on the scene
- 出现; 到场
形容词 on-the-scene:
at the scene of action
- 1. Even then the tomato doesn't appear to have been very important as a food plant until the Europeans came on the scene.
- 即使在那时,西红柿似乎也并不是一种重要的食用植物,直到欧洲人出现。
- 2. An American officer on the scene said no one had intruded into the space he was defending.
- 现场的一名美国军官说还没有人闯入过他所防卫的区域。
- 3. Firefighters will remain on the scene until later this morning to ensure that the fire doesn't start up again.
- 消防队员将在现场停留到今天早上,以确保火灾不会再次发生。
- 4. There were obvious drag marks of the body and collision marks on the scene, both of which contradicted the scenario of someone being held down and crushed
- 现场有明显的尸体拖痕和冲撞痕迹,这两者都与有人被强行按倒并被碾压的情况相矛盾。
- 5. and (7) records of inquests and records made on the scene.
- 勘验笔录、现场笔录。
- 6. Their refusal to appear on the scene shall not hinder the execution.
- 拒不到场的,不影响执行。
- 7. Long before Carl Icahn arrived on the scene, Blockbuster faced its share of challenges.
- 很久以前对于卡尔·爱康的这一幕上演了,百视达遇到了来自股票方面的挑战。
- 8. Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene fresh from a recent divorce.
- 不久前,我的一位新近离了婚的男性朋友出现在我的面前。
- 9. But Guardian correspondent Declan Walsh, who was on the scene, interviewed victims in hospital.
- 在场的卫报记者DeclanWalsh,曾采访了在医院的受害者。
- 10. This is what happens when you hear the back door opening and know an intruder is on the scene.
- 当你听到后门打开,发现有人闯入自家时,这一切就会发生。
- 11. Of course, only being personally on the scene, then can taste the kinds of its aura and fascination.
- 当然,也只有身临其境,才能感受那般气氛与魅力。
- 12. The ropes let swimmers cling to the device or climb on top of it until a lifeguard arrives on the scene.
- 这种设备上的绳索使游泳者能够抓紧它或爬上其顶部,直到救生员抵达现场为止。
- 13. Lighter weapons may have been offloaded on the Somali shore before an American warship arrived on the scene.
- 更轻型的武器可能在一艘美国战舰抵港之前就已经卸货了。
- 14. He said several passengers appeared to have been injured, although rescue craft were on the scene within minutes.
- 他又说,一些乘客似乎已经了受伤,但救援船会在几分钟内赶到现场。
- 15. That Mr Leung appeared on the scene so quickly is surprising; the original bids became public just a few weeks ago.
- 梁伯韬这么快就亮相,着实令人感到惊讶;公开竞购也就是几个星期前的事。本来,他的出现早在人们意料之中。
- 16. There was little sign of the tribesmen arriving on the scene but the rebels' mood of optimism was quickly punctured.
- 很少有迹象表明这些人会达到此情景,但反叛分子的乐观心情却被击破了。
- 17. These are likely the first type assistance to arrive on the scene, and they'll need to know what actions you've taken.
- 因为他们将很有可能成为到达现场的第一批救助者,而且他们必须了解你已采取了哪些行动.
- 18. Xuanzang then dashes forward trying to become the first to arrive, while Wukong and the others on the scene try to stop him.
- 玄奘想冲过去,想成为第一个到达这里的人,悟空及其他徒弟看见了试图阻止他。
- 19. Even though social networking isn't the technology fledgling it once was, it's still new on the scene in terms of job seeking.
- 尽管社会网络不再是一项新兴技术,但在求职方面还是显得很新鲜。
- 20. In 1769 the first of the timorous poets, Thomas Gray, was on the scene shuddering pleasurably at the mountains’ “dreadful bulk”.
- 1769年,胆小的诗人汤姆斯•格雷,第一次站在湖区的深山里,满心愉悦,震憾于这“可怕庞大的高山”。
- 21. Previously, it had pulled out of Spain, a country where "freesheets" had been flourishing, until too many of them appeared on the scene.
- 此前,它已经退出了西班牙市场,在这个国家的他们的免费报纸业务曾如日中天,直到太多这样类型的报纸出现在市面上。
- 22. When Katherine appeared on the scene, it was pretty much a given that she orchestrated the fight and got the outcome she was hoping for.
- 当Katherine出现的那一刻,我们应该想到,这是她精心策划的一场争执,并且得到了她所希望的结果。
- 23. The idea that artists must suffer for their art would have seemed ridiculous to anyone before Byron and the romantics came on the scene.
- 在拜伦和其他浪漫主义代表人物登场之前,艺术家为自己的作品所累这种看法听起来十分荒谬。
- 24. In the vast majority of cases, however, when a home is broken, the breaking has begun long before any "third party" has appeared on the scene.
- 然而,从大多数事例看,一个家的破裂,是早在什么“第三者”出现之前就开始了的。
- 25. On the scene, groups of men clad in military uniform could be seen running in the area of the fire carrying plastic wash basins and hand towels.
- 在现场,一队队身着军装的男子正快速进入起火区域,带着塑料洗脸盆和手巾 。
- 26. Fortunately for the Heat, Wade was on the scene, and he put on an absolute masterpiece of a performance to keep the Heat alive in the first half.
- 热火是幸运的,因为他们有韦德。他的表现堪称伟大,是他使热队不致在上半场就缴械投降。
- 27. Fortunately for the Heat, Wade was on the scene, and he put on an absolute masterpiece of a performance to keep the Heat alive in the first half.
- 热火是幸运的,因为他们有韦德。他的表现堪称伟大,是他使热队不致在上半场就缴械投降。
- There are enemy aircraft on the radar screen.
雷达萤屏上出现了敌人的飞机。 - The mighty iceberg came into view.
巨大的冰山出现在眼前。 - All the best bonnets of the city were there.
城里戴最漂亮的无边女帽的妇女全都到场了。 - He showed up after the party was over.
- arrive on the scene 露面, 出场(尤指第...
- enter on the scene 出现在舞台上...
- come on the scene 到来
- be on the scene 出现(登场)
- appear on the scene 到场
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