plastic cement
- 塑胶,塑料粘结料
- 1. By experiment, the strengthening effect and mechanism of several additives to the humid-plastic cement soil are studied.
- 通过实验,研究了几种外加剂对湿塑性水泥土的增强作用及其增强机理。
- 2. The plastic cement is powdery material including 50 percent of lignin and 50 percent of corn cement according to the weight percentage.
- 所述的素胶是按重量百分比,含木质素和玉黍胶各50 %的粉状物料。
- 3. The supplier of company in Shenzhen , 3800 people hardware suitable. Small home appliance. Plastic cement engage in harbor money enterprise.
- 宜家公司在深圳的供应商,3800人五金。小家电。塑胶业港资企业。
- 4. The strength forming process of humid-plastic cement-soils is expatiated based on the characterization of the cement hydration process in cement-water-clay system.
- 从水泥在水泥-水-粘土系统中水化的特点出发,阐述了湿塑性水泥土的强度形成过程。
- 5. Plastic cement solves cracking problem of cement sheath successfully. With high strength fiber added in, not only the strength, but also the flexibility is increased.
- 塑性水泥可以很好地解决水泥环的脆裂问题,它通过掺入高强度纤维,不仅可增加水泥石的强度,而且可改变水泥石的弹性。
- 6. The sports field in our school is a great landscape equipped with man-made grass accompanied a 300-meter plastic cement track nearby six standard plastic cement basketball stadiums.
- 有功能齐全的人造草皮运动场、300米塑胶跑道和六片标准塑胶篮球场。
- 7. In addition to above products business, we company also have business in profile processing for plastic cement such as auto parts, plug adapter of electronic products, toys shield and soon.
- 另外我公司长期提供塑胶外型加工如:汽车配件成型,玩具外壳成型,电子产品插头成型,欢迎国内外朋友来电咨询,也希望能架起我们合作的桥梁!
- 8. Because each different manufacturers, production of cement bags are also different, Shenxian plastic cement bags, good quality, cheaper prices, manufacturers direct marketing, consumer trust units.
- 因为各个厂家不同,生产的水泥袋也不同,莘县飞腾塑编的水泥袋,质量优秀,价格便宜,厂家直销,是消费者信得过的单位。
- 9. Ochoa showed the journalists a black plastic lid that covered a swimming pool-size cement container of pig feces to prevent exposure to the outside air.
- 奥乔亚向记者带领记者参观了一个黑色塑料盖,它覆盖着一座游泳池大小的水泥猪粪池,以防止其与外界空气接触。
- 10. This time it's his look at the world's use of materials, from silicon to wood to plastic and cement.
- 这一次,他的这本书讲述的是世界材料的用法——从硅到木头到塑料到水泥。
- 11. According to experts speculate that general cement plastic rockery stone life in about 30 years, GRC plastic rockery stone life about 15 years, resin plastic rockery stone life in about 10 years.
- 根据专家推测,一般的水泥塑石假山的使用寿命在30年左右,GRC塑石假山的使用寿命约15年,树脂塑石假山的使用寿命在10年左右。
- 12. The architects selected inexpensive and quick-to-assemble materials for the project, using corrugated plastic sheeting for Windows and room dividers, and cement board for walls and shelving.
- 该项目中建筑师采用了便宜且易于快速组装的材料,主要有作为窗户和分隔墙的塑料瓦楞板,及用于外墙和支撑作用的水泥板。
- 13. In the cement pavement construction, application of plastic cover, to prevent contamination of the surface damage of cement slurry, the surface pattern and writing.
- 在水泥路面施工时,应用塑料膜将井盖盖好,以防止水泥浆沾染表面,损伤表面花纹、字迹。
- 14. Inline Hockey is an active sport that can be played on many different surfaces (e. g. cement, plastic tiles, wood etc.).
- 轮滑球是一项很受欢迎的运动,可以在多种表面进行,如水泥地面,塑料砖面,木地板等。
- 15. Steel pipe is the most common, but fiberglass pipe, cement-lined steel pipe, and flexible plastic pipe are also used.
- 出油管线最普遍地由钢管组成,不过也使用玻璃纤维管、水泥衬里钢管以及柔性塑料管。
- 16. This paper mainly introduces the main points of making plastic rockery stone in cement.
