pin up
- 用钉子钉住
attach with or as if with a pin;
"pin up a picture"
- 1. The teachers usually pin up the best work on the board.
- 老师们通常把最好的作业钉在展示板上。
- 2. The teachers usually pin up the best work on the board.
- 老师通常把最好的作业钉在展示板上。
- 3. He liked to pin up the pictures of pop-stars the he clipped from various magazines.
- 他喜欢把从各种杂志中剪下来的流行歌星的照片钉在墙上。
- 4. Brands are also starting to do more with Pinterest, where users can "pin up" images of things that appeal to them.
- 品牌也开始和Pinterest合作,在Pinterest,用户可以把心仪的图像或东西“钉到墙上”。
- 5. I need the up-to-date sales figures but I can never pin him down at the office.
- 我需要最新的销售数字,可就是不能在办公室找到他问清楚。
- 6. That's why it may be up to consumers to move the needle on chip and PIN.
- 这就是为什么要由消费者来决定芯片和个人识别码的变化。
- 7. Jesse was looking resplendent in a fine pin-striped suit, and I kidded him about dressing up like a Republican today for the Speaker.
- 杰西穿了一套细条纹的西装,看起来光彩照人,我开玩笑说他今天为了议长盛装打扮得像一个共和党人。
- 8. This stall, like most of the best in Penang, has been around for a while; Mrs Chicken Rice's mother opened set up shop at Kheng Pin over forty years ago.
- 和其他的最棒的一些槟城小摊一样,这个小摊已经开了很久了;摊主的母亲四十多年前在肯品咖啡边建立了这个摊位。
- 9. This supplies 5 volts to pin 13. That creates a voltage difference across the pins of the LED, and lights it up.
- 这为13脚提供了5伏的电压,正是这个电压使LED灯亮。
- 10. Mg so also here we have now mg down, so we have at the pin mg up.
- 所以也有向下的力,图钉上的力mg向上。
- 11. It takes him up to three months to create each amazing and unique sculpture, which usually sits within the eye of a needle or on a pin head.
- 每个让人叹为观止、别具一格的雕像都需要花费他三个月的时间,这种雕像通常放在针孔里或者大头针的针头上。
- 12. You make one hundred dollar an hour, you get a safty pin holding the boot up?
- 你一个小时挣一百美元,那你的鞋洞还用别针补起来?
- 13. ICICI bank, for a long time the pin-up of the private Banks, paused for breath in 2009, rejigging its strategy to target industry as well as India's burgeoning middle classes.
- ICICI银行长期以来一直是私人银行的偶像,2009年停下来,喘口气,调整了战略,同时将工业和印度成长迅速的中产阶级做为服务对象。
- 14. Traditionally, designs were simple: an anchor, a pin-up girl or just "Mom".
- 传统的纹身往往设计简洁:锚、海报女郎或简单的字母。
- 15. Sarah Palin has metamorphosed into a media star, multi-millionaire and tea-party pin-up.
- 莎拉·佩林已经化身为媒体之星、千万巨富、及茶党的形象代言人。
- 16. This means they can also be used to authorise larger payments by entering PIN codes directly on the handset or topped up with stored credit from an online bank account without having to go to an ATM.
- 这些都意味着手机可以采用直接输入密码的方式进行更大规模的交易,还可以自网上银行为手机账户充值,而不必找自助取款机。
- 17. When paying in a restaurant, for example, the chip and Pin machine should be brought to you; otherwise, offer to go up to the till.
- 比如,在餐馆付帐时,刷卡机应该拿到你面前,否则,就提出去收银台付款。
- 18. I’m definitely labelled in the pin-up category and I haven’t given people a reason to take my work seriously yet.
- 无疑我被贴上了固定的标签,然而,我还没有给人们一个认真看待我工作的理由。
- 19. Most of the guitars on the market in the late 1950s had their share of feminine curves, but the Strat was the wood and metal equivalent of a pin-up model.
- 1950年代后期大多数的吉他都有着女性曲线的外形,但Stratocaster电吉他是木头和金属做的海报女郎。
- 20. The Home button does not work but lifts up to hide a 30-pin connector - so you can connect devices, including, oddly, a real iPhone.
- 主页按钮虽然样子货,但却隐藏了一个30针的连接器,可供连接设备,比如一个真正的iPhone。
- 21. Fold along the bottom (the middle line from the pattern,) pin the straps in place (two ends of one strap in each seam) and match up the edges.
- 底部(从模式中线)折脚有何带(两带之一,每缝完)和匹配的边缘。
- 22. Fold along the bottom (the middle line from the pattern,) pin the straps in place (two ends of one strap in each seam) and match up the edges.
- 底部(从模式中线)折脚有何带(两带之一,每缝完)和匹配的边缘。
- Each time my girl friend buys a new dress and the skirt is too long, I have to pin up the hem for her.
每当我女朋友买新服装而下摆太长时,我就得替她把底边别起来。 - As the skirt was too long for her, she had to pin up the hem.
- pin-up girl 钉在墙上的美女照片...
- pin up girl 其照片常被人钉在墙上...
- pin down 确定
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