thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation;
"became panicky as the snow deepened"
"felt panicked before each exam"
"trying to keep back the panic-stricken crowd"
"the terrified horse bolted"
- 1. Panic-stricken travellers fled for the borders.
- 惊慌失措的旅行者们向边界逃跑。
- 2. Everyone was too panic-stricken to think of a little girl no one was fond of.
- 大家都吓坏了,顾不上一个谁也不喜欢的小女孩。
- 3. Panic-stricken at the thought of losing Wendy, the lost boys had advanced upon her threateningly.
- 那些丢失的孩子们担心温迪就要走了,就向她逼近,威胁她。
- 4. The panic-stricken fled in all directions.
- 惊慌的人群向四面八方逃去。
- 5. The above-mentioned act is owed to ghastfulness, consternation, excitation or excessively panic-stricken.
- 上述行为是因为恐怖、惊愕、兴奋或者过于惊慌失措引起的。
- 6. Thee panic-stricken mother is looking for her child.
- 那位惊恐万状的母亲在寻找她的孩子。
- 7. The panic-stricken crowd rushed to the emergency exit.
- 惊恐万状的人群朝紧急出处口跑去。
- 8. They killed45 puppet troops and sent the rest fleeing panic-stricken.
- 他们打死45名伪军,使其他的人都惊惶逃窜了。
- 9. A wall collapsed and 39 people, were killed in the panic-stricken stampede.
- 一堵墙倒了,慌乱中有39人死于踩踏事故。
- 10. If you work in most other fields, you're likely nervous but not panic-stricken.
- 如果你是在其他领域工作,那么你可能是有惊无险。
- 11. All things past by, but it is still left behind in the mind to be panic-stricken.
- 所有的悲惨都过去啦,但是由于太过惊悚以至于当时的情景还留在心上过不去。
- 12. What he meant by an account in full, Nikolay knew even less than the panic-stricken and bewildered Mitenka.
- 全部帐目是些什么帐目,胆战心惊的、困惑不安的米坚卡比·尼古拉知道得更多。
- 13. At this point, the car's panic-stricken man, a passenger will be a thing quietly into the gap in the seats.
- 此时,车内的男子惊慌起来,一名乘客悄悄将一个东西塞到了座位缝隙里。
- 14. She can inspire deeply at any time, warned that she should not be panic-stricken or the uncombed hair temperament.
- 她能在任何时候深吸一口气,告诫自己不要惊慌失措或乱发脾气。
- 15. On the day of the contest, I was panic-stricken and couldn't help but run to the toilet continually while waiting.
- 到了比赛当天,我在等待时坐立难安,还一直跑厕所。
- 16. The company's other executives are grieved and panic-stricken upon hearing reports that all aboard their leader's flight had died.
- 公司其他主管听到总裁飞机上所有的乘客都死亡的消息时非常悲伤且恐慌。
- 17. These children often have a reading problem at school which their panic-stricken parents disguise under the socially acceptable label of dyslexia.
- 这些孩子在学校常常有阅读困难,他们的父母惊慌失措之际,会用社会所能接受的“诵读困难症”来予以掩饰。
- 18. While the above-mentioned act is owe to ghastfulness, consternation, excitation or excessively panic-stricken, he shall be exempted from punishment.
- 当上述行为是因为恐怖、惊愕、兴奋或者过于惊慌失措引起时,应当免除处罚”。
- 19. The chauffeur was panic-stricken for a moment but quickly recovered. "That's an easy one, "he replied, "so easy, I'm going to let my chauffeur answer it. "
- 司机一时被问懵了,但很快就镇定下来。“这很容易,”他说,“太容易了,我要让我的司机来回答。”
- 20. The cover girl of 16 years ago was printed in large Numbers. From within her visage covered in dust, a pair of panic-stricken and sensitive eyes looks steadily out.
- 十六年前的封面少女被大量印刷,她的蒙着硝烟的脸庞上,一双惊恐而敏感的眼睛在凝视着。
- 21. Feels grateful the illness, the hospital ward, lets me taste the nightmare, Feels grateful the childhood, the dark cloud and cold wind, lets me tiny panic-stricken.
- 感恩病痛,病房深处,让我品尝噩梦,感恩童年,乌云寒风,让我渺小惊恐。
- 22. Regularly, on roads leading away from casinos, rescue workers peel the wreckage of cars from trees into which their penniless, panic-stricken drivers have smashed them.
- 拯救人员经常在离开赌场的路上从树干移去车祸残骇,这些猛力撞向树干的车子的司机多是那些身无分文、惊惶失措的人。
- 23. The tear no longer rushes, a pain pain happiness, only for you, the road again is also narrow, the wind is again panic-stricken, anything has not been possible to hinder.
- 眼泪不再澎湃,痛也痛个痛快,只为你,路再狭窄,风再惊骇,没什么可以阻碍。
- 24. Is nerve-racking panic-stricken the heart main startled, but hides the god young child spiritedly timid, wisdom not sufficient, if sees the thing exceptionally, or hears the special sound.
- 惊恐伤神心主惊而藏神小儿神气怯弱,智慧未充,若见异常之物,或闻特异声响。
- 25. When the kidnapper throws her is flooding the cockroach and mouse's gloomy moist basement, she felt that is extremely panic-stricken and is disgusting, the whole body has the full goose flesh.
- 当绑匪将她扔进充斥着蟑螂和老鼠的阴暗潮湿的地下室时,她感觉万分惊骇与恶心,全身起满鸡皮疙瘩。
- 26. After several persons had been let in and let out of the minister's room by the adjutant, an officer was admitted at the dreadful door, whose abject and panic-stricken face had struck Prince Andrey.
- 当副官把这几个人从大臣办公室领进来又把他们领出去以后,有人让一个军官走进一扇可怕的房门里来,军官那低首下心的惊惶的样子使安德烈公爵大为愕异。
- 27. She suffers from a fear known as lachanophobia, which leaves her sweating and stricken with panic attacks at the merest sight of a sprout or a pea.
- 她受到蔬菜恐惧症的折磨,仅仅看到一个豆芽或一粒豌豆也会令她冒汗生病。
- 28. She suffers from a fear known as lachanophobia, which leaves her sweating and stricken with panic attacks at the merest sight of a sprout or a pea.
- 她受到蔬菜恐惧症的折磨,仅仅看到一个豆芽或一粒豌豆也会令她冒汗生病。
- You look panic-stricken!
- frightened 受惊的
- terrified 恐惧的
- fearful 担心的
- shocked 震惊的
- panicky 恐慌的
- panic-struck panic-strick...
- panicked 动词panic的过去式,...
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