- 精明的,敏锐的,机灵的,机敏的,有眼光的,精于盘算的,判断得准的,高明的,伶俐的,敏捷的,聪颖的,机警的
- 锐利的
- 刺骨的,严酷的
- 猛烈的
- 狡猾的,油滑的
- 刻毒的
adj. (形容词)
- 机灵的,精明的 having or showing good judgement and common sense
adj. (形容词)
marked by practical hardheaded intelligence;
"a smart businessman"
"an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease"
"he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow"
used of persons;
"the most calculating and selfish men in the community"
- 1. He enjoyed the play's shrewd and pungent social analysis.
- 他喜欢剧中尖锐机敏、一针见血的社会分析。
- 2. It should prove a shrewd investment.
- 这将是一项精明的投资。
- 3. He's a shrewd businessman and hard as nails.
- 他是一个既精明又铁石心肠的生意人。
- 4. She's a shrewd businesswoman.
- 她是个精明的女商人。
- 5. He was a shrewd lawyer with a talent for uncovering paper trails of fraud.
- 他是个精明强干的律师,能从一连串文件中找出诈骗的蛛丝马迹。
- Her brother is a shrewd businessman.
她兄弟是个精明的生意人。 - It was a shrewd assessment and probably pretty close to the truth.
这个评估很有道理,可能相当正确。 - He's an artist, a scientist and a shrewd businessman (all) rolled into one.
他既是艺术家,又是科学家,同时还是个精明的生意人。 - His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as a shrewd tactician.
他的谈判技巧使他赢得了精明战略家的名声。 - His shrewd eyes looked across at his wife.
他那敏锐的目光射向他的妻子。 - The question was a quick, shrewd parry.
用作形容词 (adj.)
- He is a shrewd businessman.
他是一个精明的商人。 - His answer to the journalist is a shrewd one.
他回答记者的问题是很机敏的。 - Though still in his teens,Tom is shrewd at a bargain.
虽然汤姆才十多岁,可是讨价还价却很在行。 - He's too shrewd to be trusted in business matters.
用作形容词 (adj.)
~+ n.
adj. (形容词)
- shrewd, bright, clever, intelligent, smart, wise
- 这组形容词的共同意思是“聪明的”“有智慧的”“英明的”“有头脑的”。其区别在于:
- 1.bright一般指年轻人,尤指小孩的聪明、机警; wise指“有智慧的”“英明的”“有头脑的”; smart指“头脑敏捷的”“精明老练的”,常指思维能力很强,办事巧妙,能圆滑地处理人际关系等,有时也带有表面的或肤浅的色彩; clever指“聪明的”“伶俐的”“能干的”,尤指很有理解或学习能力的; shrewd指“机灵的”“敏锐的”“精明的”,表示谙于世故,对事物浅尝辄止,遇事老谋深算,从不忽略个人私利; intelligent指某人是“聪明的”“智力好的”,善于作出正确的判断。例如:
- In some schools, the bright pupils tutor the dull ones.在一些学校里,一些聪明的学生辅导迟钝的学生。
- She was wise to their scheme.她了解他们的诡计。
- He is so smart that he will jump at the chance.他这个人很有头脑,不会错过这个机会的。
- Jack is a clever student.杰克是个聪明伶俐的学生。
- I think you've made a shrewd investment there.我认为你在那方面的投资极为聪明。
- Elephants are intelligent animals.象是聪明的动物。
- 2.bright强调反应快; wise强调有判断力的、能明辨是非的; intelligent强调思维清楚、理解力强。例如:
- Tom is a bright scholar in the class.汤姆在班上是个聪明的学生。
- It is wise to keep out of debt.不借债是明智的。
- He was intelligent enough to understand my question from the gestures I made.他很聪明,从我的手势就明白了我的问题。
- bright,clever,wise,brilliant,intelligent,ingenious,smart,shrewd
- 这些形容词均含有“聪明的”之意。
- bright口语常用词,多指年轻人,尤指小孩思路敏捷,理解力强,机灵等。
- clever强调头脑灵活,接受新事物快,有智有谋,但不一定暗示全面妥当地考虑问题。
- wise侧重不是一般的聪明伶俐,而是有远见,有智慧,能明智地处理问题。
- brilliant指人的才华出众,思路敏捷,常令人赞叹不已。
- intelligent正式用词,指在理解新的、抽象东西或处理解决问题时,智力超过一般常人。
- ingenious指思路敏捷,并暗示有创造与发明的才能和技巧。
- smart普通用词,与bright和clever的意思很相近,但更强调机灵。
- shrewd指精明老练,有头脑,善于判断和把握有利机会。
- keen,acute,sharp,shrewd
- 这些形容词均有“锐利的、敏锐的、机敏的”之意。
- keen多指对复杂艰深的事物或问题有敏锐的观察和敏捷的理解。
- acute侧重感觉敏锐,能分辨出一般人难以觉察的细微区别。
- sharp指人头脑精明、敏锐或机警。
- shrewd指有头脑,善于判断分析,精明过人。
用作形容词 (adj.)
- shrewd argument 高明的论点
- shrewd dealer 精明的商人
- shrewd financier 精明的金融家
- shrewd investment 高明的投资
- shrewd measure 高明的措施
- shrewd plan 高明的计划
- shrewd politician 精明的政治家
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