- v. 哭穷; (谈及自己时)谦卑地说; 说 ... 的坏话
- 1. Don't poor-mouth to me, I have your number.
- 别跟我哭穷了,我知道你的底细。
- 2. Poor digestion can be caused by defective mastication of the food in the mouth.
- 消化不良可能是因为嘴里的食物没有完全嚼碎而引起的。
- 3. Poor Toad sprang to his feet and pelted away again, his heart in his mouth.
- 可怜的托德一跃而起,再次逃窜,心都提到嗓子眼了。
- 4. If a student is poor at speaking English, he should catch every chance to open his mouth and speak.
- 如果学生不擅长英语口语,他应该抓住每个开口说英语的机会。
- 5. We're snatching food out of the mouth of the poor in order not to deal with our own consumption.
- 我们正在从穷人的嘴里夺取食物来避免面对我们自己的消耗。
- 6. Middle-class people do not live from hand to mouth, job to job, season to season, as the poor do.
- 中产阶级人士不像穷人那样一份工作接着一份工作地干活、一个季节接着一个季节地忙碌,到头来还是仅能糊口度日。
- 7. Like Shaw's Eliza Doolittle, the poor King as a younger man is forced to speak with his mouth full of marbles, and comes close to Eliza's fate of swallowing one.
- 像萧伯纳笔下的ElizaDoolittle一样,作为一个年轻人,可怜的国王被迫用他如同塞满大理石的嘴去演讲,然后如同Eliza的命运一般去克服它。
- 8. 'Poor thing,' a student says. 'So cruel,' laments another, covering her mouth and giggling.
- 一名学徒说,可怜的东西。另一个人感慨道,太残忍了,一边捂着嘴傻笑。
- 9. If the input air quality is poor, can cause electromagnetic valve, the valve core oil pollution within the open mouth can't completely, the difficult open.
- 如果输入空气质量差,会造成电磁阀内产生油污,阀芯开启困难,阀口不能完全打开。
- 10. With a bitter taste in the mouth, sticky mouth, thirst do not like drinking water, poor stool viscosity, yellow urine.
- 常伴口苦、口粘、口渴不喜饮水,大便粘滞不畅,小便黄。
- 11. Open thy mouth, decree that which is just, and do justice to the needy and poor.
- 你应开口秉公行审,应为贫苦弱小辩护。
- 12. She is a real poor mouth. She has a brand new car in her driveway, but always delays paying her rent.
- 她是个不折不扣的哭穷鬼。她家门口停着崭新的车,但总是拖着不付房租。
- 13. She doesn't even notice that her poor creature has his mouth so firmly clamped shut that he cannot chew anything.
- 她甚至没有注意到她可怜的马儿嘴巴被捆得紧紧的,不能咀嚼任何东西。
- 14. At the present, processing pipe end slope-mouth with the original method is still poor quality, high costs, lower speed, inefficient, great labor intensive and control quality difficultly.
- 针对目前加工钢管坡口方法的质量差、成本高、效率低、劳动强度大、质量难以控制等问题,设计了一种钢管管端坡口自动加工组合机床。
- 15. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.
- 你要开口说话,秉公审判,为困苦和穷乏的人伸冤。
- 16. A tramp came and made a poor mouth to Mrs Robeson.
- 一流浪汉走来向罗伯逊夫人叫穷诉苦。
- 17. Poor thing. Watch you mouth. Don't over do it.
- 真可怜。注意言辞。别太过分了。
- 18. Poor to a lot of foundations, for the classmate that hears ability compares weakness especially, face colloquial preparation, have kind of feeling that does not know how to issue the mouth.
- 对于很多基础差,尤其是听说能力比较薄弱的同学来说,面对口语的准备,有种不知如何下嘴的感觉。
- 19. Poor can't afford to drink water, poor to pay my fee, poor to eat rice, poor leaves bowl, the poor are all tired, poor leaves the mouth;
- 穷的喝不起水,穷的交不起费,穷的吃不起饭,穷的就剩下碗,穷的浑身都累,穷的就剩下嘴;
- 20. Choose don't over a long period of time, high, but the concentrate recovery from the eduction is close to ore mouth, magnetic double function poor, so concentrate grade is relatively low.
- 选别时间较长,回收率较高,而精矿排出端离给矿口较近,磁翻作用差,所以精矿品位较低。
- 21. Men can not stick chores, but it can not be too poor to feed at home, paste not live mouth;
- 男人可以不沾家务事,但是不可以养不起家,糊不住口;
- 22. Symptoms include weakness, lack of energy, poor appetite, weight loss, metallic or ammonia taste in the mouth, skin color changes, and worsening memory.
- 虚弱,乏力,食欲不振,体重减轻,口中有金属或氨味,皮肤变色,记忆减退。
- 23. The event will be canceled after this year because of falling visitor numbers due to poor weather and outbreaks of foot-and-mouth and blue tongue disease.
- 由于恶劣的天气导致参观人数下降,加之口蹄疫和蓝舌病疫情爆发等因素,这一皇家展览会明年将不再举行。
- 24. Hear your servant and grant me the power to see the future for these poor sad pathetic lonely unclean annoying disgustingly-hair mouth-breathing ape-people.
- 请倾听你的仆人,赐予我力量洞察这些可怜的可悲的孤独的污秽的烦人的发型讨厌的用嘴呼吸的猿人的未来。
- 25. Don't be ashamed of speaking poor English. Don't be ashamed of being laughed at. Don't be ashamed of being stared at. The only real shame is that you never open your mouth.
- 不要羞于说破烂英语,不要羞于被人嘲笑,不要羞于被人注视,唯一应该羞耻的是你从不开口说。
- 26. Don't be ashamed of speaking poor English. Don't be ashamed of being laughed at. Don't be ashamed of being stared at. The only real shame is that you never open your mouth.
- 不要羞于说破烂英语,不要羞于被人嘲笑,不要羞于被人注视,唯一应该羞耻的是你从不开口说。
- Stratford cries poor traditionally.Nevertheless every hotel in town seems to be adding a new wing or cocktail lounge.
用作动词 (v.)
- make a poor mouth 装穷叫苦
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