roar out
- 高声喊出
- 1. When a jet engine is running, a fan at the front draws in air, which is then compressed and burned with fuel to produce hot, rapidly expanding gases which roar out of the back.
- 喷气发动机运转时,前端的风扇吸入空气; 空气经过压缩后与燃油一道被点燃;高温的燃气迅速膨胀,咆哮着冲出尾喷管。
- 2. They drown out Orpheus' music with the hideous roar of their howlings and their screamings and they tear him limb from limb.
- 她们用可怕的咆哮和尖叫淹没了俄耳甫斯的音乐,把音乐撕成了碎片。
- 3. There is a roar of cheering broke out in the room.
- 房间里响起一阵欢呼声。
- 4. The roar of the engines died out as the rocket vanished into the clouds.
- 当火箭在空中消失时,其发动机的吼声就没有了。
- 5. And now the engineer pulled out the throttle-valve to make up for lost time, and the clatter of the train faded into a distant roar, and its lights began to twinkle into indistinctness.
- 引擎的节流阀被打开了,火车提速来弥补落下的时间。 铁轨的咔哒声渐行渐远,最后一点光线闪闪烁烁地消失在远处。
- 6. The angry lion let out a roar that could be heard far and wide throughout the forest. Even the mouse heard it.
- 愤怒的狮子发出嚎叫声,整个森林都能听到,甚至连老鼠都听到了。
- 7. As soon as the people opened it to answer, we would all spring out and roar.
- 一旦人们开了门,我们就立马跳出来,对着他们乱吼一通。
- 8. By the side of the road, Li men, young and old, hold clusters of wild birds by the legs, waving them as we roar past. We skid to a halt and I get out for a closer look.
- 当我们的车轰轰驶时,路边的黎族老人和小孩提着许多野生鸟类向我们挥舞,我们在一个坡上停下,我下车去查看。
- 9. A real tough bear loud roar with rushed out of the forest, ah, this is qiu qiu to hear the voice of the most frightening! Qiu qiu and mother immediately fell to the ground, motionless.
- 一只真正的凶巴巴的大熊高声吼着从森林里冲了出来——啊,这是裘裘听到过的最最吓人的声音!裘裘和妈妈马上倒在地上,一动也不动了。
- 10. A silver airplane passed by high above, whose sharp roar turned out to be warm.
- 一架银色的飞机从高渺的天空驶过,犀利的轰鸣竟然那样的温馨。
- 11. Eight thunderclaps rang out so fast that they bled together into a single long roar.
- 八声密集的雷鸣般的枪响,似乎汇集成了一声长长的怒号。
- 12. The heavy drilling apparatus was blown sky high out of the hole with a tremendous roar.
- 那沉重的钻井设备随着一声惊人的怒吼,脱离井口,飞向高空。
- 13. The lucky winner will walk out with an England player and experience the roar of the huge crowd as the teams emerge from the tunnel - truly a wonderful prize.
- 幸运的胜利者将可以与一名英格兰球员出场,并且体验球队从隧道出现时庞大人群的咆哮声——真是个极好的奖励。
- 14. Although color television often is snowflake dot of Man Bing, fanner often gives out bulldozer like roar, that also is sweat caboodle comes out ah.
- 尽管彩电经常是满屏的雪花点,电风扇经常发出推土机般的吼叫,那也都是汗堆出来的呀。
- 15. Following the roar, out rush a tiger from the forest.
- 一声吼叫之后,一只老虎从树林中冲了出来。
- 16. I feel guilty beyond words about these things, for example when we're backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowd begins.
- 我觉得有罪超过有关这些事物的字,举例来说我们何时是后台,而且光熄灭,而且群众的狂躁吼开始。
- 17. It is "hang on" to your seats and watch out for the stream of bikers who roar past and take the bends almost horizontally.
- 这是“挂”到你的座位,观看了谁的骑自行车的轰鸣声,走过去几乎横向弯曲流出来。
- 18. A real tough bear loud roar with rushed out of the forest, ah, this is qiu qiu to hear the voice of the most frightening!
- 一只真正的凶巴巴的大熊高声吼着从森林里冲了出来——啊,这是裘裘听到过的最最吓人的声音!
- 19. People is hit by in crashing and neighing to roar, is decides out the ultimate success or failure, to become a host of new city.
- 人们在碰撞与嘶吼中,决出最终的胜负,成为城市里新的主人。
- 20. The plunging water also sends out a never-ending roar as it strikes the bottom.
- 飞流直下的河水撞击谷底,也发出终年不息的轰鸣声。
- 21. With a roar of laughter, Hancock spits out her drink and stops.
- 随着轰鸣的笑声,汉考克呼噜她的饮料和停止。
- 22. They can send out the interjection mostly, its voice from light small voice to roar the voice to all have biggest.
- 他们大都能发出叫声,其声音从轻小的声音到极大的吼叫声都有。
- 23. AS infants smile and sleep, we are rocked in the cradle of out wayward fancies, and lulled into security by the roar of the universe around us.
- 就像婴儿带着微笑入睡一样,我们躺在用自己天真的幻想所纺织成的摇篮里,让宇宙的万籁之声把我们催眠。
- 24. You can go home after the first 2 minutes to roar their anger out of the heart;
- 你可以回家后先大声吼2分钟要将心里的怨气发泄出来;
- 25. The spectral bride gave a roar of rage as George ran pell-mell down the church lane and out into the street.
- 女鬼愤怒的大叫,乔治跑到了教堂的草坪上,接著冲到了街上。
- 26. The feature gets its name from the roar created when waves rush into a narrow slot in the rocks, forcing compressed air out with a boom.
- 这特征得到它的名字从轰鸣创造的当海浪冲进岩石一个狭窄的细长的孔,强迫压缩空气出来和隆隆声。
- 27. The feature gets its name from the roar created when waves rush into a narrow slot in the rocks, forcing compressed air out with a boom.
- 这特征得到它的名字从轰鸣创造的当海浪冲进岩石一个狭窄的细长的孔,强迫压缩空气出来和隆隆声。
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