- adj. 匆忙的
- v. 冲;仓促行事;突袭(动词rush的过去式和过去分词)
done under pressure;
"a rush job"
- 1. She rushed out, her hair awry.
- 她披头散发冲了出来。
- 2. I rushed to get the 7:00 a.m. train.
- 我急急忙忙去赶早上7点的火车。
- 3. He rushed back into the blazing house.
- 他又返回,冲进了燃烧着的房子。
- 4. She grasped at his coat as he rushed past her.
- 他从她身边冲过去时,她使劲地向他的上衣抓去。
- 5. People rushed to her rescue and picked her up.
- 人们冲上来把她救起。
- 6. He rushed to greet her, sweeping his arms wide.
- 他张开双臂舞动着,冲过去迎接她。
- 7. Reporters rushed at him and he ran back inside.
- 记者向他冲,他就跑回里面去了。
- 8. She rushed downstairs and burst into the kitchen.
- 她冲下楼闯进厨房。
- 9. All three of us rushed pell-mell into the kitchen.
- 我们三人全都匆忙跑进厨房。
- 10. Andrew rushed out of the house, shouting for help.
- 安德鲁冲出房子大喊救命。
- 11. He rushed home, realizing there was no time to lose.
- 他意识到时间紧迫,急忙赶回家去。
- 12. The colonel rushed up to Earle and shook his gun at him.
- 上校冲到厄尔面前,冲他挥舞着枪。
- 13. It was a rushed decision made at the end of the meeting.
- 那是会议结束时匆忙作出的决定。
- 14. I rushed for the door and fell over the cat in the hallway.
- 我冲向门口,在过道被猫绊了一跤。
- 15. Let's start work on it now so we're not too rushed at the end.
- 我们现在就开始干吧,免得最后太匆忙。
- 16. A schoolgirl rushed into a burning apartment to save a man's life.
- 一名女学童冲进一栋着火的公寓去救一个男子的命。
- 17. Their arrival caused mayhem as crowds of refugees rushed towards them.
- 他们的到来引起了混乱,一群群难民冲向他们。
- 18. Relief supplies were rushed in.
- 救援物资很快就运来了。
- 19. The victims were rushed to casualty.
- 受伤者被迅速送往急救室。
- 20. Fans rushed the stage after the concert.
- 音乐会结束后乐迷一下子涌向舞台。
- 21. I'm not going to be rushed into anything.
- 我不会受人催促草率地做任何事情。
- 22. People rushed to buy shares in the company.
- 人们争着抢购公司的股票。
- 23. He was rushed to the hospital by helicopter.
- 他由直升机火速送到医院。
- 24. Lemming-like we rushed into certain disaster.
- 我们像旅鼠一样忙不迭地投入灾难。
- 25. Ambulances rushed the injured to the hospital.
- 救护车迅速将伤员送往医院。
- 26. The thoughts rushed into my mind uncontrolled.
- 各种想法如潮水般涌上我的心头。
- 27. At no time did I feel rushed or under pressure.
- 我从未感到仓促或有压力。
- 28. They rushed the entrance and forced their way in.
- 他们冲向了入口并强行闯了进去。
- 29. The report had all the hallmarks of a rushed job.
- 这份报告有着急就章的一切特点。
- 30. He rushed into the room without troubling to knock.
- 他连门也懒得敲就闯进屋去。
- Let's start work on it now so we're not too rushed at the end.
我们现在就开始干吧,免得最后太匆忙。 - It is much cheaper and far more enjoyable than a rushed trip by air.
用作形容词 (adj.)
- rush 冲
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