single minded
- adj. 真诚的(一心一意的;专心致志的)
形容词 single-minded:
- 1. They were effective politicians, ruthless and single-minded in their pursuit of political power.
- 他们是注重实效的政治家,无情而专注地追逐着政治权力。
- 2. She is very single-minded about her career.
- 她一心专注于自己的事业。
- 3. You've got to be fairly single-minded about it.
- 你必须对此事专心一些。
- 4. The preceding options are deliberately stated with a single-minded focus for each, but you can mix these approaches to suit your needs.
- 前面的选项有意用单纯的观点阐述,可以混合使用这些方法来适应您的需要。
- 5. With defined ideas of the world and their role in the world, China ACTS like a confident great power and pursues its international goals with single-minded zeal.
- 中国定义了世界的概念,以及自己在世界上的角色,就像一个自信的大国那样行动,以一心一意的热诚追求它自己的国际目标。
- 6. A single-minded pursuit of growth may not be in shareholders’ best interest, of course, if it leads to lower lending standards.
- 当然如果这么做会导致降低贷款标准的话,那一味地追求增长可不是股东们最热衷的事。
- 7. We all need modern Churchills to lead us from the clinging, flabby, consensual thinking of the late twentieth century and to bind our nations with a single-minded effort to wage a difficult war.
- 我们非常需要现代丘吉尔从二十世纪后期的那种执着、无力又一致苟同的思想之中引导我们,并团结我们的民族同心协力地打一场艰难之战。
- 8. So far, unfortunately, the dominant U. s. policy response to this perceived global competition has been a single-minded focus on increasing the absolute number of scientists.
- 不幸的是,如今美国应对全球科技竞争的方法只是单一的集中在增加科学家的绝对数量上。
- 9. He says he would bring down the deficit faster than Mr Brown (though not exactly how fast), yet at the same time gives reason to doubt he would be single-minded enough to do so.
- 他承诺将比布朗更快地削减赤字(虽然并没有提及究竟会有多快),但同时又让人怀疑他会不会一心一意地这么做。
- 10. Usually she was absolutely single-minded, whether in agreement or disagreement.
- 无论赞同与否,她通常都是绝对专心致志地听着。
- 11. The country and much of the world was rightly and profoundly frightened by the single-minded hatred and ingenuity displayed by this new enemy.
- 国家和世界上大部分地区被这名新敌展示出的执着仇恨和灵活机动吓坏了,且心有余悸。
- 12. But sceptics note that rich, single-minded Finland is over budget and behind schedule with its new nuclear-power plant.
- 但持怀疑态度的人指出,富裕、坚定的芬兰都超出了预算,而且其新核电厂的进度落后于计划。
- 13. It stands for the single-minded pursuit of dreams.
- 代表着对理想忠贞不二的追求
- 14. Can we adopt Customer Delight as an organisations single-minded focus?
- 我们能把“让客户愉快”作为组织一心一意要达成的目标吗?
- 15. The rescue effort will dent the ECB’s reputation as a single-minded inflation-slayer.
- 原先ECB被称作专门的通胀罪魁,而营救努力将会缓解这种坏名声。
- 16. But we can't get caught in the trap of a single-minded focus on delivery.
- 但是我们不能陷入只关注交付这一陷阱。
- 17. Until they reboot their brains, life seems meaningless, but for the single-minded pursuit of hotter stimuli. As one man put it.
- 在他们重新启动自己的大脑之前,生活对他们来说除了一心对更热烈刺激的追求外好像没有了意义。
- 18. It is this single-minded pursuit of excellence, supported by strong ethos of teamwork and esprit de corps, that sustain them until their mission is accomplished.//
- 正是这种孜孜不求卓越的精神,加上优良的团队精神,支持着硅谷人的奋斗理念,他们不达目的绝不罢休。
- 19. To be considered for this honor, a company must demonstrate a single-minded commitment to improvement and emphasize "an abiding determination to serve their customers."
- 除了要考虑一个公司的良好信誉之外,这个公司还必须保证持续改善公司业务状况以及强调要永远把顾客利益放到第一位。
- 20. only with a single-minded attention to Christ can we give up our clinging fears and face our own true nature.
- 只有在完全注视基督的情况下,我们才能放下固有的害怕,去面对我们的本性。
- 21. Those ponds will be the fulfillment of 28 years of single-minded advocacy by Veer Bhadra Mishra, one of the Ganges' best-known protectors.
- 那些池塘将会满足恒河著名保护者之一的维尔·巴赫达·米斯拉(VeerBhadra Mishra)28年来的执著倡议。
- 22. The plant is just one example of Japan's single-minded dedication to reducing energy use, a commitment that dates back to the oil shocks of the 1970s that shook this resource-poor nation.
- taiheiyo石灰厂用的这个keihin机器设备仅仅是一个日本对减少能量使用的共同贡献的一个例子,这追溯到20世纪70年代油价的上涨刺激资源贫乏国家开发减少能量使用的方案。
- 23. In far too many cases, economic growth has been pursued, with single-minded purpose, as the be-all, end-all, cure-for-all.
- 在很多情况下,人们一味强调经济增长,将经济增长视为无所不能的灵丹妙药。
- 24. Steering Pakistan's future is a pretty big responsibility and it should not be granted to those who are not ready to show single-minded allegiance to the cause.
- 引领巴基斯坦的未来是相当大的一份责任,它不应该交在那些尚未做好准备单一效忠之徒手中。
- 25. I think, I so single-minded love you, is there a place in your heart for me!
- 我想,我这么一心一意的爱你,有没有在你的心里留我一个位置!
- 26. I think, I so single-minded love you, is there a place in your heart for me!
- 我想,我这么一心一意的爱你,有没有在你的心里留我一个位置!
single pump
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single factor energy efficiency
single phase power factor meter
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single segment type environment
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single valued decomposed method
single reduciton geared turbine
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