rolling motion
- 滚动,倾侧运动
- 1. The experimental results show rolling motion enhances the heat transfer.
- 实验结果显示了滚动增加了热量传递。
- 2. The relative motion of the cup and cone is accommodated by the rolling motion of the rollers.
- 轴承内圈和外圈的相对运动通过滚子的滚动实现。
- 3. Natural circulation flow instability under rolling motion conditions was experimentally studied.
- 对摇摆运动条件下的自然循环两相流动不稳定性进行实验研究。
- 4. Using the model the unsteady aerodynamics of one aircraft in pitching-rolling motion is identified.
- 应用该模型对某飞机模型做俯仰滚转耦合运动的非定常气动力进行了辨识。
- 5. Large amplitude rolling motion and survival probability of biased ships are investigated using safe basin theory.
- 应用安全池思想研究随机海浪中倾斜船舶大幅横摇运动及倾覆概率问题。
- 6. The steering system impacts the performance of steering and body rolling motion which ACTS on ride comfort partially.
- 转向系统在影响车辆转向性能的同时,也影响着车辆的侧倾运动,进而对平顺性产生部分影响。
- 7. Working principles: Tool using a self-centering theory, generated through the mandrel roller adjustment hitting, rolling motion.
- 工作原理:工具采用自定心原理,通过芯轴调节滚柱产生击打、滚压运动。
- 8. Due to the superposition of two responses with different frequencies, the ship motion is increased and the rolling motion is not symmetrical.
- 两个谐波响应的迭加,使横摇和纵摇运动响应显著增加,并且横摇运动不再左右对称。
- 9. The result showed that the fluid fluctuated under rolling motion, and the frequency of the fluctuation was the same as the rolling frequency.
- 实验结果表明,流体在摇摆作用下产生波动;波动频率与摇摆频率一致。
- 10. The rolling motion of an unstabilized ship and a stabilized ship equipped with fin stabilizers has been predicted by use of a random wave model.
- 介绍了能量等分法建立随机海浪模型的方法,并利用所建立的海浪模型对未减摇船舶横摇运动和安装减摇鳍后船舶横摇运动进行了预报。
- 11. In the view of the characteristics of the single-phase natural circulation flow under rolling motion, the research was conducted experimentally.
- 针对摇摆工况下单相自然循环流动的特点进行实验研究。
- 12. Experiments with and without rolling motions are conducted so that the effects of rolling motion on natural circulation heat transfer are obtained.
- 进行了带有滚动和不滚动的实验研究,为了获得在自然循环的热量传递滚动效应。
- 13. In water, paddles and OARS have given way to screw propellers and turbines, but stability in response to the rolling motion of water is still a problem.
- 在水里,桨橹已经由螺旋桨和涡轮机替代,但是在涌动的水里使船只保持平稳仍然是一个问题。
- 14. The main differences between warhead and bait are their movement ways in the midcourse of ballistic missiles, and rolling motion is the major way for bait.
- 弹道导弹飞行经历中段时,弹头与诱饵的主要差异是运动方式的不同,而诱饵大都呈现翻滚运动方式。
- 15. This paper deals with the rolling motion and safety for fishing vessels in beam seas during hauling, and analyses effects of the hauting moment to rolling motion.
- 用时域分析方法研究了横浪情况下渔船舷侧起网时的横摇运动及其安全性,分析了起网力矩对横摇运动的影响。
- 16. It was indicated that enhancing the friction between the material and the rotary kiln wall is easy to carry out the rolling motion from the aspect of force moment.
- 本文从力矩的角度出发,得出了要实现物料的滚落状态,可以提高物料与窑壁间的摩擦系数,并提出了具体方法。
- 17. The rolling motion is chosen as the ocean condition in this experimental study, we study on Natural Circulation subcooling vapor bubble departure in vertical channel.
- 本文取摇摆为海洋影响条件,研究摇摆对竖直管自然循环过冷沸腾气泡脱离点的影响。
- 18. Based on the visual observation and the analysis of experimental data, it was found that flow patterns with rolling motion were different from that of steady condition.
