operator cabin
- 驾驶室,司机室
- 1. The mathematical model of refrigeration cycle system and the object model of the temperature control for the operator cabin are put forward in the paper.
- 并最终建立了制冷循环系统的数学模型和驾驶室温度控制的对象模型。
- 2. This paper briefly describes the design of operator cabin of brick type of bulldozer, and discusses the improvement measures of main part of cabin and ceiling.
- 对积木式推土机驾驶室设计作了简单介绍。论述了驾驶室主体和顶棚的改进措施。
- 3. Engine mount is the isolator isolating vibration transmitted to operator cabin and foundation. The design quality for the mount has direct influence on comfort!
- 发动机悬置是隔离发动机振动向驾驶室和基础传递的隔振元件,其设计的优劣直接影响汽车的乘坐舒适性。
- 4. Based on the known refrigerating output, the thermoregulation of the operator cabin is realized through adapting PID control strategy controlling the rotating speed of the evaporator fan.
- 在确定的制冷量基础上,采用PID控制策略来控制蒸发器风扇的转速,从而实现驾驶室内的温度调节。
- 5. The operating system of this mower is installed inside the operator cabin and is adjustable if necessary. The operator cabin can be restructured to a closed one provided with air conditioner.
- 该割草机的操作系统安装在驾驶室内,驾驶室为密封结构并自带冷暖空调。
- 6. The operating system of this mower is installed inside the operator cabin and is adjustable if necessary. The operator cabin can be restructured to a closed one provided with air conditioner.
- 该割草机的操作系统安装在驾驶室内,驾驶室为密封结构并自带冷暖空调。
operator A
operator services switching unit
operator - splitting technique
operator services position system
operator control language command
Operator error or malicious users
Operator does not go backwards.
Operators Console Transfer Channel
operator display terminal protocol
operator position interface module
operator auxiliary control element
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