on grounds of
- 出于 ... 的原因; 根据
- 1. The testimony presented offered a strong case for acquitting her on grounds of self-defence.
- 所出示的证据为以正当防卫之由宣判她无罪提供了一个有说服力的理由。
- 2. He retired early on grounds of ill health.
- 他由于身体不好而提早退休。
- 3. The plan had to be abandoned on grounds of cost.
- 由于经费的原因此项计划被迫放弃。
- 4. Employers cannot discriminate on grounds of age.
- 雇主不得有年龄歧视。
- 5. It is illegal to discriminate on grounds of race, sex or religion.
- 因种族、性别或宗教信仰而有所歧视是非法的。
- 6. It is not permissible for employers to discriminate on grounds of age.
- 资方不得以年龄为由歧视职工。
- 7. Original mail returned on grounds of incorrect address.
- 地址不符,原件退回。
- 8. I had to leave work on grounds of ill health.
- 我因病不得不辞去工作。
- 9. We have to stay at home on grounds of the heavy rain.
- 因下大雨,我们不得不呆在家里。
- 10. And still it rejected 40 per cent on grounds of poor health and bad teeth.
- 并且还把健康状态不佳以及牙齿不好的40%的男青年拒于行伍之外。
- 11. When he yelled and threatened I didn't make a stand on grounds of proper pride.
- 在他大喊大叫进行恫吓时,为了自己的尊严,我并不予以反击。
- 12. Too many foreigners slip in as tourists and then try to remain on grounds of marriage.
- 以旅游者身份进入美国、然后以结婚为理由留下来的外国人太多了。
- 13. The pacific temper seeks to settle disputes on grounds of justice rather than by force.
- 本着公正的原则以平和的心态寻找解决争端的方法好过使用武力。
- 14. The case for retaining estate taxes in Britain and America is weaker on grounds of simplicity.
- 英国和美国保留的不动产税在简易性的考虑上有所不周。
- 15. The Justice Department asked for his conviction to be voided on grounds of prosecutorial misconduct.
- 美国司法部要求改判他的罪名为无效,理由是原告有诉讼违规行为。
- 16. Mrs Carter later divorced her husband on grounds of deserting his family while they were on the Titanic.
- 不久后,Carter夫人便休了她丈夫,理由是他在泰坦尼克号上遗弃了自己的家人。
- 17. The thesis advocates that such an idea is wrong on grounds of sufficient and confidencial historical materials.
- 本文在详实的资料基础上指出,这一看法是错误的。
- 18. The court in Munich sentenced him to five years in prison, but issued the release order on grounds of his age and pending an appeal.
- 慕尼黑法庭判处他五年徒刑,但是考虑到他年事已高,而且低头认罪,法庭决定下令将其释放。
- 19. Under English libel law, a plaintiff must prove only that material is defamatory; the defendant then has to justify it, usually on grounds of truth or fairness.
- 根据英国诽谤法,原告必须首先证明实质性证据的确是污蔑性的,然后被告才说明是否合理,一般必须秉持真实性或公平性。
- 20. On grounds of its theoretical analysis the paper attempts to apply the technique to image decomposition and coding, and concludes with a satisfying processing outcome.
- 在分析其理论的基础上,将其应用在图像的分解和编码中,最后给出了处理结果。
- 21. The Smiths now have to decide whether to apply for a waiver from the decision on grounds of "extreme hardship," or abandon the business and uproot Shayna from her life in Michigan.
- 史密斯夫妇现在不得不在“极端艰难”做出决定的处境下,决定是否申请赦免。或者放弃生意,谢娜从她生活的密歇根迁离。
- 22. The Committee has concluded that there is no reason on grounds of safety to change current immunization practices with thiomersal-containing vaccines, as the alleged risks are unproven.
- 该委员会已得出结论,没有安全性方面的理由来改变对目前含有硫柳汞疫苗的免疫做法,所谓的风险并未得到证实。
- 23. All of them assured me that nowadays no one was treated differently on grounds of gender; but older people insisted that you have to pay attention to how people behave, not what they say.
- 所有的女孩都向我保证,现在没有人因性别而被区别对待。但年长的人说,你需要观察别人做什么,而不是他们说什么。
- 24. All of them assured me that nowadays no one was treated differently on grounds of gender; but older people insisted that you have to pay attention to how people behave, not what they say.
- 所有的女孩都向我保证,现在没有人因性别而被区别对待。但年长的人说,你需要观察别人做什么,而不是他们说什么。
- He will judge the case solely on its merits.
他将完全根据是非曲直审理这一案件。 - My argument was grounded on my own experience.
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