- adj. 凸起的;发酵的;起毛的
- v. 提高;举起;抚育(raise的过去时和过去分词)
- 凸起的
- 浮雕的
- 升高的
- 发酵起泡的
- 有凸起花纹的
- 发(过)酵的
- 加高了的
- 鼓起的
- 高起的
- 受过教育的
- 隆起的
- 高起来的
- 发(面)的
- 招募的
- 起绒的
- 膨起的
adj. (形容词)
located or moved above the surround or above the normal position;
"a raised design"
"raised eyebrows"
embellished with a raised pattern created by pressure or embroidery;
"brocaded silk"
"an embossed satin"
"embossed leather"
"raised needlework"
"raised metalwork"
increased in amount or degree;
"raised temperature"
- 1. He raised his hand to wave.
- 他举起手来挥动。
- 2. Milton raised the glass to his lips.
- 米尔顿举起杯子放到嘴唇边。
- 3. He raised one arm and then the other.
- 他先举起一只手,然后举起另一只。
- 4. I raised my voice to a professorial tone.
- 我提高了嗓音,像教授一样说话。
- 5. He raised his glass. "Here's to neighbours."
- 他举起酒杯。“为邻居们干杯!”
- 6. The Pope's hands were raised in benediction.
- 教皇举起手来祝福。
- 7. He raised his arms in a gesture of supplication.
- 他举起双手,做出祈求的姿势。
- 8. She raised the gun and fired.
- 她举枪射击。
- 9. He raised his hand in greeting.
- 他举手致意。
- 10. He raised a hand in greeting.
- 他扬起手表示问候。
- 11. They raised her (as) a Catholic.
- 他们让她从小就信天主教。
- 12. They raised their offer to $500.
- 他们将出价抬高到500元。
- 13. She raised questioning eyebrows.
- 她竖起眉毛表示怀疑。
- 14. He raised a questioning eyebrow.
- 他探询地扬起眉毛。
- 15. I was born and raised a city boy.
- 我是个在都市里出生长大的男孩子。
- 16. She raised a questioning eyebrow.
- 她怀疑地挑起眉头。
- 17. She raised her eyes from her work.
- 她停下工作,抬起头看了看。
- 18. He raised himself up on one elbow.
- 他用一只胳膊肘支起身子。
- 19. They were both raised in the South.
- 他们俩都是在南方长大的。
- 20. She raised her eyebrows in reproof.
- 她竖起眉毛,面露责备。
- 21. He raised his head from the pillow.
- 他从枕头上抬起头来。
- 22. Tammy was raised by her grandparents.
- 塔米是由她的祖父母抚养大的。
- 23. No objections were raised at the time.
- 当时没人提出异议。
- 24. He raised the bonnet of McKee's truck.
- 他把麦基卡车的引擎罩打开了。
- 25. Grossman raised the glass to his lips.
- 格罗斯曼把玻璃杯举到唇边。
- 26. He raised his hat as a friendly salute.
- 他举帽亲切致意。
- 27. They all raised their glasses in salute.
- 他们都举杯致意。
- 28. He raised his hand to fend off the blow.
- 他抬起手挡住了那一击。
- 29. I'm glad you raised the subject of money.
- 我很高兴你提到了钱。
- 30. Smokers often have raised blood pressure.
- 吸烟者往往血压高。
- With the cultivated method, the ginseng is densely planted in raised beds.
另一种方法是人工栽培的方法,人参被密集地种植在凸起的苗圃里。 - A raised wire frame should be placed under it with a drain provided in the floor.
在它的下面应当有一个高出地面的铁丝网,地板上没有排水沟。 - Raised Bread, common in Europe and the U.S., is usually made of wheat or rye.
用作形容词 (adj.)
- raise 上升
- raised panel 凸镶板
- raised check 提高金客支票...
- raised grain 粗糙表面,波纹纹理...
- raised beach 上升海滩
- raised face 凸面,光滑式密封面...
- raised floor 活地板
- raised curve 外缘加高的拐弯...
- raised character 凸起字符
- raised bench 高台
- raised skylight 隆起天窗
- raised separator 高架式分隔带...
- raised manhole 凸起人孔
- raised strake 外包板列板
- raised moss 高温泥炭沼泽...
- raised colony 隆起菌落
- raised forecastle 升高首楼甲板...
- raised bog 高位沼泽
- raised head 凸头
- be raised to the bench 被提升为法官或主教...
- elevated 抬高的
- additional 附加的
- high 高的
- higher 更高的
- upstretched 向上伸出的
- upraised 举起的
- upturned 仰着的
- outstretched 扩张的
- extended 长期的
- upthrust 向上一推
- embossed 饰以浮雕图案的...
- brocaded 织成锦缎的
- lowered 降低的
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