- n. 出售
- 动词sell的现在分词.
- 销售
- 推销
- 出售
- (贩)卖
- 塞林 (音译名)
- 动词sell的现在分词
- 卖的
- 销路好的
- 出售的
n. (名词)
the exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money
- 1. They bulldozed him into selling.
- 他们胁迫他卖出。
- 2. We're in the process of selling our house.
- 我们正在出售自家的住宅。
- 3. More farms are selling direct to consumers.
- 更多的农场在直接向消费者销售产品。
- 4. They sweet-talked him into selling the farm.
- 他们甜言蜜语地哄骗他卖掉了那个农场。
- 5. Haruki Murakami is Japan's best-selling author.
- 村上春树是日本的畅销书作家。
- 6. The company branched out into selling insurance.
- 该公司开展了保险销售业务。
- 7. He travelled from town to town selling his wares.
- 他走乡串镇出售自己的货品。
- 8. He's painting the house with a view to selling it.
- 他在粉刷房子,想把它卖掉。
- 9. Being boss of a software firm beats selling insurance.
- 当一家软件公司的老板好过卖保险。
- 10. They are selling their house to move to a smaller one.
- 他们要卖掉他们的房子,搬到一个小点的房子去住。
- 11. They're always selling off stuff like that dirt cheap.
- 他们总是在出售非常便宜的东西。
- 12. The price is obviously one of the main selling points.
- 显然,价格低是一大卖点。
- 13. We are selling the full range of World Cup merchandising.
- 我们正在出售世界杯的所有附带商品。
- 14. Rosehill Farm has been selling miniature roses since 1979.
- 自1979年起,玫瑰山农场就一直出售袖珍玫瑰。
- 15. Young Geoffrey made money by chopping and selling firewood.
- 年轻的杰弗里靠砍柴卖柴挣钱。
- 16. He has profited by selling his holdings to other investors.
- 他已通过将他所持有的卖给其他投资者们而获利。
- 17. I was selling drugs, but I didn't think I was a bad person.
- 我卖毒品,但我不认为自己是坏人。
- 18. Selling the house is just one possibility that is open to us.
- 卖掉房子只是我们可以选择的其中一种做法。
- 19. A garden is one of the biggest selling points with house-hunters.
- 花园是吸引购房者的最大卖点之一。
- 20. They earned themselves a little pocket money by selling cigarettes.
- 他们靠卖香烟赚点零用钱。
- 21. Bit by bit Bob had nudged Fritz into selling his controlling interest.
- 鲍勃一点一点地说服弗里茨卖掉自己的控股权。
- 22. Investors are taking their cue from the big banks and selling dollars.
- 投资者效法大银行卖出美元。
- 23. It is selling very well, in part because the packaging is so attractive.
- 它卖得非常好,部分原因在于包装很吸引人。
- 24. Further successes came hot on the heels of her first best-selling novel.
- 她的第一部畅销小说之后是接二连三的成功。
- 25. The company is selling off some sites and concentrating on cutting debts.
- 该公司正在变卖一些地皮,全力削减债务。
- 26. They are selling them for $10 apiece at a few stores in Texas and Oklahoma.
- 得克萨斯和俄克拉何马的一些商店正以每个$10的价钱出售它们。
- 27. Sales departments try to identify a product's USP or 'unique selling point'.
- 销售部门试图确定一种产品的“独有卖点”。
- 28. The radio station's playlist is dominated by top-selling youth-orientated groups.
- 这个广播电台主要播放面向年轻人的乐队所演唱的畅销曲目。
- 29. They have obtained an injunction restraining the company from selling the product.
- 他们已经得到阻止这家公司出售这一产品的禁销令。
- 30. The fact is that the indies are selling a lot more CDs than the major record labels.
- 事实是独立制作的唱片公司销售的激光唱片要比大牌公司多得多。
- The newly renovated house is on the selling block.
这座新翻修的房子正在出售。 - Will 2,000 dozens be enough for selling?
用作名词 (n.)
- selling price 卖价
- inertia selling 惯性销售
- selling point 服务特色
- sell 出售
- best-selling 畅销的
- pyramid selling 〈经〉宝塔式销售...
- best-seller 畅销书
- cross-selling 汽车商越区销售...
- switch selling 转换推销法
- selling commission 销货佣金
- direct selling [经] 直接销售...
- mass selling 集体销售,大量销售...
- selling syndicate 销售辛迪加
- selling rate 卖价,卖出汇价,卖出...
- tax selling 核税抛售
- hectic selling 抛售风
- distress selling 廉价出售
- hedge selling 卖期保值
- party selling 零售
- selling race 为拍卖马而举行的赛马...
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