- n. 播种
- 动词seed的现在分词.
动词 seed:
go to seed; shed seeds
help (an enterprise) in its early stages of development by providing seed money
bear seeds
place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth
distribute (players or teams) so that outstanding teams or players will not meet in the early rounds
sprinkle with silver iodide particles to disperse and cause rain
inoculate with microorganisms
remove the seeds from
- 1. Sanchez constantly attempts to improve everything from seeding techniques out in the field to the promotion and sale of his product online.
- 桑切斯在不断地试图完善一切事物,从田间播种技术到在线推广和销售他的产品。
- 2. I am seeding some of my land.
- 我在我的一些地里播种。
- 3. We sowing and seeding in spring.
- 我们耕耘播种在春天。
- 4. Now just remove the jar and fill your newspaper seeding pot with soil.
- 现在只要移除罐子,将培土填入你的报纸种苗盆就大功告成了。
- 5. The seeding of a new practitioner stream from the project stream is no exception.
- 来自项目流程的新执行流程的传播也不是例外。
- 6. But now, with no water for seeding, their only source of income has dried up.
- 但现在,没有水来播种,就连他们唯一的收入来源也枯竭了。
- 7. Alchemical theory was rife with botanical analogies of ripening, growth and seeding.
- 炼金术理论中满是和植物有关的类比,例如成熟,成长,播种等。
- 8. Save money and make your own seeding POTS using newspaper and a straight-sided jar.
- 用报纸和直边罐子做一个你自己的种苗盆可以节省一些资金。
- 9. One thing is for sure: It's sabotaging their efforts to get a strong playoff seeding.
- 有一件事却是确信无疑的:他们的季后赛主场优势正岌岌可危。
- 10. What types of music can be found by "seeding" the ca with more complex starting states?
- 如果利用更复杂起始状态的ca会是什么样的音乐呢?
- 11. This research is also supported by a Seeding Drug Discovery Award from the Wellcome Trust.
- 本研究也得到了“药物研发维康基金会奖”的支持。
- 12. The results of the seeding technology both shortcoming and long-term are difficult to assess.
- 人工降雨的短期及长期效果都难以评估。
- 13. It takes a change in external conditions to finish them off. But annuals die soon after seeding.
- 但外界环境一旦有变,它们的寿命就会结束。
- 14. These brains would then provide a "human strategy database" of subroutines for seeding new aliens.
- 这些大脑将作为一个新的外来品种提供一个“人类策略数据库”的子程序。
- 15. Either way, Kottlowski points out, cloud seeding does not alter climate or affect weather systems.
- Kottlowski指出,不管如何,向云中喷洒化学药剂,都不会改变气候或影响气候系统。
- 16. The fixation on seeding the world with mini-leakers springs from a sense of inborn superiority, according our source.
- 根据我们的信息来源,对播种着迷的人有先天优越感。
- 17. I've also not talked about test fixtures, which can be instrumental in setting up test data or seeding a database.
- 我没有谈到测试fixture,在设置测试数据或填充数据库时它们会很有帮助。
- 18. The cloud seeding technology is widely used by many countries of the world in an attempt to establish control over nature.
- 世界上很多国家广泛应用人工降雨技术试图控制大自然。
- 19. And they would sing them only when they planted the rice, as though they were seeding the hearts of the dead into the rice.
- 她们只有在播种粮食的时候才唱,就好像她们将逝者的心植入了粮食。
- 20. Now Asia's premier rhino sanctuary and a reservoir for seeding other reserves, Kaziranga is the key to R. unicornis's future.
- 作为亚洲最主要的犀牛避难所和保护其他保育动物的保护区,卡兹兰加维系着印度独角犀(R.unicornis)的未来。
- 21. The company had its initial launch by seeding the service with a few thousand of its previously registered Ultimate Arena users.
- 公司在最开始发布Xfire服务时,是先把服务推广给以前的几千个UA用户的。
- 22. We answer that the Long March is the first of its kind in the annals of history, that is a manifesto, a publicity team, a seeding-machine.
- 我们说,长征是历史纪录上的第一次,长征是宣言书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。
- 23. DbUnit makes writing tests that rely on a database easier by handling the associated complexity of seeding a database between test states.
- DbUnit能够很好地处理在测试状态间建立一个数据库这样的复杂性,因而它会使编写依赖于数据库的测试变得较为简单。
- 24. The study was funded by the Medical research Council. This research is also supported by a Seeding Drug Discovery Award from the Wellcome Trust.
- 该研究有医学研究委员会资助。本研究也得到了“药物研发维康基金会奖”的支持。
- 25. Among the dramatic plans featured is the us Army's Project Cirrus, an experiment in 1947 to weaken a Caribbean hurricane by "seeding" its clouds.
- 其中最引人注目的特色设计是美军人工影响飓风计划(Project Cirrus)。这是美军于1947年进行的一项实验,通过“种云”削弱加勒比飓风。
- 26. Nowadays Moscow keeps practicing cloud seeding when the coming great events to be celebrated like Victory Day on the 9th of May demanding good weather.
- 现在斯科在重大庆祝事件来临前比如每年5月9号的胜利日,一直进行人工降雨来获得想要的好天气。
- 27. Theoretical techniques include seeding to cause rain, controlling evaporation with a biodegradeable oil slick and heating from orbit. Credit: David Fierstein
- 理论技术包括播撒雨种降雨、利用生物可降解浮油控制水汽蒸发和轨道加热。
- 28. Other issues, Trenberth says, are the cost and the location: Should sulfur dioxide seeding be global, or more localized to target specific parts of the planet?
- 其他问题,还包括成本和定位:是应该进行全球性撒播二氧化硫,还是定位后投射到特定目标区域?
- 29. Other issues, Trenberth says, are the cost and the location: Should sulfur dioxide seeding be global, or more localized to target specific parts of the planet?
- 其他问题,还包括成本和定位:是应该进行全球性撒播二氧化硫,还是定位后投射到特定目标区域?
- The farmers plow fields and seeding in spring.
农民在春天犁地播种。 - Teacher, you hope and happiness is the seeding people!
用作名词 (n.)
- seeding agent 人工造雾播撒剂,促结...
- fault seeding 故障撒播
- aerial seeding 飞机播种
- sludge seeding 污泥接种
- seeding nursery 移植苗圃
- under seeding 深播
- full seeding 满播,满膘
- cloud seeding 云的催化
- sod seeding 草皮栽种
- seeding tank 菌种罐,种子罐...
- error seeding 错误撒播
- seeding machinery 播种机械
- natural seeding 自播
- marginal seeding 侧方天然下种...
- seeding rate 播种量
- seeding apparatus 排种器
- close seeding 密植
- sparse seeding 稀播
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