rational function
- n. [数]有理函数
- 1. It is widely used to decompose a rational function into the sum of partial fractions.
- 在数学学习中经常要将有理函数分解成部分分式之和。
- 2. This paper discusses the theory and several algorithms of rational function interpolation.
- 本课题对有理函数插值方法的理论及其算法进行了研究。
- 3. In this paper we give a simple interpolation of rational function-difference spline interpolation.
- 给出一种简单的有理分式插值——差分样条插值。
- 4. Adopting geometric method, the rational function interpolation is constructed on polygonal element.
- 采用几何的方法构造出多边形单元上的有理函数插值。
- 5. This attribute virtually leads the proposed AFS approach to an ultra broad-band interpolation with a single rational function.
- 这一特性使得AFS方法能通过简单的有理函数实现宽带插值。
- 6. The method of white noise simulation on road roughness based on rational function is analyzed with its disadvantages pointed out.
- 对基于有理函数的路面不平度白噪声激励模拟方法进行了分析,指出了该方法存在的不足。
- 7. The difficulty in decomposing rational function into partial fraction is to fix the undetermined coefficient in partial fraction.
- 将有理函数分解为部分分式的难点就是确定部分分式中的待定系数。
- 8. Abstract:The solutions to determine the undetermined coefficients of partial fraction in the rational function integral is introduced.
- 利用部分分式求有理函数的积分时,确定部分分式的系数的计算量很大,举例介绍如何确定部分分式的待定系数。
- 9. This paper gives a practical algorithm for partial fraction expansion of a rational function with multiple poles without derivative evaluation.
- 对具有多重极点的有理函数,本文给出了部分分式展开的实用算法,该算法不需求导数值。
- 10. Understanding of these errors, prejudice the notary need to join the social life, social relations for people to help build a rational function of the play.
- 这些错误的认识,妨害了公证契入社会生活,为人们构建理性社会关系提供帮助的功能的发挥。
- 11. This article elaborates the solution of asymptote of rational function curve, pointing out both the common way of finding limit value and the elementary way.
- 文章阐述了求有理函数曲线的渐近线,不仅可用常规的通过求极限值的方法来确定,还可用初等方法来确定。
- 12. If educational practitioners blindly overstate rational function of educational theory, it will be divorced from educational practice and a hypothetical question.
- 教育实践者若一味地拔高教育理论的理性功能,会使教育理论与教育实践脱离成为一个假想的问题。
- 13. So the adaptive rational function interpolation method can process a large number of sampling data for obtaining a rational interpolation without suffering singularity problems.
- 因此,本文提出的自适应有理函数插值方法可以对大量采样数据进行插值运算而不会遇到奇异性问题。
- 14. This paper presents a rational function interpolation scheme of polygonal elements based on highly irregular grids. It is named as polygonal rational function interpolation (RFI).
- 借鉴自然邻点插值法,提出了基于高度不规则网格多边形单元的有理函数插值格式—多边形有理函数插值。
- 15. Raised the differential method of resolving rational function into fractions, and formulas were suggested of the coefficients which correspond to liner factor and quadratic prime factor.
- 根据有理函数及其导数性质,用微分法把有理函数分解为部分分式的和,给出了一次因式所对应的部分分式各系数和二次质因式前两对系数的计算公式。
- 16. For the combined location problem of multi-sensor SAR remote sensing imagery, the Rational Function model was introduced in this paper, and the RFM-based block adjustment method was constructed.
- 本文针对多源sar遥感影像联合定位的实际问题,将有理函数模型引入到SAR影像联合定位中,构建了基于有理函数模型的多源sar区域网平差模型。
- 17. To ensure we.d test all requirements thoroughly, we used Rational Robot and Rational TestManager in designing and organizing our function tests.
- 为了确保我们测试了所有的需求,我们在设计和组织我们的功能测试时使用RationalRobot和RationalTestManager。
- 18. You do not need to rerun the resource mapping function to do this, but make sure that the corresponding resource is available in Rational ClearQuest.
- 您不需要重新运行这个资源映射功能来实现,但是要确保RationalClearQuest中相应的资源是可利用的。
- 19. To aid in displaying table data on a mobile device, Rational HATS provides the Columns placement function for the table, Subfile (check box), Subfile (drop-down), and Subfile (pop-up) widgets.
- 为了在移动设备之上显示表格数据,RationalHATS为Table,Subfile(复选框),Subfile(下拉),Subfile(弹出)工具提供了Columnsplacement功能。
- 20. The Rational Rose import function can now import Japanese names into Rational Rhapsody as labels.
- RationalRose导入功能现在就可以导入日本名到RationalRhapsody作为标签了。
- 21. Function List view is a typical runtime analysis view that can be generated with a specialized runtime analysis tool such as Rational Quantify (see Figure 5).
- 函数列表视图是一种典型的运行时分析视图,它能够由特殊的运行时分析工具(如rational Quantify)创建(见图5)。
- 22. Rational number can approximate to real number, use the notation of approximate one can prove Riemann function isn t differentiable anywhere, that the Rational points are dense in unit circle.
- 利用有理数对实数逼近的表示方式,给出黎曼函数处处不可导的一种证明,给出单位圆周上的有理点在单位圆上稠密的证明。
- 23. Result: We made out a rational treatment scheme of ankle function recovery through literature study and data statistic: rolling the stalk combine fuming-washing the local part with Chinese herbs.
- 结果:通过文献研究数据统计等总结出一套踝关节骨折术后功能康复的较理想方案,即功能锻炼结合中药熏洗患部。
- 24. The mingling of environment characteristic, organization of function streamline and form elaborating of architecture constitutes the rational base of architect designing.
- 建筑的环境特点、功能流线的组织和形体推敲的交织构成了建筑师构思中理性的基础。
- 25. The function of the program is improved, and the gear parameter designed is fairly rational.
- 改进后的程序功能扩大,设计出的齿轮参数也更为合理。
- 26. Medical security system should become a whole with rational structure and function under perfect related policies.
- 医疗保障制度应在完善相关政策的条件下形成结构、功能合理的系统整体。
- 27. Second, standard and rational managing according to law strengthen the reconstruction and rectification function of labor.
- 二是依法、规范、合理管理,强化劳动的改造矫正职能。
- 28. Scientific and rational application of aquatic plants can not only strengthen the purification function of wetlands, but also play the role of landscaping.
- 科学、合理地应用水生植物,既可以强化湿地的净水功能,又可以起到美化景观的作用。
- 29. Scientific and rational application of aquatic plants can not only strengthen the purification function of wetlands, but also play the role of landscaping.
- 科学、合理地应用水生植物,既可以强化湿地的净水功能,又可以起到美化景观的作用。
- A rational function is continuous on any finite interval where the denominator is bounded away from zero.
有理函数在任何有限区间上都是连续的,其中分母远离零值。 - The approximation of differentiable functions by a kind of interpolatory rational functions is discussed,and the corresponding order of approximation is obtained.
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