outgoing message
- 出局信息
- 1. What's recommended outgoing message?
- 有什么推荐的外方电话录音?。
- 2. A. Wendy, I don't like my outgoing message, you do one for you.
- 我不喜欢我的外放电话留言,你来给我设一个。
- 3. Broadcast outgoing message for a particular user to all servers.
- 将特定用户的外发邮件广播到所有服务器。
- 4. When using voicemail, you can often use your PIN to bypass the outgoing message.
- 当你使用语音信箱时,通常你可以用你的个人识别编码绕过外部语音信息。
- 5. But by entering my PIN I bypass that outgoing message, because I don't need to hear it.
- 但通过输入我的个人识别编码,我绕过了那些外部语音信息,因为我不需要听到它。
- 6. There is one thing left to do, namely define the appropriate JMSType on the outgoing message.
- 还需要做一件事情,即在传出消息上定义适当的JMSType。
- 7. Components of the output message - including their names (in the body of outgoing message) and type.
- 输出消息组件——包括名称(names)(在出站消息体中)和类型(type)。
- 8. On the left side of the screen is the incoming message, and on the right is the outgoing message.
- 屏幕的左侧是传入信息,右侧是传出信息。
- 9. Disabling the message queue will delay incoming and outgoing messages until the queue is unlocked.
- 禁用消息队列将推迟传入和传出消息,直到队列解锁。
- 10. For example, the incoming message could use HTTP, while the outgoing message might use WebSphere MQ.
- 例如,传入消息可以使用HTTP,而传出消息可以使用WebSphereMQ。
- 11. A standard handler, provided by WSE, takes care of packaging these attachments with the outgoing message.
- 由WSE提供的标准处理程序负责将这些附件与输出消息打包。
- 12. Explain in your outgoing message that you don't use voice mail, and instead provide your email address.
- 对外解释你不使用语音邮件,并提供你的电子邮件地址。
- 13. Final values can be assigned to properties, making them a part of the outgoing message and accessible to recipients.
- 最终值可以分配给属性,使其成为发出的消息的一部分并可以被接收者访问。
- 14. When I call the voicemail system, it usually plays my "outgoing message," the message people hear when they call me.
- 当我呼叫语音信箱系统时,它通常会播放“外部语音信息”这些消息是其他打我电话的人听到的消息。
- 15. UDDI version 2 has modified some existing message APIs and changed the version identifier on all incoming and outgoing messages.
- UDDI版本2修改了一些已有的消息api,并改变了所有进入和发出的消息上的版本标识符。
- 16. If we're arguing that this system needs to be usable by 10-line PHP scripts, then a poorly implemented outgoing message queue is par for the course.
- 如果我们声称只需10行PHP脚本就可让系统可用,那么这一过程只能得到一个实现拙劣的输出消息队列。
- 17. These flows are stateless; in general, a message comes in, the flow performs various operations on the message, then an outgoing message is sent.
- 这些流是无状态的;通常情况下是消息传入,流对该消息执行各种操作,然后发送传出消息。
- 18. A message splitter can be used to break down an outgoing message into parts and dispatch those parts over different endpoints configured on the router.
- 消息分解器(messagesplitter)可用于将输出消息(outgoing message)分解成多个部分,再将他们分发到配置在路由器(router)上的不同端点。
- 19. Old before above someone lets sb know, let shut BBS, but do not have official outgoing message all the time, we are supporting to procrastinate came down.
- 多年前上面有人打招呼,让关闭bbs,但一直没有正式发文,我们就顶着拖下来了。
- 20. Once you have completed the wizard your DataPower box will be able to decrypt incoming messages to your flow and encrypt outgoing messages from your message flow.
- 在完成向导后,DataPower框将能够解密传入消息流的消息和加密从消息流传出的消息。
- 21. When sending an outgoing message, you can select whether new attachments are sent with the message or are saved to a Lotus Quickr library and replaced with links in the email.
- 发送外发消息时,您可选择随消息发送新附件,还是将附件保存到Lotusquickr库并在电子邮件中使用链接。
- 22. Fortunately the ESB provides a message element setter mediation primitive that can be used to inspect the incoming message format and add some information to the outgoing message header.
- 幸运的是,ESB提供了messageelementsetter中介原语,可以将其用于检查传入消息格式并向传出消息Header添加一些信息。
- 23. During its execution, the BPEL process will invoke an asynchronous service by placing another message on an outgoing MQ queue called IMPORTQ.
- 在其执行过程中,BPEL流程将调用一个异步服务,方法是将另一消息放在名为IMPORTQ的MQ出站队列。
- 24. Shown in Listing 2, demonstrates how to add a header block to an outgoing SOAP message. This method will.
- signOut going(如清单2所示)演示了如何将一个头信息块添加到一个传出SOAP消息中。
- 25. Before the process component delivers the message to an outgoing destination, it marks in the message that all system exceptions should be returned to the caller for processing.
- 流程组件将消息提交给外发目的地之前,它会标记所有系统异常应返回到调用程序的消息,以便进行处理。
- 26. Now you can create the BPEL process that will handle the incoming message and put it on an outgoing queue.
- 现在您可以创建一个处理传入消息并将其放入传出队列的bpel流程。
- 27. Asynchronous invocations also typically require a currently open transaction to be committed to allow the outgoing request message to become visible to the consumer to whom it is targeted.
- 异步调用通常还需要提交一个当前打开的事务,以允许出站消息对消息指向的目标使用者可见。
- 28. Outgoing event dispinterface that is used to support asynchronous message notifications.
- 用来支持异步消息通知的传出的事件界面。
- 29. In the case of an import binding, the reverse occurs; namely, the outgoing SDO DataObject is turned into the JMS message that is sent to the external service.
- 在导入绑定的情况下,则进行相反的处理,也就是说,将传出的SDODataObject转换为发送到外部服务的JMS消息。
- 30. In the case of an import binding, the reverse occurs; namely, the outgoing SDO DataObject is turned into the JMS message that is sent to the external service.
- 在导入绑定的情况下,则进行相反的处理,也就是说,将传出的SDODataObject转换为发送到外部服务的JMS消息。
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