- vt. 调整 ... 的资本
- 1. He plans to recapitalize the insurance fund.
- 他计划调整保险基金的资本结构。
- 2. Mr. Warnock resigned as the company abandoned a plan to recapitalize.
- 沃诺克先生辞职了,因为公司放弃了资本重组的计划。
- 3. IFC plans to launch a global equity fund to recapitalize distressed Banks.
- 国际金融中心准备发起全球股票基金,调整陷入困境的银行的资本结构。
- 4. In fact, Wigington and her mother initially met with three different private equity firms after deciding to recapitalize.
- 事实上在Wigington和她的母亲决定资产重组之后,她们当初会见了三家不同的私人股权公司。
- 5. Véron says a European-wide fund is needed to recapitalize the banks, which should be offered some kind of asset swaps to bail them out.
- 维纶认为,要充实银行资本,就必须建立起泛欧级别的基金。 银行业应当获得某种形式的资产掉期,从而得到救助。
- 6. In the short term, the 440 billion euros in the EFSF appears adequate to recapitalize the Banks and fund fiscal gaps in Greece and Portugal.
- 短期内,EFSF的4,400亿欧元看来足以应付银行业的注资需求,并填补希腊和葡萄牙的财政缺口。
- 7. "There will be a big cost," he said. "China is trying to recapitalize its Banks before a lot of these bad loans show up on the balance sheets."
- 他接着说:“这将会付出巨大成本,中国将努力在巨额坏账显示在资产负债表中之前,调整银行的资本金。”
- 8. The hope is that the credit markets unblock themselves and that buoyant emerging markets buy rich-world exports and recapitalize rich-world Banks.
- 现在只能指望信贷市场进行自我救赎,或者势头强劲的新兴市场购买发达国家的出口品并改变发达国家银行的资本结构了。
- 9. Advisers are pushing for other conditions to ensure tax money going to the Banks would be lent out, not put into the vaults to recapitalize the firms.
- 他的顾问还在争取附带其他条件,确保投入银行的纳税人资金将被用于放贷,而不是被用于这些公司的资本机构重组。
- 10. Just as the crisis provided an opportunity, the recovery is posing a threat as big Banks recapitalize and prepare to wrest business back from the boutiques.
- 正如危机提供了机会,复苏也给小投行带来威胁,那些大投行们重组资产后准备从小投行那里抢回生意。
- 11. He said the EFSF should be used to guarantee and recapitalize Banks who would then have to maintain credit flows under guidance and monitoring from the ECB.
- 他强调,EFST应为在欧洲银行的指导和监管下维持信贷额度的欧洲银行提供担保和资本充足。
- 12. Comments from the meeting suggest that ministers are in talks to endorsing sections of an emerging strategy to avoid a Greek default and recapitalize Banks.
- 会议评论建议财长们在会议中签署新兴战略,避免希腊违约和重新向银行注资。
- 13. The money was originally set aside to buy up toxic mortgage-backed securities but is now being used to recapitalize Banks and induce them to lend more freely.
- 这笔钱原本预留购买了不良的住房抵押贷款证券,但现在被用于银行资本调整和促使他们更自由的放贷。
- 14. Worldwide, recovery prospects depend on effective policies that restore confidence in the financial system, recapitalize Banks, and counter falling global demand.
- 从全球范围看,复苏前景取决于可恢复对金融系统信心、对银行注资以及应对全球需求下降的有效政策。
- 15. Interventions by the U.S. Treasury in financial markets have added to the uncertainty and slowed market responses that would help stabilize and recapitalize the system.
- 美国财政部对金融市场的干预措施已经使得不确定性增加,同时也减缓了市场自身稳定和重建体系的速度。
- 16. Initially, Paulson rejected the idea of using some of the bailout money to recapitalize Banks, planning instead to buy toxic assets and get them off bank balance sheets.
- 当初,保尔森没有接受用救市的钱去调整银行资本结构的提议,而是计划购买出问题的资产,把它们从银行的资产平衡表剥离出来。
- 17. On Thursday, he warned of a second financial meltdown on the scale of 2008 if Europe doesn't take decisive action to recapitalize its banks and deal with the Greek debt crisis.
- 在本周星期四,他警告,如果欧洲不采取果断措施对银行注资并解决希腊的债务危机,一场类似于2008年的金融崩盘将会到来。
- 18. By contrast, the most successful approach is to let asset prices fall to discover the extent of the damage, take over failed Banks, recapitalize them, and later sell them back to investors.
- 相比而言,更好的方法是放任资产价格下跌,令其损失的程度充分暴露,接管倒闭的银行,对其进行重组,最后出售给投资者。
- 19. By contrast, the most successful approach is to let asset prices fall to discover the extent of the damage, take over failed Banks, recapitalize them, and later sell them back to investors.
- 相比而言,更好的方法是放任资产价格下跌,令其损失的程度充分暴露,接管倒闭的银行,对其进行重组,最后出售给投资者。
- Advisers are pushing for other conditions to ensure tax money going to the banks would be lent out, not put into the vaults to recapitalize the firms.
他的顾问还在争取附带其他条件,确保投入银行的纳税人资金将被用于放贷,而不是被用于这些公司的资本机构重组。 - The hope is that the credit markets unblock themselves and that buoyant emerging markets buy rich-world exports and recapitalize rich-world banks.
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