ordinary share
- 普通股
- 1. The company priced its offering of 2.7 million ordinary shares at 20 pence a share.
- 该公司将所提供的270万份普通股定价为每股20美分。
- 2. The total dividend per ordinary share was 31 pence.
- 普通股每股股息为31便士。
- 3. There are no potential dilutive ordinary shares, and the diluted earnings per share are equal to the basic earnings.
- 本公司不存在稀释性潜在普通股,稀释每股收益等于基本每股收益。
- 4. It refers to the senior debt which rank is ahead of ordinary share capital will enjoy the first repayment in the case of default.
- 指偿债顺序排在普通股之前的公司优先债,在出现违约的情况下,享受优先受偿权。
- 5. And ordinary shares are liabilities of firms, which confer on their owners the right to a share of the profits earned but, in contrast with loans, do not have to be repaid.
- 普通股对企业而言是一笔负债,它授予了它的持有者分享盈利的权利,但与贷款相比它不需偿还。
- 6. The price not only considers market price of ordinary share and intrinsic value of state-owned ownership, but also protects benefits of shareholders. so it can be used as basis of pricing subject.
- 这一价格既考虑了流通股的市价,又考虑了国有股权的内在价值,兼顾了国有股股东和流通股股东的利益,可以作为国有股减持的定价依据之一。
- 7. When the stock repurchase price in the listed company's share repurchase contracts is higher than current average market price of ordinary shares, and diluted earnings per share should be calculated.
- 当上市公司签订的股份回购合同中所规定的股票回购价格高于当期普通股平均市场价格时,应当计算稀释每股收益。
- 8. And he suggested that a revival in the birth rate across Russia was a sign that ordinary Russians did not share the gloomy pessimism of the Valdai club.
- 他也提到,俄罗斯出生率的提高也暗示普通俄罗斯民众并没有和瓦尔代俱乐部持有同样悲观的态度。
- 9. Identical twins are genetic duplicates, while fraternal twins share only about half their genes and are no more genetically alike than ordinary siblings are.
- 同卵双胞胎的基因完全一样;异卵双胞胎的基因只有一半完全一样;异卵双胞胎的基因恐怕并不比普通兄弟姐妹之间的基因更加相似。
- 10. In 2007 he strengthened his grip by setting up Cosan Limited, a company with a dual share structure that accords some of Mr Mello's shares ten times the voting weight of ordinary ones.
- 在2007年,通过成立Cosan有限公司,他加强了这一控制。Cosan有限公司采用了一种双重股权模式,确认Mello ' s先生的股份所代表的投票权重是普通股份的十倍。
- 11. The new Camaro and dozens of other cars on the market share another trait that makes their tires costlier: large-diameter wheels, a trend that has recently spread to ordinary cars.
- 新款Camaro和市场上的其他几十款车还有一个共同的特点,使得它们的轮胎更昂贵:大直径车轮,这种趋势最近已经蔓延到了普通汽车上。
- 12. They are so beautiful and different from ordinary seals, so I share them with all on my list.
- 它们非常美并且不同于平常的印作,因此我与我的名单中的全体分享它们。
- 13. Although this is the "small minority" share, against ordinary consumers is a separate individual, but it reflects the national style of clothing is being more and more popular favorite.
- 这虽然是“小众”的份额,针对的是单独个体的普通消费者,但却体现出具有民族风情的服装正被越来越多的大众所喜爱。
- 14. In fact, ordinary consumers will finally share the money.
- 实际上,这些钱最终都要由普通的消费者来分担了。
- 15. With natural, visual and pragmatic characteristics, popular dress culture penetrates into people's life and spiritual world, by which ordinary people can share the dress culture.
- 大众服饰文化以其自然性、直观性、务实性等特点,渗透到普通大众的生活领域和精神世界,使服饰文化的共享性得到了实现。
- 16. The museum is stocked with items donated by ordinary people, who share the stories of how each object came to symbolize a doomed relationship.
- 博物馆里的展品都是由普通人捐赠的。他们分享了这些物品背后注定分离的情感往事。
- 17. Li from the said: "I have not discussed this with the following ordinary people who say that we are together when the officer did not take the salary of the person and share the following."
- 李离说:“我平常没有跟下面的人说我们一起来当这个官,拿的俸禄也没有与下面的人一起分享。”
- 18. Queen: And because you've been so good to poor old granny, I'll share a secret with you. This is no ordinary apple. It's a magic wishing apple.
- 王后:你对我这个老太婆这么好,那就让我告诉你一个秘密,这可是个不平常的苹果,是可以许愿的苹果。
- 19. Great minds share ideas, ordinary minds share information, small minds share gossip.
- 杰出的头脑交流思想,普通的头脑交流信息,平庸的头脑交流流言蜚语。
- 20. Companies with a total share capital of Rmb 400 million or more may issue shares by the combined method of Network Offering to ordinary investors and private placement to legal persons.
- 公司股本总额在4亿元以上的公司,可采用对一般投资者上网发行和对法人配售相结合的方式发行股票。
- 21. Companies with a total share capital of Rmb 400 million or more may issue shares by the combined method of Network Offering to ordinary investors and private placement to legal persons.
- 公司股本总额在4亿元以上的公司,可采用对一般投资者上网发行和对法人配售相结合的方式发行股票。
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