- 对摇摆和竖直非摇摆状态下两相流的流型以及压差波动进行了研究。
- 19. The rolling motion resistance of running automobile are expounded, and a method for testing the rolling motion resistance of running automobile is introduced in this paper.
- 论述汽车行驶工况的滚动阻力,介绍一种测试汽车滚动阻力的方法。
- 20. A passive controlled antiroll tank is one of the new developments of stabilizers. It overcomes inherent defects of passive antiroll tank and damps ship rolling motion at any sea state.
- 可控被动水舱是一种新型的减摇水舱,它可克服传统被动水舱的缺点,在任何海况下都能较有效地减缓船舶的横摇运动。
- 21. In order to simulate the rolling motion more accurately, the characteristic of platform is analyzed firstly in the paper, and also the parameter of the platform is computed and adjusted.
- 为了能较好的模拟船舶在海浪作用下的横摇运动,文中首先进行了台架的特性分析,对台架的参数进行了计算与调节。
- 22. Differential when the vehicle is moving or turning in inequality when the road to drive around to different speed wheels rolling on both sides of drive wheel that is for pure rolling motion.
- 差速器是当汽车转弯行驶或在不平等路面上行驶时,使左右驱动车轮以不同的转速滚动即保证两侧驱动车轮作纯滚动运动。
- 23. The random nonlinear differential equation of the rolling motion of ships in random beam waves is established considering the nonlinear damping, nonlinear restoring moment, and the random waves.
- 为了研究随机海浪中船舶航行安全域的构造及生存概率的预报方法,考虑阻尼和复原力矩的非线性及海浪的随机性,建立随机横浪中船舶运动的随机非线性微分方程。
- 24. The effect of rolling motion on the flowing velocity of Newtonian fluids and Non-Newtonian fluids is analyzed. The variation of peak velocity and velocity gradient in the wall is also investigated.
- 分析了摇摆运动对非牛顿流体和牛顿流体流动速度的影响和速度峰值与管壁处的速度梯度的变化规律。
- 25. The model of laminar flow in tubes in rolling motion is established. The dimensionless correlation of velocity is derived, and the correlation of frictional resistance coefficient is also obtained.
- 建立了摇摆条件下圆管内的层流流动模型,推导出无量纲化的速度表达式,得到摩擦阻力系数关系式。
- 26. She had been a streetcar conductor for several years; what she liked about the job was the uniform and the constant motion, the changing scenery and the wheels rolling under her feet.
- 她干了几年有轨电车售票员的工作了;她所喜欢这项工作的原因是因为那身制服和频繁的移动,路经过的那些变化的景致和她脚下滚动的车轮。
- 27. Modern car engines that use rolling or sliding tappets for transmitting the rapid up-down lifting motion of the spinning camshafts—to open and close the engine’s inlet and exhaust valves—seem immune.
- 使用滚柱挺杆或滑动挺杆来传动旋转凸轮轴做上下快速提升动作(开启和关闭发动机的进气阀和排气阀)的现代型汽车发动机似乎不会出现上述自动熄火的情况。
- 28. This is so because the resistance to motion is essentially due to the deformation of the rolling elements and, hence, is not a sliding phenomenon.
- 之所以这样是因为对运动的阻力基本上源于滚动零件的变形,而不是滑动现象。
- 29. The size and number of steel wheel lug's holes, formed within the same distance, reflect directly its motion resistance when rolling in paddy field.
- 水田铁轮在水田中滚动时,在相同区段上所形成的刺孔的大小与多少直接影响共滚动阻力的大小。
- 30. The size and number of steel wheel lug's holes, formed within the same distance, reflect directly its motion resistance when rolling in paddy field.
- 水田铁轮在水田中滚动时,在相同区段上所形成的刺孔的大小与多少直接影响共滚动阻力的大小。
- He saw the white clouds rolling above Wall Street.
他看见了在华尔街上空滚动着的白云。 - "A-bomb, H-bomb and nuclear-powered submarine"
两弹一艇 - This expansion is converted by a movement into the rotary motion of the pointer.
这个扩张通过一个机械装置转化为指针的转动。 - Rolling is the working of metal by passing it between rollers that revolve in opposite directions.
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