- n. (最后一次)决赛;决定性竞选
名词 runoff:
the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity
a final election to resolve an earlier election that did not produce a winner
run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along
leave suddenly and as if in a hurry
force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings
run away secretly with one's beloved
run off as waste
reproduce by xerography
decide (a contest or competition) by a runoff
- 1. Much of the soil is usually still frozen during peak run-off.
- 大部分的土壤在径流高峰期仍然是冻结的。
- 2. What about run-off in the spring, when the snow finally melts?
- 到了春天,雪最终融化的时候,水流是怎么样的?
- 3. Once this pan formed, further run-off collected, and formed a lake.
- 一旦这个池子形成,径流就会进一步汇集,从而形成一个湖泊。
- 4. Agricultural run-off and pollution from power plants are adding extra nitrogen to many bogs in North America.
- 农业排水和来自发电厂的污染给北美的许多沼泽增加了额外的氮。
- 5. The nutrients are deep down in the active layer anyway, not high up near the surface, which is the part of the active layer most affected by run-off.
- 不管怎样,营养物质存在于活性层深处而不是在表层附近,活性层受径流影响最大的地方。
- 6. Natural soil fertility is dropping in many areas because of continuous industrial fertiliser and pesticide use, while the growth of algae is increasing in lakes because of the fertiliser run-off.
- 在很多地区,由于工业化肥和农药的持续使用,导致自然土壤的肥力正在下降,然而化肥的流入却导致湖泊中藻类生长得越来越快。
- 7. Her immediate aim is to make it to the run-off ballot.
- 她现阶段的目标是要挤进第二回合投票。
- 8. New buildings would also have to meet run-off regulations.
- 同时,还将保证新的建筑达到径流管理规定。
- 9. They also welcomed the decision to cancel the run-off election.
- 他们也对阿富汗取消决选表示欢迎。
- 10. Ms Moratti still has a chance to revive her fortunes in the run-off.
- 莫拉蒂女士仍然有机会在决选中收复失地。
- 11. Northern India relies on glacial run-off for much of its fresh water.
- 印度北部的大部分新鲜水源都依赖冰川融水。
- 12. Both polls suggested that Mr Mockus would beat Mr Santos in a run-off.
- 这两项民意调查显示莫科斯将会在大选中击败桑托斯。
- 13. He now finds himself in the role of potential kingmaker for the run-off.
- 现在,他发现自己有可能成为左右决胜选举的拥王者。
- 14. This test section of SR 530 has a history of run-off-the-road collisions.
- 这个关于SR 530的项目的一部分曾经用来进行减少碰撞的测试。
- 15. EIGHT weeks is an unusually long time for the campaigning in a run-off election.
- 八个星期对于竞争活动来说确实是一个比较长的时间了。
- 16. Before voting began, polls suggested that he would beat her comfortably in a run-off.
- 在投票开始前,民调显示他将会轻轻松松地一举击败奥布里。
- 17. If you have a garden shed, install guttering to direct the run-off water into a water butt.
- 如果你有一个花园,修建排水沟将本来直接排掉的水导向水桶。
- 18. As no candidate is likely to win the first round of voting outright, there will be a run-off.
- 由于不太可能有候选人能够通过第一轮选举,所以这次选举有可能流产。
- 19. That forests regulate water run-off, mitigating risks of flooding and drought, has been recognised since ancient times.
- 森林可以调节水的流失,从而降低洪涝和干旱的危险——这一点从古代起就被认识到了。
- 20. There are also phytoplankton increases in coastal zones where fertiliser run-off from agricultural land is increasing nutrient supplies.
- 在沿海地区由于从农田流失的肥料增加了营养供应,浮游植物数量有所增长。
- 21. Also, factory farm run-off a yes ia m talking about all that animal waste - is creating a run-off pollution crisis that is threatening our rivers and oceans.
- 还有,工厂式农场径流,是的,我指的是动物粪便,正在制造径流污染危机,威胁我们的河流和海洋。
- 22. The shaver will run off batteries or mains.
- 这个剃须刀可用电池或电源驱动。
- 23. The treasurer had run off with the club's funds.
- 财务主管盗走了俱乐部的资金。
- 24. If you want to run off a copy sometime today, you're welcome to.
- 如果你想今天某个时候复印文件,欢迎你来印。
- 25. Could you run off twenty copies of the agenda?
- 你给我复印二十份会议议程好吗?
- 26. The heats of the 200 metres will be run off tomorrow.
- 200米预赛将在明天举行。
- 27. The last thing I'm going to do is run off with somebody's husband.
- 我绝不会和某人的丈夫私奔。
- 28. Run off outside and play with thy rope.
- 跑到外面去玩你的绳子。
- 29. They manage to run off, and Dan and Rick chase after them.
- 他们设法跑开,丹和里克在后面追他们。
- 30. It is first ground into mince and then steamed and rotated in an oven angled like a cement mixer so that the juices run off.
- 它首先被磨成肉末,然后蒸煮,在烤箱中烘烤;烤箱像一个水泥搅拌器一样倾斜着放,这样可以让肉汁流走。
- The tennis finals will come off tomorrow.
网球决赛将于明天举行。 - The NBA Finals kick off a week from today in San Antonio.
用作名词 (n.)
- run off with 偷走
- run off 逃跑
- run-off ribosome 脱落核蛋白体...
- tangent run-off 切线缓和段
- take-off run 起飞滑行距离...
- coefficient of run-off 径流系数
- yearly run-off 年径流
- specific run-off 径流模数
- flood run-off 洪水径流
- run someone off his legs 使某人忙得筋疲力尽,...
- run off one's legs 破产
- run one's head off 狂笑不已
- run off one's feet 忙得停不下来...
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