256查询网 英汉词典
首页> 英汉词典>ram.的意思


英 美
  • abbr.=random-accessmemory随机存取记忆体


名词 ram:
  1. the most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on; an integrated circuit memory chip allows information to be stored or accessed in any order and all storage locations are equally accessible

  2. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Aries

  3. the first sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the vernal equinox; the sun is in this sign from about March 21 to April 19

  4. a tool for driving or forcing something by impact

  5. uncastrated adult male sheep

动词 ram:
  1. strike or drive against with a heavy impact

  2. force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically

  3. undergo damage or destruction on impact

  4. crowd or pack to capacity


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