pass for
- 被当作
- 1. Instead of running all your automated unit tests every day, only run the ones that need to pass for this particular delivery or iteration.
- 不必每天运行所有自动化的单元测试,而只运行此特定交付或迭代需要通过的测试。
- 2. He speaks the language so well he could easily pass for a German.
- 他德语讲得好极了,很容易被当成德国人。
- 3. Children's toy guns now look so realistic that they can often pass for the real thing.
- 孩子们的玩具枪现在看起来那么真以至于常可被当作真枪。
- 4. A great man's foolish sayings pass for wise ones.
- 一个大人物的傻话会被当作明智的格言。
- 5. An ancient star can often pass for a much younger one.
- 一个年代久远的星星可能通常会被当做年轻得多的星星。
- 6. Well, folks, these expectations ain't going to come to pass for all of us.
- 但是,亲爱的家长们,这些期待的实现并不会降临到我们每个父母的头上。
- 7. We also think they could pass for a pack of hot dogs. Really, really heavy hot dogs.
- 我们认为他们可以假扮一盒热狗——很重很重的热狗。
- 8. My Indian origins allow me to pass for a local, which I thought was better than any armor.
- 我的印第安血统能让我能在当地穿行,比100件防弹衣还管事。
- 9. With its rolling hills and lush greenery, it could easily pass for paradise-if not for memories of 1994.
- 如果不是因为1994年那惨痛的记忆,那绵延的群山茂盛的绿叶很容易让人以为这里就是天堂。
- 10. He pronounces his words like a native, and if it were not for his body language, he could pass for a Latino.
- 他的发音很地道,如果不是他的手势,简直跟拉丁人分不清了。
- 11. In real life, the transcendent man is an unimposing figure who could pass for Woody Allen's even nerdier younger brother.
- 在现实生活中,这位出类拔萃的人物并不起眼,他有点书呆子气,长得和伍迪·艾伦颇为神似。
- 12. Students who register for these first Program offerings will get an automatic attendee pass for the Collaboration Summit.
- 报名参加这些首批课程的学生将自动取得通行证,出席协作峰会。
- 13. That a piece of paper of no intrinsic value should pass for good money the world over is nothing less than a secular miracle.
- 一张没有内在价值的纸片竟然被全世界奉为优等货币,这简直是这个世俗世界的一个奇迹。
- 14. The truth is that at present, much of what pass for scientific "facts" about the sea and what lives in it are still based on guesswork.
- 事实上,目前大多数被认为是科学“事实”的有关海洋以及生活在其中生物的情况仍然基于猜测。
- 15. Hollywood stars seem to be arguing, in some ways, that Polanski's talent should allow him some sort of free pass for his past behaviour.
- 好莱坞的明星们似乎认为,从某种程度来说,波兰斯基的才能,会让人们对他过去的行为既往不咎。
- 16. When she was four, her mother sent her to live with a black family because her mother feared that young June was too dark to pass for white.
- 当她四岁时,她的母亲将她送到一个黑人家庭生活因为她母亲害怕年幼的她看起来太黑了以至于会被认为不是白种人。
- 17. It rankles that some of the people I get this from are young enough that I could pass for their mother — that is, if I had had kids early.
- 更让人可恼的是,有些这么称呼我的人还很年轻,我够当他们的妈妈了——如果我早点生了孩子的话。
- 18. Thailand says that fast passenger trains would reach speeds of 200 kilometres an hour, streets ahead of what currently pass for express trains.
- 泰国宣称普通旅客快车将达到时速200公里,超过现有的特快列车好几个街区。
- 19. Morgan is an expansive stylist, fond of rare words (“letheless, ” “mortise”) and of the circumlocutions that can pass for plain speaking, but her pacing is shrewd.
- Morgan是一名胸襟广阔并且追求独特风格的作家,喜欢罕见字(“letheless”,“mortise"),并且喜欢迂回的能够通过普通说话表现出来的说法,但是她的节奏敏锐。
- 20. Those of us who loved him and who take him to his rest today pray that what he was to us and what he wished for others will someday come to pass for all the world.
- 所有喜爱他的人和今天来为他送行的人,让我们共同祈祷,愿他在我们心中所代表的理念、他对其他人的祝愿总有一天会在全世界成为现实。
- 21. With his boyish face and slender build, he (David Ho) could more easily pass for a teenager than for a 44-year-old father of three — or, for that matter, for a world-renowned scientist.
- 娃娃脸和瘦瘦的身材,使何大一看起来更像是个青少年,而不像一位44岁,育有3名子女的父亲,更不像是世界知名的科学家。
- 22. I know clans whose members greet each other with gingerly handshakes or, in what pass for kisses, with hurried brushes of side jawbones, as if the object were to touch not the lips but the ears.
- 我知道一个家族每次家庭成员们见面都小心翼翼的握手问候对方,没有亲吻,只用下颚快速的碰一下,好似用来接触对方的不是嘴唇而是耳朵。
- 23. The road was just wide enough for two vehicles to pass.
- 这条路的宽度刚好能让两辆车开过。
- 24. Webber made a shot over Shawn Kemp after an inbounds pass to win it for the Kings.
- 在球从界外掷入界内为国王队得分后,韦伯突破肖恩•坎普的护栏投入一球。
- 25. Can you pass these pictures around for everyone to look at, please?
- 请你把这些画传给每个人看一看好吗?
- 26. Regional carriers get paid for calls that pass through their switches.
- 地方运营商向那些通过其转接台的电话收费。
- 27. They waited for the storm to pass.
- 他们等待暴风雨过去。
- 28. I'm not old enough for my bus pass yet!
- 我还不到领取免费乘车票的年龄。
- 29. 'Pass away' is a euphemism for 'die'.
- “去世”是“死”的委婉语。
- 30. 'Pass away' is a euphemism for 'die'.
- “去世”是“死”的委婉语。
- The property was pledged as security for loans.
这地产被当作贷款的抵押。 - A great man's foolish sayings pass for wise ones.
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