- 1. The multi-spectral and panchromatic image fusion is discussed.
- 探讨了遥感多光谱与全色波段图像的融合问题。
- 2. The making technology of panchromatic holographic plate was supplied.
- 给出了制作全色全息干版的工艺。
- 3. We could tell from one look that the photo was shot with panchromatic film.
- 一眼就能看出来,这张照片是用全色软片拍摄的。
- 4. SPOT Combined images can be made by multispectral and panchromatic ones in three different ways.
- 组合SPOT图像是由多波段和全色波段按三种不同方式组合的。
- 5. This paper applies 2-d DCT to the remote sensing image fusion between panchromatic and multi-spectral images.
- 本文将二维离散余弦变换(DCT)应用于多光谱图像与全色光学图像融合问题的研究中。
- 6. This paper proposes a novel method of fusing panchromatic and multispectral images based on contourlet and IHS.
- 该文提出一种基于最小二乘及区域分割的多光谱图像纹理特征提取与比较的方法。
- 7. It acquires good classified effects that fuzzy mathematics is applied in the panchromatic aerial image classification.
- 将模糊数学理论引入中小比例尺全色航空影像分类中,取得了一定的效果。
- 8. A novel algorithm for multispectral and panchromatic images based on the physical characteristics of the imaging systems is proposed.
- 提出了一种基于成像系统物理特性的多光谱图像与全色波段图像融合算法。
- 9. The present invention has the advantages of capacity of sealing panchromatic pattern and text with several seals and simple structure.
- 本发明的优点是:可满足复数个印章重叠盖印出全色的图案或文字,而且构造简单。
- 10. The difference between remote sensing image spectral response is the main reason that causes distortions while merging multi-spectral and panchromatic images.
- 对于多光谱和全色波段遥感影像融合而言,影像间光谱响应范围的差异是造成融合结果光谱畸变的重要原因。
- 11. Image fusion based on the linear relationship between panchromatic and multispectral data is feasible and widely used for the fusion of remotely sensed images.
- 基于全色数据与多光谱数据之间的线性关系进行遥感图像融合是一种可行并被广泛应用的思路。
- 12. Finally, in analytical plotter APS-1, some beneficial results using a panchromatic SPOT stereo pair of level 1ap over the area of Southwest of China are presented.
- 最后,在解析测图仪aps—1上利用我国西南地区的一个1ap级立体像对进行了试验,取得了一些有益的结论。
- 13. This paper presents a new image fusion scheme based on local histogram matching filtering techniques for fusing high resolution panchromatic and multi spectral images.
- 本文提出了一种基于局部直方图匹配滤波技术的影像融合新方法。
- 14. This article try to find out the effect of the packing materials and film base to conservation character of panchromatic portrait film through doing the artificial aging experiment .
- 本文主要是通过做人工老化实验,探索包装材料与片基对人像胶片保藏性能的影响。
- 15. It acquires good classified effects that fuzzy mathematics is applied in the panchromatic aerial image classification. Experiments indicate this method is a good image classification.
- 将模糊数学理论引入中小比例尺全色航空影像分类中,取得了一定的效果。试验表明模糊分类技术是一种较好的航空影像分类方法。
- 16. Optical remote sensing relies on the use of panchromatic, multispectral and hyperspectral images with a high spectral resolution and spatial resolution to distinguish the observed scene.
- 光学遥感依赖于利用多光谱和超光谱图像具有较高的光谱分辨率和空间分辨率来对所观测场景进行辨别。
- 17. The paper introduces the IKONOS image fusion by MRAGM algorithm with 4 band wavelets filter. The result shows this method is suitable to fuse IKONOS panchromatic image and multi spectral image.
- 本文利用基于四进制小波滤波器的MRAGM算法,成功地把全色影像和多光谱影像进行了融合,结果显示该方法的效果令人满意。
- 18. The paper introduces the IKONOS image fusion by MRAGM algorithm with 4 band wavelets filter. The result shows this method is suitable to fuse IKONOS panchromatic image and multi spectral image.
- 本文利用基于四进制小波滤波器的MRAGM算法,成功地把全色影像和多光谱影像进行了融合,结果显示该方法的效果令人满意。
- panchromatic rendition 全色重显
- panchromatic plate 全色感光板,全色干片...
- panchromatic film 全色胶片,全色薄膜...
- panchromatic monochrome television camera 黑白电视全色摄象机...
- panchromatic negative 全色负片
- panchromatic vision filter 全色滤光镜
- panchromatic filter 全色滤色片
- panchromatic emulsion 全色乳胶
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