- 本文主要介绍水泥塑石假山中的制作要点。
- 17. It can be in any metope construction, wait like cement face, lime face, ceramic tile face, board face, iron plate face, glass face, plastic face, bubble surface.
- 它可在任何墙面施工,如水泥面、石灰面、瓷砖面、木板面、铁板面、玻璃面、塑料面、泡沫面等。
- 18. When the pressure is greater than the standard of the plastic pipe, the pipe will break, slurry and cement will escape from the pipe and pollute the mine.
- 当料浆的自然压力大于塑料管的耐压值后,便可使塑料管破管,从而使生产中断,浪费大量水泥、尾砂,并造成井下污染。
- 19. In this paper, the strength of plastic loess - cement using loess from Jiuzhoutai, Lanzhou as the raw material and the effect of the chemical admixtures on the strength are studied by experiments.
- 本文通过试验研究了以兰州九州台黄土为原料的塑性水泥黄土的强度及化学外加剂对强度的影响。
- 20. In this paper, the effects of polypropylene fibers on the plastic shrinkage stresses of the cement mortars were investigated by use of self-designed plastic shrinkage stresses measuring device.
- 采用自行设计的水泥砂浆塑性收缩应力测试装置研究了低掺量下聚丙烯纤维对水泥砂浆塑性收缩应力影响。
- 21. Putting the mixture of polypropylene powder, white cement, plastic bead, water and others into a mold makes the material.
- 该模型冰采用聚丙烯粉、塑料微珠、水泥等材料加入一定量的水由特制的搅拌机搅拌均匀倒入模具后成型制成。
- 22. For the use of ceramic tile, marble, plastic decoration, paste, and also can reduce the amount of cement.
- 用作粘贴瓷砖、大理石、塑料装饰,粘贴增强剂,还可以减少水泥用量。
- 23. Colored plastic, inks, gramophone records, shoe polish, paint cloth, leather paints, colored cement, electrodes, brush, dry batteries and so on.
- 塑料着色、墨水、留声机唱片、鞋油、油漆布、皮革涂料、有色水泥、电极、电刷、干电池等方面。
- 24. This system applies to automatic quantitative batching control in industries such as ceramic, pigment, chemical, plastic, cement, building materials etc.
- 适用于陶瓷、颜料、化工、塑料、水泥、建材等行业的自动定量配料控制。
- 25. Plastic rockery stone commonly used texture carving, carving, shaping technique of plastic and other techniques, and fully grasp the characteristics of cement mortar.
- 塑石假山常用的纹理塑造手法有雕、刻、塑等技法,还有对水泥砂浆特性的充分把握。
- 26. The attempt to replace part Fenmeihui Jiaoning materials-concrete, cement, plastic more than water under the various different powdery ash Chanliang of concrete strength, vulnerable nature.
- 本文尝试采用粉煤灰取代部分混凝土中胶凝材料—水泥,比较了在不同水胶比下不同的粉煤灰掺量对混凝土强度、和易性的影响。
- 27. Divided according to material: steel test piles, test piles of cement, plastic test pile. Test piles are divided into carbon steel test piles and steel test piles.
- 按材质分:钢质测试桩、水泥测试桩、塑料测试桩。钢质测试桩又分为碳钢测试桩和不锈钢测试桩。
- 28. The experimental results show that plastic Shrinkage relate to water to cement ratio and there is critical water to cement ratio.
- 通过试验研究了混凝土用水量、水灰比等混凝土配合比参数对混凝土塑性收缩的影响。
- 29. Use: The machine is mainly used to inspect pulling, comprseeing, folding andcutting metal and nonmetal. It can also be used to nonmetal material such as plastic, concrete and cement.
- 本试验机适用于金属材料及构件的拉伸、压缩、弯曲、剪切等试验,也可用于塑料、混凝土、水泥等非金属材料的同类试验的检测。
- 30. Use: The machine is mainly used to inspect pulling, comprseeing, folding andcutting metal and nonmetal. It can also be used to nonmetal material such as plastic, concrete and cement.
- 本试验机适用于金属材料及构件的拉伸、压缩、弯曲、剪切等试验,也可用于塑料、混凝土、水泥等非金属材料的同类试验的检测。
- They are made of a common plastic resin.
它们是用一种普通的塑胶合成树脂做成的。 - It is some kind of plastic made to imitate iron.
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