remote sense
- 远距离检出,遥感,遥测
- 1. The method and index of using remote sense image to classify the land use are various.
- 利用遥感影像进行土地利用分类有多种方法和指标。
- 2. Remote sensing image registration and fusion is an important image processing technology in remote sense field.
- 遥感影像的配准与融合是遥感领域中的一项重要的图像处理技术。
- 3. This paper describes three development trends in the integration of high resolution remote sense image and GIS.
- 数字影像在GIS中的应用,可系统归纳为三个方向:使用高分辨率遥感影像用作GIS矢量数据的更新;
- 4. Absrtact: a new ROIs extract method based on mathematical morphology toward applications on remote sense image is presented.
- 摘要:提出了一种基于数学形态学的遥感图像多感兴趣区域提取算法。
- 5. Different classification methods were designed and applied according to the difference of remote sense data and research region.
- 针对不同的研究区概况有针对性的选用了不同的遥感数据以及不同的分类思路与方法。
- 6. Experiments indicate that the traditional methods of edge detection are not ideal because of the bigger noise of remote sense image.
- 由于遥感图像一般带有较大的噪声,通过实验表明,用传统的边缘检测方法效果不理想。
- 7. Shadow detection in high spatial resolution remote sense image is very critical for target identification and information recovering.
- 高空间分辨率遥感影像中的阴影检测对于影像的目标识别和信息恢复十分关键。
- 8. Comparing thermal analysis results with those of thermal test's of a space remote sense camera, we find out our deficiency in these two fields.
- 通过某空间遥感相机模样热分析与热试验结果的比较,发掘出目前我们在这两方面工作中存在的问题。
- 9. Results showed that there are obvious differences of texture between the remote sense images of precipitation in Ningxia and that in south China.
- 分析结果表明:宁夏中北部气候干旱区强对流降水过程中,雷达组合反射率图像与中国南方相比,数值具有明显的差异。
- 10. Seven texture parameters of this model are used for classifying six types of remote sense image over 210 samples. It's success percent is 98. 6 %.
- 使用本模型的七个纹理参数作特征,在六类地物类型210个样本上作实验,由此设计的分类器的识别率为98.6%。
- 11. NOAA has been used to soil moisture for a long time all over the world. The remote sense information model is built with TM data at first time in this study.
- 长久以来国内外一直利用NOAA气象卫星从事土壤含水量的遥感监测,本研究首次将TM数据用于建立土壤含水量的遥感信息模型。
- 12. When using remote sense, the voltage difference between high force and high sense, and between low force and low sense is usually limited to a specified value.
- 在采用远地取样时,通常将强制高端和取样高端之间以及强制低端和取样低端之间的电压差限制在规定的数值之内。
- 13. The compression ratio of this algorithm is depending space correlation of interference pattern, so it is suitable for deep space and ocean remote sense detection.
- 用该算法压缩干涉图,如要取得较高的压缩比,干涉图应具有较强的空间相关性,所以该压缩算法适用于深空或海洋等探测领域。
- 14. If you think about the mechanics of making a remote method call, it makes perfect sense to define the direction that the parameters will be moving in — client-to-server, server-to-client, or both.
- 想一想执行远程方法调用的机制,您就会发现定义参数传递的方向(客户机到服务器、服务器到客户机或者双向传递)是多么的有意义。
- 15. Man brings the sense of what the world is into being and then stands aside and somehow sort of takes it in through an aesthetic register or in some other remote way.
- 人类创造了世界的意义,然后站到了一边,然后,通过美学的认证或其它遥远的方式将其吸收。
- 16. It wasn't a lot of writing, but in a sense it was important to me because during those years I was often in very remote areas, especially during the Peace Corps.
- 我写得并不多,但这些文章对我而言很重要,因为那些年里,我经常待在一些偏远的地方,特别是为和平队工作的那两年。
- 17. For example, if your most trusted systems run on a dedicated and segregated network, it makes perfect sense to use Telnet for remote access within that very network zone (or working from the console).
- 例如,如果您最信任的系统在一个专用的隔离的网络上运行,那么使用telnet在这个网络区中进行远程访问(或从控制台工作)是非常合适的。
- 18. However, the Web services transformer stage has both input and output links and can interact with remote services in a sense of data transaction.
- 但是,Web服务转换器stage同时具有输入链接和输出链接,可以在数据事务中与远程服务交互。
- 19. In a vast country where twin-prop Cessnas can whisk you to your remote safari camp in less than an hour, the two - or three-day trip is a safari - a "journey" - in the true Swahili sense of the word.
- 在一个地域辽阔的国家,一架双引擎的塞斯纳飞机可以在一小时之内把你送到遥远的狩猎营地,那么两到三天的火车旅程就体现出斯瓦西里语里旅行这个单词的真正含义了。
- 20. This "position sense" helps us coordinate high-fives, boot a soccer ball or pick up the remote.
- 这种“方位感”帮助我们协调击掌、踢足球或拿起遥控器。
- 21. With remote sensing, external sense connections are made across the load.
- 在采用遥感时,在负载两端进行外部测量连接。
- 22. Many geophysicists do not consider seismic methods to be remote sensing because although seismic methods sense the subsurface remotely, the sources and receivers are in contact with the Earth.
- 很多地球物理学家并不认为地震方法是一种遥感方法,因为尽管地震方法是从远处探测地下,但震源和检波器都是和地球相接触的。
- 23. So will the world have a very strong sensitivity, you can sense that even though very remote places in the clutch shares magnetic primers, calls.
- 于是就会对世界产生很强的敏感性,你可以感知到纵使很遥远的地方有股磁力在揪引,在召唤。
- 24. Based on this subjective sense, a very strong aesthetic concept, artists pursue the art of life and thoughts, and feelings being reflected on the deep vague and remote.
- 基于这种主观意识极强烈的审美理念,画家们所追求的艺术境界与思想情感则体现为对幽深渺远、萧疏平淡之境界的追求。
- 25. In a statistical sense, the alteration anomaly of remote sensing hyper (multi -) spectral data set is identifiable.
- 在统计意义上蚀变异常在遥感高(多)光谱数据集合中是可识别的。
- 26. An arithmetic for remote parallel compensation, based on symmetrical components harmonic power flow, is given to solve the problem of voltage distortion of sense loads.
- 介绍了对称分量下解耦谐波潮流计算,提出谐波异地并联补偿的算法,并给出计算实例。
- 27. An arithmetic for remote parallel compensation, based on symmetrical components harmonic power flow, is given to solve the problem of voltage distortion of sense loads.
- 介绍了对称分量下解耦谐波潮流计算,提出谐波异地并联补偿的算法,并给出计算实例。
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