- (使)侧滑
- (使)横滑
- 横滑,滑向一边
- 飞机侧滑
- 侧滑
- 横滑下
- 私生子
- 沿横轴方向运动
- 一边
- 横移
- 滑向
- 傍枝
v. (动词)
an unexpected slide
a flight maneuver; aircraft slides sideways in the air
- 1. Sideslip, drift, snow does not work properly, and even safety problems.
- 侧滑,甩尾、雪天无法正常使用,甚至出现安全问题。
- 2. This sideslip detecting system is a complicated and automatic detection system.
- 本侧滑检测系统是一个复杂的自动检测系统。
- 3. In most flight conditions it is desired to maintain the sideslip Angle equal to zero.
- 大多数飞行状态都要求保持侧滑角等于零。
- 4. Results show that sideslip makes twisting of vortices at upwind side delayed, but bursting of.
- 研究表明,侧滑使机翼迎风侧涡绞合推迟,涡提前破裂,背风侧正好相反。
- 5. Sideslip, sharp steer and obit deviation are the often occurrence of accidents during this process.
- 在这一过程中所发生的侧滑、激转和轨道偏离常常是行车事故的主要原因。
- 6. This method can be applied to calculate rolling-moment derivatives of wing due to yaw and sideslip.
- 本方法可以用来计算机翼因偏航与侧滑振动而引起的滚转力矩气动导数。
- 7. In the controller, the motor Angle was controlled by the feedback of the yaw rate and the sideslip Angle.
- 调节器中,通过横摆角速度和侧偏角的共同反馈控制助力电机的转角。
- 8. Meanwhile, it also discusses the influence of roll yaw on sideslip in spin, and of moving round plumb line on Angle of bank.
- 同时就尾旋中偏滚对尾旋侧滑的影响、绕铅垂轴旋转对坡度的影响等进行了讨论分析。
- 9. And this paper also using the 3-d vehicle model and the tire model studies the sideslip when the vehicle driving up or down.
- 运用车辆动力学模型和轮胎模型对汽车上、下坡行驶时的侧滑进行了研究。
- 10. The main contents are lateral-directional model characteristics, roll rate oscillations and sideslip excursion characteristics.
- 主要内容包括横航向模态特性、滚转速率振荡和侧滑幅值特性。
- 11. Well, like anybody else, they skid (sideslip around) until they reach the speed and direction they want, then edge to carve and keep up momentum.
- 其实,大家都一样,他们让其侧滑,直到达到意定的速度和方向,然后走刃刻滑,以维持高速。
- 12. This paper introduces two methods to get the virtual sensor signal of angle of attack and sideslip angle: Nonlinear Observer method and INS/GPS method.
- 本文介绍了两种方法来得到迎角和侧滑角的虚拟传感器信号:非线性观测器方法和利用INS/GPS系统数据估计迎角和侧滑角方法。
- 13. The braking stability of low-speed truck is directly affected by the braking force distribution coefficient, and the main effect factor is the sideslip of rear wheels.
- 制动力分配系数直接影响低速货车的制动稳定性,后轮侧滑是影响制动稳定性的主要因素。
- 14. For the aircraft with moderate swept wing, the main reasons of causing wing rock are the variations of roll damping moment with the Angle of attack and the sideslip Angle.
- 对具有中等后掠角机翼的飞机,产生机翼摇晃的主要原因是滚转阻尼力矩随迎角和侧滑角的变化。
- 15. The sideslip test-bed provided with single-double boards and double independent boards is tested by auto's loading forces, which is analyzed here to reach the exact conclusion.
- 对单板双板连动,双板独立式侧滑试验台及车检时汽车的受力情况进行了对比,并加以分析,从而得出准确的结论。
- 16. In terms of the aircraft characteristics, the aircraft dynamics are divided into fast dynamics of Angle speeds and slow dynamics of roll Angle, Angle of attack and sideslip Angle.
- 根据飞机的动态特性,将飞机动态分为角速度快速动态与滚转角、迎角与侧滑角表示的慢动态。
- 17. Basing on the optimal control theory, the DYC controller is designed by the feed forward of the sideslip Angle regulation and the state feedback of both yaw rate and sideslip Angle.
- 基于最优控制理论,设计横摆力矩控制器,通过前馈控制调整侧偏角,状态反馈控制调整横摆角速度和侧偏角。
- 18. Based on a zero sideslip Angle proportional control, we get the gain of the distance from the centroid to the steering center position, yaw angular velocity and lateral acceleration.
- 在此基础上,得到车辆采用零侧偏角控制策略时,车辆转向中心到质心的距离,横摆角速度增益及侧向加速度增益的表达式。
- 19. Yaw rate and sideslip Angle are the control objectives and the difference of the yaw rate of actual vehicle model and the ideal yaw rate is the control variable in the fuzzy-PID controller.
- 设计的模糊pid控制器以横摆角速度和质心侧偏角作为控制目标,以整车模型的横摆角速度与理想横摆角速度之差作为控制变量。
- 20. Yaw rate and sideslip Angle are the control objectives and the difference of the yaw rate of actual vehicle model and the ideal yaw rate is the control variable in the fuzzy-PID controller.
- 设计的模糊pid控制器以横摆角速度和质心侧偏角作为控制目标,以整车模型的横摆角速度与理想横摆角速度之差作为控制变量。
- axis of sideslip 侧滑轴
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