object glass
- [物]物镜
the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed
- 1. He called the self-as-object the "looking-glass self", since people come to see themselves as they are reflected in others.
- 他把作为客体的自我称为“镜子中的自我”,因为人们是通过他人的反映来看待自己的。
- 2. If I see you through the glass, the object is going on some trajectory, which has got both up and down and horizontal motion.
- 如果我透过窗户看你,物体在一些轨道上,有上升和下降,也有水平运动。
- 3. But not to drop. An object made of glass surely needs protection, right?
- 为了防摔,玻璃做的东西确实需要保护,对吧?
- 4. Toughened bulletproof double glass door, to observe clearly the object in the working chamber.
- 钢化、防弹双层玻璃门观察工作室内物体,一目了然。
- 5. Just as you steady a magnifying glass on a single object, with the hot burning sun rays analogous to your desire, focus, power, energy, time, etc, you will make an impact.
- 仅仅是你坚定地拿着放大镜聚集在单个物体上,炙热的太阳光比作你的期望,聚集,力量,精力,时间等等。你会带来冲击。
- 6. Take any object which allows to make pastry circles of the necessary size. A glass will do fine.
- 准备一件物品,为的是可以做出所需尺寸的圆形面饼。玻璃杯就可以。
- 7. Anything that breaks up the light as it passes through is translucent. We cannot see clearly through a translucent object, such as a pane of frosted glass.
- 凡是使通过它的光发生折射的物体都是半透明的。我们不能清楚地看穿半透明物体,比如:蒙上霜的窗玻璃。
- 8. If you have ever taken a magnifying glass and let the sun's rays play through it on some object, you know that as long as the rays were scattered they accomplished nothing.
- 如果你也曾玩过放大镜的游戏就会知道,如果阳光是分散的照在某样东西上,就算照射的时间再长,也不会引起什么变化;
- 9. If there is a chip out of a glass object, the duct tape can be used to protect the user from being injured.
- 比如玻璃制品破裂后产生碎片,管道胶带可用于保护使用者不受伤害。
- 10. Each one is marked by an appropriate hanging object – so Sound features a brass instrument, and Materials is marked by a blown-glass orb.
- 每个都用合适的悬挂元素做标志-声音区域使用铜管乐器,材料区使用玻璃球。
- 11. The structure ACTS as a magnifying glass that expands the image of an object placed within it, so that it can then be distinguished using a conventional microscope lens.
- 结构像放大镜可以放大放在其中的物质的图象,于传统的显微镜透镜有着显著的区别。
- 12. Apparatus for detecting exterior object between the door of elevator car with glass door and adjacent wall, especially finger apparatus, and elevator equipped with the same.
- 探测具有玻璃门的电梯轿厢的门和相邻壁之间的外部物体,尤其手指的装置,以及装备有其的电梯。
- 13. A 31-year-old man in police custody says he tossed a cigarette out of his car, but an eyewitness told police the man threw a large object, the glass bottle with an accelerant.
- 一个现被警方拘留的31岁男子声称他只是向车外扔了只烟,但有位目击证人告知警方他扔的是一个大物体,即一个着火的玻璃瓶。
- 14. This machine apply to make a medicine, food, light work, day to turn etc. the stick of circular plastics bottle, glass bottle... etc. or similar object of the profession mark.
- 本机适用制药、食品、轻工、日化等行业的圆形塑料瓶、玻璃瓶等或类似物体的贴标。
- 15. The method can detect the warp by observing the distance between the two images reflected from the precision sheet glass and the standard plate for the same reference object.
- 这种方法是通过观测精密薄板玻璃和基准平面反射同一参考物的像,检测两个像分离的程度来判定精密薄板玻璃的翘曲度。
- 16. It is easy to see how orthographic projection works if you imagine that the object is inside a glass box.
- 如果想像物体是在玻璃盒子里,那么你会很容易地理解正交正投影的原理。
- 17. In this tutorial you'll find out how to create a realistic glass reflection on a 3d object, created within After Effects.
- 在本教程中,您将了解如何创建一个三维物体反射玻璃现实,在创建后的影响。
- 18. I don't object to a glass of beer.
- 我不反对喝杯啤酒。
- 19. Glass is a heavy object which can be used as a tool of cast, press the paper and encase a butterfly.
- 玻璃杯是一个沉重的东西,它可以作为投掷的工具,玻璃杯可以用来压纸,可以用来装捉到的蝴蝶。
- 20. If you point to a distant object, perhaps he is short-sighted, and has to take out his glass to look at it.
- 如果你指出了远处的一个景物,他也可能正好是近视眼,要拿出眼镜才能看到。
- 21. After checking the oil, he had had just finished a glass of water and then saw a large cigar shaped object hovering in the sky.
- 检查过燃油后,他喝了杯水,突然看到有一个雪茄样的巨大物体悬浮在空中。
- 22. Using the glass, he tracked the object to a video game shop and was forced out by the shopkeeper.
- 利用眼镜,他追逐目标到了一个电玩店,却被老板赶了出来。
- 23. An object of the present invention is to provide a lead-free bismuth glass wherein decrease of the degree of accuracy of the patterning is prevented.
- 本发明的目的是提供能防止图案化精确度下降的无铅的铋玻璃。
- 24. I then looked at the area under a magnifying glass – and was stunned to find that the object was some kind of super-advanced microchip.
- 然后我用放大镜看该区域-发现的东西引致我呆在当地,该物体是某种超先进的微晶片。
- 25. I then looked at the area under a magnifying glass - and was stunned to find that the object was some kind of super-advanced microchip.
- 然后我用放大镜看该区域-及被发现引致呆在当地,物体是某种超先进的微芯片。
- 26. A cut-glass object, such as a pendant of a chandelier.
- 刻花 玻璃物体如枝形吊灯的玻璃吊灯架。
- 27. A cut-glass object, such as a pendant of a chandelier.
- 刻花 玻璃物体如枝形吊灯的玻璃吊灯架。
- The object glass of a telescope must be accurately centred.
- objective lens 物镜
- objective 客观的
- object lens 物镜
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