on the order of
- 相似于,大约
- 1. And the available volume is on the order of meters cubed.
- 整个可用的空间体积有立方米的数量级。
- 2. And an atomic volume, it's going to be on the order of 1 angstroms cubed.
- 一个原子体积大约是,一个埃的三次方。
- 3. Q And for rotations, it's a number that might be on the order of 100 or so.
- 转动的,大概是100的量级。
- 4. Yeah, they're different but they are roughly on the order of about 1 MJ per mole.
- 是的,它们是不同的但它们大致上,都是一摩尔一兆焦耳。
- 5. But the meeting is very short, like on the order of 10 minutes for a small team of 5.
- 但会议很短,对5个人的小组来说只要花10来分钟。
- 6. Those with extremely stable requirements, with no changes expected on the order of years.
- 有严格的稳定性需求,数年之内没有更改计划的项目。
- 7. But the system variance is going to be on the order of the square root of N times epsilon.
- 但是系统能量的变化量大约,会是N的平方根乘以ε
- 8. And it's typically on the order of about one to ten wave Numbers for small to medium sized molecules.
- 转动能量级大概是1到10个波数,对于小分子到中分子。
- 9. "The [scientific] importance of launching such a capsule is on the order of an expedition to Mars," he says.
- 他说:“发射这种胶囊的科学重要性跟进行火星探险是同等的重要”。
- 10. The hotel lies back of a dingy passage and forms a rectangle very much on the order of a modern penitentiary.
- 这家旅馆位于一条阴暗的小道后面,呈一个长方形,同一所现代罪犯教养所十分相似。
- 11. The radius of the nucleus as compared to the radius of the entire atom is on the order of about one to 10,000.
- 原子核的半径,相对于整个原子的半径来说,是1比10000这个数量级。
- 12. So if you look at the total number of little volume elements of this sort, it's on the order of 10 to the 30th.
- 这样如果你来估算,这样的小体积元的整体数目,就有10,的30次方的数量级。
- 13. The application's response time needs to be very short: As stipulated, it is to be on the order of three seconds.
- 此应用程序的响应时间必须很短:规定为发出指令后3 秒内。
- 14. But both structures tend to break apart and recombine frequently, on the order of extremely tiny fractions of a second.
- 然而这两种结构在极小的时间片段顺序下,趋于频繁分开和再结合。
- 15. Scientists have found that a given population of phytoplankton can double its Numbers on the order of once per day.
- 科学家发现,一个特定的浮游植物种群,一天之内其数量可以翻一番。
- 16. In order to secure your initial order, we allow especial discount of 3% on the order of one thousand bicycles and over.
- 为了获得你们的首次订单,我们对1000辆以上的定货给予3%的特别折扣。
- 17. Because you have to take each molecule, and say, well it could be in any one of something on the order of ten states.
- 因为对于每个分子,它可能任何一个,在十个状态的。
- 18. So molecular vibrations, you know, you've taken IR spectra they're typically on the order of 1,000 wave Numbers or so.
- 那么分子的振动,到了红外光谱的波段,它们通常大约有1,000个波数。
- 19. Projects with highly variable, changing requirements (on the order of months or weeks), like most business applications.
- 有高度可变性、项目需求不断变化的项目(几个月或几周),像多数商业应用程序。
- 20. We had inflation rates in the United Kingdom on the order of 20% a year and people were asking? What is going on in the UK?
- 我们在英国有,每年20%的通货膨胀率,然后人们还在问,英国正在发生什么?
- 21. We eventually had many competitors, on the order of twenty to thirty of them, but none of their software could compete with ours.
- 我们最终遇见了很多竞争者,20~30个吧,但没有一个能和我们针尖对麦芒。
- 22. The subsidiary issue treasuries shall, in allocating Renminbi issue fund, act on the order of allocation from their superior treasury.
- 分支库调拨人民币发行基金,应当按照上级库的调拨命令办理。
- 23. Wall Street had been expecting iPad sales on the order of 6.3 million units, considerably more than the 4.69 million Apple reported.
- 华尔街原本预计iPad销量会达到630万台,明显高于苹果公司此次公布的469万台。
- 24. Explicit garbage collection is a really bad idea - something on the order of locking yourself in a phone booth with a rabid pit bull.
- 显式垃圾收集是一个非常糟糕的主意—就像将您和一个疯狂的斗牛犬锁在一个电话亭里。
- 25. The little volume elements are going to be on the order of an angstrom cubed if it's an atom, a little bit bigger if it's a molecule.
- 每个小体积有1埃的3次方个数量级,对于原子来说,如果对于分子则要大一点。
- 26. Ext2fs is designed for block devices like IDE devices, where the logical block size will be on the order of 512 bytes, 1 kilobyte, and so on.
- Ext2fs是为象ide设备那样的块设备设计的,这些设备的逻辑块大小是512字节,1 k字节等这样的倍数。
- 27. GPS receivers make corrections to account for this, but nonetheless the clock signals are only guaranteed to be correct on the order of 100 nanoseconds.
- GPS接收机的校正可以对这方面的误差做出解释,但尽管如此,GPS时钟信号只能保证准确度为100纳秒的级别。
- 28. GPS receivers make corrections to account for this, but nonetheless the clock signals are only guaranteed to be correct on the order of 100 nanoseconds.
- GPS接收机的校正可以对这方面的误差做出解释,但尽管如此,GPS时钟信号只能保证准确度为100纳秒的级别。
- It was something on the order of a state park.
它是与州立公园相类似的场所。 - Her income is on the order of 9000 yuan a year.
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