- n. 地震
shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault plane of from volcanic activity
- 1. Chimney is more sensitive to vertical seism.
- 烟囱是对竖向地震较为敏感的结构物。
- 2. It is found that seism process can improve sandstone reservoir quality.
- 研究发现地震对地层的改造作用能改善砂岩储层的储集物性。
- 3. Middle column of large underground structures is the weak link in seism.
- 大跨度地下结构中柱是抗震薄弱环节。
- 4. Its response to seism has been analyzed by the response spectra method and the linear history method.
- 分别按反应谱理论和线性时程反应理论计算其在地震作用下的响应。
- 5. Deconvolution is a method in common use in dealing with improvement of image resolution in ground seism.
- 反褶积是地面地震处理中提高成像分辨率的常用方法。
- 6. Studying on seism and geology and historical earthquake activity obtained some advancement in Anhui recent years.
- 近年来,在安徽地区地震地质、历史地震活动研究等方面取得了一定的进展。
- 7. The vibration of each case from far vibration wave had a blurry border, presenting a likely continuous seism wave.
- 远处振动波的各振动元素界限不清,更像一段连续地震。
- 8. Dynamic mechanical phenomena such as rock bursting in colliery are necessarily related to micro-seism of rock body.
- 煤矿冲击矿压、矿震等煤岩动力现象,与岩体的微震事件有着必然联系。
- 9. However, When horizontal seism-force and hydro-static pressure are coupled, the Buddha slope can hardly keep stable.
- 但在裂隙水压力和水平地震力联合作用下,大佛陡崖不能保持稳定。
- 10. Under the load of seism internal force is relatively minor, but the displacement is quite large, so it seldom meets the needs.
- 在地震荷载作用下这两种体系的内力反应比较小,而位移反应比较大,常常不能满足要求。
- 11. The Fdddy-Seis, a unique new type of geophone, has been adopted by artificial seism in geologic survey, oil and coal exploration.
- 新型涡流检波器已在地质、石油、煤炭人工地震勘探中采用。
- 12. The interval of the last large seism is even shorter than the prediction by this acceleration regularity in a seismic active period.
- 在一个活跃期中,最后一个大震的时间间隔比这个规律规定的时间间隔更短。
- 13. Amplitude characteristics of vertical ground surface vibration caused by explosion seism are studied by using the experimental method.
- 对地面附近爆炸地震引起的地面竖向振动幅值特性进行了实验研究。
- 14. Static analysis subject to wind and seism load is done and the behavior of frame-brace steel-concrete hybrid structure is investigated.
- 进行了风荷载和地震荷载下的静力分析,探讨了框架-支撑钢-混凝土组合结构在各种荷载作用下的受力性能。
- 15. The dynamic stability analysis of rock mass in high arch dam abutment is one of the main contents of anti-seism research of high arch dam.
- 高拱坝坝肩岩体动力稳定性分析是高拱坝抗震研究的主要内容之一。
- 16. The third is determining the type of gas reservoir and the boundary of gas field by combining shallow shear seism with contact wildcat well;
- 第三是浅层横波地震与触探井相结合,探明浅气藏类型和气田边界;
- 17. Here is the introduction of foundation design, superstructure design, out-stretching eaves design and anti-seism design of special-shape structure.
- 介绍该工程的基础设计、上部结构设计、外张悬挑设计及不规则结构的抗震设计。
- 18. In order to reflect the true state under seism about the long-span composite truss frame, the analysis should embody the initial influence of static loads.
- 为了准确反应大跨组合网架在结构地震作用下的真实状态,必须考虑初始静载影响下的网架时程分析。
- 19. The performance of stairs in seism and the impact of stairwell on the main structure are necessary to be seriously researched and considered by civil engineering.
- 楼梯在地震中的性能表现及楼梯对于主体结构抗震性能的影响,是土木工作者必须认真对待和考虑的问题。
- 20. In consideration of complex geologic characters and the contradictions existed in production of Huangjue Oilfield, an experimental study is conducted on interwell seism.
- 针对黄珏油田复杂的地质特点和生产上的诸多矛盾,开展了井间地震试验研究。
- 21. According to requirement of architectural design and anti-seism, the design determine reasonable project of structural arrangement, the form of the frame, floor and roof.
- 本设计根据建筑设计、抗震方面等的要求,确定合理的结构方案和布置方案,确定框架、楼面、屋面的形式。
- 22. According to the various characteristics of underground piping network of supplying water, a basic thinking of anti - seism of underground piping network can be established.
- 根据地下管网各组成单位不同的抗震特征,才能确定地下管网抗震设计基本思路。
- 23. The presented results may provide the theoretical fundamentals for the description of random excitations in predicating the dynamic responses of structures to explosion seism.
- 所提出的研究结果为爆炸地震效应的结构响应随机振源描述提供了理论基础。
- 24. The concept of anti-seismic design based on structure's ductility has been worldwide accepted and paid much attention to since the San Femado seism in the United States in 1971.
- 自1971年美国圣费南多地震爆发以后,结构延性抗震设计的概念在世界范围内广泛受到重视。
- 25. To meet the seism detections require of high accuracy, high resolving power, the measurement technique of Laser Doppler and detection technique of faint signal are further researched.
- 为了满足地震勘探高精度、高分辨力的需要,进一步研究了多普勒测量技术和弱信号检测技术。
- 26. A pressure predicting model is established by synthetically using the data of seism, well logging and well drilling in combination with statistical matching method and nonlinear inversion.
- 综合利用井中的地震、测井和钻井资料等,用统计拟合方法和非线性反演方法建立压力预测模型。
- 27. The porosity and permeability of matrix, and the width, density and direction parameters of fractures were obtained by core analysis, well logging, seism and thin section observation methods.
- 利用岩心分析、测井、地震、薄片分析等静态描述手段测试并计算了基质的孔隙度和渗透率,得到裂缝的宽度、密度和方位等参数。
- 28. This paper discusses the vibration velocity of blasting seism and the reaction chart of the blasting vibration, and offers some helpful Suggestions about solving engineering blasting problems.
- 对爆破地震的振动速度与爆破振动反应谱进行了分析和探讨,为解决工程爆破问题提供了参考意见。
- 29. Secondly, the transmission rules and characteristics of blasting seism wave are analyzed in the paper. The methods of analyzing and predicting blasting vibration are introduced in this paper too.
- 其次,在分析地震波的特征和传播规律的基础上,介绍了爆破地震振动分析与预测的方法;
- 30. The authors make a comprehensive discussion about major geological problems for these projects, including settlement stability, slide stability, seepage stability and seism stability in this paper.
- 我省大中型水库、拦河坝多建于软基上,主要工程地质问题有:坝基沉稳、滑稳、渗稳与震稳问题,本文对后三个问题做充分论述。
- Vibroseis is one of important parts of seism exploration technology.
震源是地震勘查技术的重要组成部分,是产生地震信号的源头。 - So the crustal stability of NorthwestYunnan is determined dominatingly by the active fault and seism.
用作名词 (n.)
- offshore seism 海洋地震
- earthquake 地震
- quake 震动
- temblor 地震
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