- n. 光气;碳酰氯
a colorless poisonous gas that smells like new-mown hay; used in chemical warfare
- 1. The engineering characteristics of the interfacial polymerization of bis-phenol- A and phosgene to form polycarbonate have been verified by experiments.
- 本文在聚碳酸酯界面缩聚反应间歇实验的基础上,进行了反应过程的分析。
- 2. The present invention uses solid phosgene, rather than phosgene to result in accurate metering, optimized operation condition and less environmental pollution.
- 本发明用固体光气代替了一级剧毒性气体――光气,便于准确计量,优化了操作条件,对环境污染小;
- 3. Methods To aggregate analyse the clinical symptoms, signs, the changes of arterial blood gas and lung imaging and so on of 19 acute phosgene poisoning patients.
- 方法对19例急性光气中毒患者的临床症状、体征、动脉血气变化和肺影像学改变等临床资料进行综合分析。
- 4. It is suggested to develop industry of the fine chemicals concerned with some superior raw materials in Hunan province, such as toluene, phosgene and citric acid.
- 对湖南省有优势的几种有机化工原料,如甲苯、光气、柠檬酸等的精细化工开发,提出了具体的建议。
- 5. The method uses the bi-(trichloromethyl methyl) carbonate to replace phosgene so as to greatly reduce the safety and environmental protection risks from the source;
- 该方法用双(三 氯甲基)碳酸酯替代光气,从源头上大大降低了安全和环保隐患;
- 6. Conclusion: acute phosgene poisoning cause acute lung injury principally, it can be healed in short time by combination treatment mainly included glucocorticosteroid.
- 结论:急性光气中毒主要引起急性肺损伤,通过以糖皮质激素为主的综合治疗,可以在短时间内痊愈。
- 7. A process simulation software of phosgene synthetic unit and corresponding mathematic models were developed, which were successfully used in field production unit simulation.
- 开发了光气合成生产装置流程模拟软件及相庆的数学模型,并成功地用于现场生产装置的模拟计算。
- 8. The oxidative carbonylation of methanol route is one of the earliest phosgene-free synthetic routes of DMC, and it also contains the virtue of low cost which made it more economical.
- 甲醇液相氧化羰基化法是人们最早研究的非光气法d MC合成工艺,也是众多DMC合成方法中成本最低、最经济的工业路线。
- 9. The invention relates to a method for producing isocyanates by reacting the corresponding amines with phosgene, optionally in the presence of at least one inert medium, in the gas phase.
- 本发明涉及一种在气相中,任选在至少一种惰性介质存在下,使相应的胺与光气反应而生产异氰酸酯的方法。
- 10. CONCLUSION: The MPO vigor, following phosgene exposure, increases greatly in lungs, indicating an obvious PMN aggregation. Depletion of PMN can relieve acute lung injury induced by phosgene.
- 结论:光气中毒后肺mpo活性显著增加,提示肺部有明显的PMN聚集,耗竭pmn后可以缓解光气中毒后肺损伤的程度。
- 11. Compare to the traditional phosgene process, synthesis of DMC by oxidative carbonylation of methanol is more favorable because of its simple, environmental benign and cost-effective characters.
- 甲醇氧化羰化羰化法是合成dmc的一种新工艺路线,该工艺与传统的光气法工艺相比,具有工艺流程简单、无三废污染及生产成本低等优点。
- 12. The triphosgene, being as the substitute for phosgene and diphosgene in synthesis, is not only low-toxic but also safe and convenient to use with mild conditions, good selectivity and high yields.
- 三光气作为剧毒的光气和双光气在合成中的替代物,不但毒性低,使用安全方便,而且反应条件温和、选择性好、收率高。
- 13. It can be use as an environment-friendly intermediate and starting material for organic synthesis substituting the poisonous phosgene and dimethyl sulfate in carbonylation and methylation reaction.
- 它可以代替剧毒的光气和硫酸二甲酯作为环境友好的有机合成中间体和起始物质,应用与羰基化和甲基化反应中。
- 14. The risk of reaction using phosgene could be avoided effectively by substitution of triphosgene for phosgene, and application of triphosgene in production with broad prospect was believed by author.
- 用三光气代替光气合成化合物能有效消除光气的危险性,在生产中具有较广泛的应用前景。
- 15. The risk of reaction using phosgene could be avoided effectively by substitution of triphosgene for phosgene, and application of triphosgene in production with broad prospect was believed by author.
- 用三光气代替光气合成化合物能有效消除光气的危险性,在生产中具有较广泛的应用前景。
- The reaction kinetics of synthesizing aryl isocyanate by aryl amine and phosgene was studied.
研究了芳胺和光气反应生成异氰酸酯的反应动力学。 - It further proved that triphosgene replacing the deadly phosgene and diphosgene is feasible.
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