porcelain clay
- n. 瓷土
a fine usually white clay formed by the weathering of aluminous minerals (as feldspar); used in ceramics and as an absorbent and as a filler (e.g., in paper)
- 1. Porcelain is a material made from well-chosen porcelain clay or pottery stone through technological processes.
- 瓷器是一种由精选的瓷土或瓷石通过工艺流程而制成的物件。
- 2. Used for washing porcelain clay and stuff like that.
- 用来淘洗瓷土等原料的。
- 3. Underground rich porcelain clay, iron, sodium feldspar resources is allowed to fame.
- 地下蕴藏丰富的瓷泥、铁矿、钠长石资源更是让其名声在外。
- 4. The other with porcelain clay fire, the family is decorated about 80% of the buyers choose this brick for ground decorates material.
- 另一种是用瓷土烧制的,目前的家庭装修约80%的购买者选此砖为地面装饰材料。
- 5. While the other black glazed porcelains used the lower quality porcelain clay as their raw materials for body. They are probably fired in Yuan period.
- 而另一部分黑釉瓷使用了质量较差的瓷土作为制胎原料,可能是元代时生产的。
- 6. The diluting mechanism of organic and inorganic diluents for porcelain clay containing montmorillonite slip have been explored by X-Ray Diffractometer and Transmission Electron Microscope.
- 本文还利用X -射线衍射仪,透射电镜等测试手段,探讨了有机、无机稀释剂对含蒙脱石瓷砂泥浆的稀释机理。
- 7. This paper introduces the geological features about porcelain clay in NeHe city, and puts forward the exploitation and application prospects according to the economic feature of NeHe city.
- 介绍了讷河瓷土矿的地质特征、赋存状态,并结合当地经济特点,展望了瓷土矿的应用前景。
- 8. In the third chapter, author takes a statistic analysis about the mine deposited and exploitation thing and exploitation foreground, which includes granite, porcelain clay, bluestone, quartz etc.
- 第三章,全面统计分析了花岗岩、瓷土矿、青石、石英砂等矿产资源的赋存和开采状况、开发前景。
- 9. Combining literature, dictating materials and field research, this essay points out and proves a new view that Shuigang Shan is the place which was the primary site for gathering the porcelain clay.
- 该文综合利用文献、口述资料和通过实地调研,提出并证明了“水缸山是宋代笔架山潮州窑主要的瓷土采集地”的新观点。
- 10. Ceramic industry: abrasive materials, alumina, porcelain clay mud, mud and superfine glass powder, refractory material, quartz sand, PVC powder grain tree, citric acid, PE powder, washing powder, etc.
- 陶瓷行业:研磨料、氧化铝、瓷泥浆、粘土泥浆、玻璃粉、耐火材料、石英砂、PVC树脂粉粒、柠檬酸、聚乙烯粉、洗衣粉等。
- 11. Pure white and wonderfully delicate, porcelain is what clay potters usually graduate to only after years of honing their skills.
- 纯白色和奇妙微妙,瓷器是粘土陶工研究生通常只有经过多年的磨练他们的技能。
- 12. Carvings on root, stone and nut, painted eggshell, modeling with clay, porcelain and wax are all exquisite, especially those of figurines with their natural beauty.
- 雕刻的根,石头和螺母,彩蛋,造型粘土,瓷器和蜡都是精致的,尤其是那些雕像和他们的自然之美。
- 13. It's said that porcelain and pottery are made of different materials, I mean different kinds of clay.
- 据说瓷器和陶器是用不同的原料做的,我是说不同的陶土。
- 14. Yet growing up in the heartland of porcelain, Zheng may have been influenced more by porcelain decoration than the clay itself.
- 由于自小成长于瓷器艺术的氛围之中,郑更多地是受到瓷器作品的影响而非瓷土本身。
- 15. The unusually fine clay yielded a porcelain China that was translucent with a glass-like finish.
- 不寻常的细泥的产生是用半透明玻璃般的完成瓷瓷器。
- 16. "Top grade fine feeder" refers to the Ming and Qing artifacts, the highest quality porcelain, fetal soil they use Jingdezhen newly discovered kaolin, clay fine white as snow;
- “上品细料器”指的是明末清初器物中,最高质量的瓷器,它们使用的胎土是景德镇新发现的高岭土矿,瓷土细白如雪;
- 17. But some similar recipe of fusible clay-plant ash mixture also played an important role in the invention of porcelain glaze in shang dynasty.
- 但类似的易熔组分和添加草木灰又成为配制原始瓷铀的配方,从而过渡到原始瓷器的发明的一个重要因素。
- 18. I work with porcelain paper clay as it is the form of expression that best encapsulates my concepts.
- 我采用陶瓷浆土进行创作,原因是陶瓷浆土最能够表达我的思想。
- 19. Now Mount Wutai holds variety of clay sculptures, wood carvigs, stone carvigs, metal foundry , gauze, porcelain, embroidery, painting and other artworks.
- 保存有泥塑,木雕,石刻,金属铸像,脱纱,烧瓷,刺绣,绘画等诸多种类的造像艺术作品。
- 20. Modern ceramic painting is a special category of art, which is include clay, glaze, billet, porcelain body, pigment, fire etc.
- 现代陶瓷绘画是个特殊的艺术门类,它是泥、釉、坯、瓷胎、色料、火与绘画结合的艺术。
- 21. To make the fine porcelain with this attapulgite clay as the raw material has low sinter temperature an…
- 作为原料 ,该土也可用于制造日用精瓷具 ,具有烧成温度低、原料成本降低的特点。
- 22. To make the fine porcelain with this attapulgite clay as the raw material has low sinter temperature an…
- 作为原料 ,该土也可用于制造日用精瓷具 ,具有烧成温度低、原料成本降低的特点。
- Jingdezhen classical porcelain is unlike any other clay.
景德镇传统瓷土不同于任何其他类型的粘土。 - Yet growing up in the heartland of porcelain, Zheng may have been influenced more by porcelain decoration than the clay itself.
用作名词 (n.)
- china stone 瓷石,半风化花岗岩...
- china clay 瓷土
- terra alba 石膏粉,纯白生石膏,白土...
- kaoline 高岭土
- kaolin 高岭土
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