- n. 菲
- 1. The degree of decline in the phenanthrene than pyrene.
- 菲下降的程度要高于芘。
- 2. Strain Sphingomonas sp. GY2B degrade phenanthrene via salicylate pathway.
- GY 2b菌株对菲的降解可能通过水杨酸途径。
- 3. Microbial degradation and volatilization of phenanthrene are easier than pyrene.
- 菲的微生物降解、挥发易于芘。
- 4. Apparent hysteresis existed in phenanthrene desorption from organo-mineral aggregates.
- 菲在有机-矿质复合体上的解吸表现出明显的滞后现象。
- 5. Coal tar mainly contains difficult volatilization of anthracene, phenanthrene, pyrene, etc.
- 煤焦沥青中主要含有难挥发的蒽、菲、芘等。
- 6. One specific type that Hecht was particularly interested in tracking was phenanthrene, which is in cigarette smoke.
- 赫克特特别注意追踪特定的一种多环芳烃——菲,因为菲存在于香烟烟雾中。
- 7. In this article, a new method of determining contents of diphenyl and phenanthrene in waste water has been investigated.
- 文章研究了一种新的测定废水中联苯及菲含量的方法。
- 8. Only 2—4 ring PAHs were detected in gas phase, and phenanthrene was the most abundant with an average of 55.1% in total PAHs.
- 结果显示,气相中主要是2—4环的多环芳烃,其中菲为主要的化合物,平均占到总多环芳烃的55.1%。
- 9. Oxidation of phenanthrene for the preparation of phenanthrenequinone was studied by potassium permanganate in LR in the paper.
- 研究了在溶剂LR中用高锰酸钾氧化菲制取菲醌,并探讨了合成菲醌的主要影响因素,找出了较佳工艺条件。
- 10. The biodegradation of phenanthrene was raised in the situation of less inoculums concentration with the addition of the dissolved MHA.
- 生物降解实验显示溶解态MHA在较低菌接种量的情况下促进了菲在液相中的生物降解。
- 11. The team observed the phenanthrene as it traveled through the blood, and watched as it destroyed DNA and caused mutations that lead to cancer.
- 研究小组观察并监测了菲随血液循环,破坏DNA并造成致癌变异的全过程。
- 12. A synergism was also found between wheat uptakes of phenanthrene and inorganic nutrients, Moreover, DOM accelerated markedly the synergism.
- 小麦对多环芳烃菲的吸收与无机养分的吸收之间存在协同效应,且DOM可促进这种协同效应。
- 13. The results show that the sorption and desorption of phenanthrene and 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene are highly nonlinear and significantly hysteretic.
- 结果表明,菲和1,3,5 三氯苯的吸附解吸等温线均表现出较强的非线性和解吸滞后。
- 14. Phenanthrene and pyrene in soil are based on microbial degradation, followed by abiotic degradation such as volatilization, chemical degradation.
- 土壤中菲和芘都是以微生物降解为主,其次是挥发、化学降解等非生物降解方式。
- 15. Experiments on degradation of phenanthrene by two species of petroleum-degrading bacteria and the change of dioxygenase activities were carried out.
- 在液体培养基中选用两种石油降解细菌进行菲降解实验,研究了菲降解率和双加氧酶活力的变化。
- 16. The sorption of acenaphthene and phenanthrene was characterized by linear isotherm indicating solute partition between water and the organic phase in soil.
- 土壤对多环芳烃的吸附去除效果明显,其中苊和菲的吸附等温线呈线性。
- 17. The sorption of Acenaphthene and Phenanthrene was characterized by linear isotherm, indicating solute partition between water and the organic phase in soil.
- 土壤对多环芳烃的吸附去除效果明显,其中苊和菲的吸附 等温线呈线性。
- 18. The present study compared the isolation of phenanthrene-degrading bacteria from mangrove sediment by traditional, immobilized and pasteurized enrichment methods.
- 本研究探讨了普通富集法,固定化富集法以及巴斯德消毒后富集法三种途径从相同红树林土壤中分离菲降解茵的差异。
- 19. The transportation and transformation of 14 C phenanthrene in a closed 'plant lava nutrient solution air' chamber system was studied by using radioactivity technology.
- 利用放射性同位素示踪技术,研究14C菲在“植物火山石营养液空气”封闭系统中的迁移转化。
- 20. Rose with vast estate exclusive vineyard, main varieties cabernet sauvignon, etam nico, Thoreau palmer card, chardonnay, flange zina, phenanthrene north, gray grams, etc.
- 罗兹庄园拥有大片专属的葡萄园,主要品种有赤霞珠,艾格尼科,索洛帕卡,莎当妮,法兰吉娜,菲诺,格雷克等。
- 21. A short review about the wide uses of phenanthraquinone is given. The methods of its synthesis by several different means from phenanthrene and other compounds are presented.
- 综述了菲醌的广泛用途及合成的几种方法,其中包括由菲制备合成及由其它化合物合成菲醌。
- 22. Phenanthrene dynamics and influence in production process of needle coke is studied, the result shows: different process conditions have obvious influence on phenanthrene content.
- 研究了在针状焦生产过程中菲的动态及影响,结果表明:不同的工艺条件对菲含量有明显影响。
- 23. At the same time the difference of the solubility to the isomeric compound Anthracene and Phenanthrene in the different solvents is discussed by the aspect of the activity coefficient.
- 同时,还对蒽、菲同分异构体在不同溶剂中的溶解度的差异,从活度系数方面进行了探讨。
- 24. Pot experiments were performed to study the effect of amending organic matters and surfactants to phenanthrene-contaminated soil on phyto-remediation for soil phenanthrene with ryegrass.
- 采用盆栽试验方法,研究了外源有机物料及表面活性剂加入菲污染土壤后黑麦草对土壤中菲的修复作用。
- 25. The differential expression of whole cell protein of strain H induced by phenanthrene was very obvious. This indicated that gene clusters involved in phenanthrene degradation is inducible.
- 在菲诱导下,降解菌H的全细胞蛋白的表达发生了变化,说明在降解菌H中,参与菲降解的基因是可诱导的。
- 26. There was co metabolic relationship between pyrene and phenanthrene which was a kind of low molecular weight PAHs, phenanthrene accelerated the degradation of pyrene, while naphthalene didn't.
- 芘和低分子量多环芳烃之间也有共代谢关系,菲促进了芘的降解,但萘未出现同样的结果。
- 27. The time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT), CIS and TD-HF studies have been performed on the UV-spectrum of phenanthrene. Based on the optimized geometries, the vertical excitation energies were calculated.
- 用含时密度泛函理论TDDFT及组态相关CIS、含时td HF方法对菲的UV光谱进行了理论研究,在几何构型优化的基础上,计算了其垂直电子激发能。
- 28. The time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT), CIS and TD-HF studies have been performed on the UV-spectrum of phenanthrene. Based on the optimized geometries, the vertical excitation energies were calculated.
- 用含时密度泛函理论TDDFT及组态相关CIS、含时td HF方法对菲的UV光谱进行了理论研究,在几何构型优化的基础上,计算了其垂直电子激发能。
- In this article,a new method of determining contents of diphenyl and phenanthrene in waste water has been investigated.
文章研究了一种新的测定废水中联苯及菲含量的方法。 - The sorption of Acenaphthene and Phenanthrene was characterized by linear isotherm, indicating solute partition between water and the organic phase in soil.
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