road sign
- n. 路标
- 1. The chevron or arrow road sign indicates a sharp bend to the left or right.
- V形或箭头交通标志表示左方或右方有急转弯。
- 2. It is a road sign.
- 这是一个道路牌。
- 3. They actually create a type of "road sign"to tell themselves which way to go.
- 他们实际上创造了一种“路标”来告诉自己该通往哪个方向。
- 4. Look, isn't that a road sign?
- 你看,那不就是路牌吗?
- 5. The road sign is easy to read; the words stand out well.
- 路牌很容易看,上面的字十分显眼。
- 6. A road sign on a crossing which saying "Road Closed Please Go Straight".
- 在路口摆放“此路不通请直行”的牌子。
- 7. The creativity embedded in the road sign in Redtory has captured the attention of the consul general.
- 红专厂的创意路牌引起了总领事的兴趣。
- 8. Non-standard exhibition booths, Standard exhibition sectors, Stage, Background panels, Scrolls Arch gates, Balloons, Light case, Road sign…
- 展览特装;标准展具;舞台;背景板;条幅;拱形门;气球;灯箱;路牌等。
- 9. On a convex mirror mounted on a corner of the building where traffic turns hsu cheng-jen has etched the visage of chen weiying as a road sign showing the way forward.
- 许拯人利用转弯处使用的交通凸面镜,将陈维英的面容镂刻其上,好让以镜为记的路标,可以指引前行的方向。
- 10. When driving in the mountains, have you ever noticed a discrepancy between the slope described on the yellow road sign and your sense that the incline is actually much steeper?
- 当你驱车进山,你是否意识到,山路边的黄色斜坡标识比你所感知得到的斜度来得更陡峭?
- 11. The automatic segmentation of road sign and recognition is the important support software of the intelligent transportation system, there are important theory and practical values.
- 交通标志的自动分割和识别是智能车辆的重要软件支撑,具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。
- 12. A US couple is suing the search giant for invasion of privacy after photos of their home, on a street clearly marked with a private road sign, appeared on the new feature of Google Maps.
- 一对美国夫妇正在起诉这家搜索巨擎,因为他们家的照片出现在谷歌地图的新功能上,而他们的住宅位于一条清楚地标明是“私人道路”的街道上。
- 13. In fact, the meaning of sign System is largely beyond the road sign itself, and it also shows the cultural identity of new public space from different perspectives on the social dimension.
- 实际上,标识系统的社会功能不仅仅是“路牌”的作用,它的意义远远超越了其本身的基本功能,而且具有从多角度社会层面表现新型公共空间文化属性的作用。
- 14. The sign by the road said 'No Parking'.
- 路边的牌子上写着“禁止停车”。
- 15. She saw an old lady, standing by the road, with a sign saying "Brockboune" in her hand.
- 她看见一位老妇人站在路边,手里拿着一个写着“布罗克本”的牌子。
- 16. There is a large "stop" sign at the entrance to the road, backed up by a metal barrier and a hand-written poster in red paint proclaiming: "No Trespassing."
- 在路的进口,有一个大大的“停”字,后面则是一道铁屏障。一张手写的海报上用红色字体声明:“禁止非法侵入。”
- 17. Still there was no sign of Gerald on the quiet winding road.
- 蜿蜒的大路上仍然没有杰拉尔德的影子。
- 18. Then, as I pass the boundary leading to Wallace Rockhole, an aboriginal settlement, a big blue sign by the road jolts me back to my journey’s purpose: “Warning.
- 然后,当我通过WallaceRockhole的边境线时,一个很大的蓝色道路标颠簸我回到了我旅程的目的地:警告。
- 19. I had a decision to make. I could sign the bill into law and have a good road program paid for in an unfair way, or veto it and have no road program at all.
- 我面临着一个选择:我可以在提案上签字,将其变为法律,通过不公平的方式来为修建道路这个有益的计划搞到资金;我也可以否决它,完全放弃修建道路的计划。
- 20. When people ask God to give them a sign, they're often at a standstill, a fork in the road, paralyzed in a critical moment of existential ambivalence.
- 当人们请求上帝给与指引的时候,他们通常处于一个停顿状态,一个分岔路口,被困在存在矛盾心理的一个关键时刻。
- 21. "I have not moved for five hours," said Zhang Xingping, 27, standing outside his cab near a road traffic sign mockingly warning him to obey the 100km per hour speed limit.
- “我一动不动已经有五小时了”27岁的张兴平说。讽刺的是,离他车子不远处的交通标志牌却一直警告着他时速切勿超过100公里。
- 22. Among the first things they did when they took ownership was to try to claim a county road that passes their property, erecting a sign that identified their land as "Thunder Mountain Ranch."
- 他们在取得土地所有权之后,最先做的一件事便是试图主张有一条县级公路穿过了他们的农场,并竖起一块指示牌将自己的农场命名为响雷山农场。
- 23. She admitted to missing every single sign on the road.
- 她承认忽略了路上的所有标识。
- 24. Across Kenya, at virtually every road junction, the commonest sign-posts are to churches, mostly of the home-grown African variety, promising solace, guidance and the hope of prosperity.
- 因为那里人们可以得到安慰、指引与事事如意的希望,而这些教堂大多数都是土生土长的地方团体。
- 25. Sign of a habitable space is not obvious from the road outside, where only a wooden door and a pane of glass framing planting is visible.
- 可居住的空间标志从外面的道路看是不明显的,只有一扇木门和一片玻璃框起来的植物是可见的。
- 26. A flashing yellow beacon above an intersection, above a warning sign or on an obstruction in the road, warns you to drive with caution.
- 悬挂在十字路口上方,或是在警告标志上方或是在公路障碍物上闪烁的黄色信标灯,警告司机要注意安全行驶。
- 27. Drive past this sign or drive on the road to which the ban applies.
- 学习驾驶者不可驶越此标志,或驶入禁止学车的道路。
- 28. Drive past this sign or drive on the road to which the ban applies.
- 学习驾驶者不可驶越此标志,或驶入禁止学车的道路。
- We were bewildered by the conflicting road signs.
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