is, you specify NULL or an empty string), information is returned for all tables in the schema specified.
- 如果您省略了表名(即指定NULL或空字符串),那么为指定的模式中的所有表返回信息。
- 14. If the directory is NULL or an empty string, no files will be exported.
- 如果这个目录是NULL或空字符串,那么不导出文件。
- 15. If the schema is NULL or the empty string, the procedure restores the schema to the name from where it was backed up.
- 如果模式是NULL或空字符串,那么这个过程采用备份时的模式名进行恢复。
- 16. If this parameter is NULL, OpenSSL writes the string to a static buffer that is 256 bytes in length, and returns a pointer to that buffer.
- 如果参数为NULL,则openssl会将字符串写入到一个长度为256字节的静态缓冲区中,并返回指向该缓冲区的指针。
- 17. Dlerror returns either NULL or a pointer to an ASCII string describing the most recent error.
- dlerror返回NULL或者一个指向描述最近错误的ASCII字符串的指针。
- 18. This happens if you leave the event.title field null, or set it to an empty string.
- 如果让event . title字段为空,或者将它设置为空字符串就会出现这种情况。
- 19. Whatever is entered as empty string in Oracle gets stored as NULL internally in the database. The following shows an example of a TEST table created in Oracle and db2.
- 在Oracle中,输入的空字符串在数据库内部存储为NULL。
- 20. When told to print no more than n bytes, snprintf guarantees that it creates a string of length no more than n-1, with a null terminator at the end of the string.
- 当被告知输出不超过n个字节时,snprintf保证会创建一个长度不超过n-1的字符串,字符串最后是一个空结束符。
- 21. It returns 0 if the match cannot be found or -1 if source string is null or empty.
- 如果没有发现匹配则返回0,或者如果源字符串是null或空则返回- 1。
- 22. Each of the inputs to the function should be validated and your requirements should determine the responses to null or empty string inputs.
- 应验证函数的每个输入并且应由您的要求来确定如何响应null或空的字符串输入。
- 23. The parse method returns null for an empty string input.
- 对于空字符串输入,该解析方法返回null。
- 24. If the source string is null or empty, then 0 is returned.
- 如果源字符串是null或空,则将返回0。
- 25. If you look in the Variables view, you see the string variable s, which is equal to null.
- 如果查看Variables视图中的字符串变量s,会发现它等于null。
- 26. This code is included in the code which handles the click event for the Invoke Service button and its purpose is to avoid a null pointer exception when the web service is invoked with an empty string.
- 它的目的是避免使用空子符串调用Web服务而出现空指针异常。
- 27. packageName: The name of the package that will contain the EGL build file.(if this is null or an empty string, the default package will be used)
- 将包含这个EGL构建文件的包的名称(如果是null或者空的字符串,将使用默认的包)
- 28. It returns a null if no match is found, or if the source string is null or empty.
- 如果没有发现匹配项或源字符串是null或空,则返回null。
- 29. For that effect, JSON defines the following main data structures: number, string, Boolean (true and false), array (an ordered sequence of values), object (collection of key value pairs), and null.
- 为了实现该目的,JSON定义了以下主要数据结构:数字、字符串、布尔值(真或假)、数组(值的有序排列)、对象(键值对集合)和null。
- 30. For that effect, JSON defines the following main data structures: number, string, Boolean (true and false), array (an ordered sequence of values), object (collection of key value pairs), and null.
- 为了实现该目的,JSON定义了以下主要数据结构:数字、字符串、布尔值(真或假)、数组(值的有序排列)、对象(键值对集合)和null。
- A blank string indicates a primary file.
空字符串指示主文件。 - These strings are truncated to an empty string.
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