sea wall
- n. 海堤,海塘,护岸,防波堤
名词 seawall:
a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away
- 1. Cherbourg had a splendid harbour enclosed by a long sea wall.
- 在瑟堡有一个由绵延海堤环绕、风景秀丽而壮观的港口。
- 2. Peter shouted for help because he knew the hole meant that the sea was making its way through the sea wall, but no answer came.
- 彼得知道这个洞意味着海水正在穿过海堤,所以他大声呼救,但没人应答。
- 3. In some cases it could be mangrove belts, in others a sea wall.
- 在某些情况下,它可能是红树林地带,在另外一些情况下,它可能是海堤。
- 4. During the earthquake, the ground level dropped by a metre, while the tsunami destroyed Onagawa’s sea wall.
- 地震使得地平面沉降一米,同时海啸又冲垮了女川的海堤。
- 5. After a succession of legal challenges from conservationists, the 33km sea wall was finally closed a year ago.
- 在一次次来自保守党的法律责问后,最终在一年前,三万三千公里的海底被关闭。
- 6. So before rebuilding houses, shops and factories, the sea wall will have to be restored and heightened, and the ground raised.
- 所以开展全面重建工作之前(重建房屋,商铺,工厂),必须先修复加高被冲毁的海堤,并且填高沉降地平面。
- 7. Or they may work in a midtown office and may let a whole year swinground without sighting Governors Island fromthe sea wall.
- 也许他们经年在中心城区的办公室里忙碌,却从不曾停下来看一眼碧波中的加弗纳斯岛。
- 8. Once through, you're into what was the sea wall and a small beach, but is now a nature reserve, created out of the spoil of the Channel tunnel.
- 出了隘口,你就看见了海堤,还有一片小小的沙滩,现在这里是从英吉利海峡隧道弃土中开发出的一片自然保护区。
- 9. That system can monitor for a whole day, providing information for preventing losing from typhoon and contributing to sea wall management.
- 该系统能够实现全天二十四小时监测,不仅为防御台风提供信息,还可以协助海塘智能化管理,同时给海塘管理部门节省人力物力。
- 10. There are lots of good places to run in Vancouver. Today, I decided to go somewhere different. I went to Stanley park to run along the old sea wall.
- 在温哥华有许多跑步的好地方,今天我打算换个地方,于是我去了斯坦利公园,沿着旧海堤跑。
- 11. Along the new coastline I can see construction crews building a sea wall. There are cement-pumping trucks, cranes, large steel pipes, and the flash of welding torches.
- 沿着新的海岸线,我看到施工队伍正在建设海堤。那里有无数的水泥泵车、起重机、大型钢管和闪着焊花的焊枪。
- 12. The fluted columns that once held glass weather screens, the lampstands with their coiling serpents, the flowering and curling iron balustrades, are stored in heaps under the sea wall.
- 那些曾经托举着玻璃气象预报板的波纹圆柱,那些灯柱和它们的盘蛇雕饰,那些雕花的环形铁栏杆,现在就堆在了防波堤的下面。
- 13. When Kimiaki Toda was a child, he watched with admiration as his village's sea wall turned back a tsunami triggered on the other side of the Pacific by the 1960 earthquake in Chile.
- 1960年,户田公明(KimiakiToda)还是个孩子,当看到自己村子的防波堤挡住了太平洋彼岸的智利地震所引发的海啸时,他的内心充满了敬佩。
- 14. Several kinds of sea wall structures are introduce in this paper, equivalent pile top load of each pile of double-row-pile sea wall was gotten by the method of structure displacement.
- 介绍了几种筒桩海堤的结构型式,并应用结构位移法求解了双排桩海堤各桩的等效桩顶荷载。
- 15. Roughly half an hour later, however, a wall of water breached the sea wall protecting the Fukushima Daiichi plant - one of the closest to the epicentre - and struck the main back-up generators.
- 然而,大约在半小时之后,巨浪冲垮了距震中最近的福岛第一核电站的海堤,并摧毁了主要的备用发电机。
- 16. The tunnel opened into a wide culvert that seemed to emerge from beneath the inner part of the island's western sea wall—and directly behind the parking area for the Kilindini Park Cultural Center.
- 隧道逐渐拓宽,变成了一个宽阔的涵洞,似乎在岛上西侧防波堤之内重回地面——就在科林蒂尼公园文化中心停车场背后。
- 17. This heated air, drawn down from the roof, then mixes with the greenhouse air as it reaches a second sea-water-moistened cardboard wall at the back of the greenhouse.
- 从屋顶吸出的这种热空气,在到达温室后部第二个被海水润湿的纸板壁时,便与温室空气混合。
- 18. But the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.
- 以色列人却在海中走干地;水在他们的左右作了墙垣。
- 19. The Gallery Inn begins a few steps from the ancient wall of Old San Juan, overlooking the Caribbean Sea to the North and the glimmering city to the South.
- 沿着圣胡安的老城墙走几步就到了画廊酒店,北面加勒比海,南临老城区。
- 20. But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left.
- 以色列人却在海中走干地,水在他们的左右作了墙垣。
- 21. Of the 17,666 people who once lived here, over 300 have been confirmed dead and thousands more have disappeared - still buried in the ruins or sucked out to sea as the mighty wall of water receded.
- 17666人曾经居住在这里,超过三百人已经确认死亡,数以千计的人失踪,他们仍然被埋在废墟中或者当巨大的海浪退回时,被海水卷走。
- 22. Half a mile before the lighthouse itself, there's a car park, and the rest of the route is over a single-track country lane, with a low stone wall on the side closest to the sea.
- 离灯塔半英里的地方有一个停车场,再接下来的路是一条单行的乡间小道,靠着海的那边有一道低矮的石头墙。
- 23. At sea level, the shot travels at 20 metres per second, bends around the right-hand end of the wall and comes back round to enter the top left corner of the goal after 1.114 seconds.
- 在海平面,这记射门每秒速度20米,在人墙的右手末端旋转然后转回在1.114秒后飞入球门左侧顶部。
- 24. The sun was just setting. My girlfriend decided to walk toward a stone wall that separated the street from the Arabian Sea, a stone's throw away.
- 太阳刚下山,我女友决定走向把街道和阿拉伯海分隔开来的石堤,那石堤仅在投石之遥。
- 25. Nearby, a pink octopus lies dead in a pool of sea water, its tentacles wrapped around a crumpled sheet of corrugated aluminum that may have been a roof, a gate, a wall.
- 附近,一条死去的粉色章鱼躺在一滩海水池里。它的触手缠绕着一块压皱变形的铝板。
- 26. The port city Qinhuangdao is endowed with unique natural landscape and culture by the vast sea, the time-honored Central Plain culture and, particularly, the world-famous Great Wall.
- 浩瀚的大海,古老的中原文化,特别是举世闻名的万里长城,造就了秦皇岛这座港口城市独特的自然风光和人文景观。
- 27. The buses stopped, and I first shot pictures from a distance. Then the buses followed a narrow road along the sea just 20 yards from the mangled outer wall of the four main units.
- 车停下来,我先从远处拍了一组照片,然后车沿着海边一条小路继续前进,距离那四台机组支离破碎的外墙只有二十米。
- 28. The buses stopped, and I first shot pictures from a distance. Then the buses followed a narrow road along the sea just 20 yards from the mangled outer wall of the four main units.
- 车停下来,我先从远处拍了一组照片,然后车沿着海边一条小路继续前进,距离那四台机组支离破碎的外墙只有二十米。
- The huge waves made a breach in the sea wall.
大浪在堤上冲出一个缺口。 - A cylindrical bundle of sticks bound together for use in construction, as of fortresses, earthworks, sea walls, or dams.
- wall 墙壁
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