- adj. 装有板条的;用板条做的;覆有板条的
- 动词slat的过去式和过去分词形式.
名词 slat:
a thin strip (wood or metal)
- 1. The Nelson Media Cabinet features slatted, sliding doors which are exactingly constructed and perfectly marry into a solid panel.
- 纳尔逊媒体柜采用板条式滑动门,其构造精良,可完美地与坚固的面板相结合。
- 2. RAL-UZ 38, Low-Emission Furniture and Slatted Frames made of Wood and Wood-Based Materials.
- UZ38条例是有关以木材为基本材料制成的家具和框架的低排放的规定。
- 3. Furniture and slatted frames can have environmental impact throughout their entire life cycle.
- 家具和框架对环境的影响贯穿了它的整个生命周期。
- 4. Matching slatted sunshades can be raised over the windows to provide further control of sunlight.
- 匹配的格栅遮阳板在窗户的位置可向上升起,因此也助于控制阳光的入射量。
- 5. New units have a raised, slatted floor design whereby air for cooling is drawn up through the slats.
- 新单位有一个提高,板条地板设计,使空气冷却是通过制定板条。
- 6. Sommerhaus Piu features a natural wood exterior with horizontally-slatted walls and a slightly-pitched roof.
- 萨摩豪斯建筑的外观很独特,外部木制水平板条为墙,屋顶稍稍倾斜。
- 7. The completed enclosure comprises a series of oak slatted structures running perpendicular to the grass slope.
- 整个围栏由一系列橡木作为支撑结构一直延伸至草坡。
- 8. Try out an orthopedic mattress or a spring slatted bed which can be beneficial for certain types of back pain.
- 你可以尝试使用矫形床垫或是弹簧床,这有助于缓解某些背痛。
- 9. These are either solid aluminium panels or slatted screens that filter sunlight to create shaded outdoor Spaces.
- 实心铝板和覆有板条的隔板过滤着光线,在户外创造了一片荫凉的空间。
- 10. It had a glass top and slatted wooden side pockets for the morning paper the kind you used to see in the movies.
- 它的顶部是玻璃的,两侧各有一个木头板条插槽,是用来放晨报的,就像电影里头常见的那种。
- 11. This slatted structure gives way to a solid timber volume as the stairs ascend beyond the height of the bookcase.
- 板条结构为坚实的木体块作为超过书架高度的楼梯提供了可行的方法。
- 12. All the facades are fitted with a second "skin" in the form of a giant slatted blind, which filters the natural light.
- 所有的外墙都以巨大的板条形式形成第二层“皮肤”,也是自然光线的过滤器。
- 13. These typically plywood and slatted timber screens slide or pivot open allowing prevailing breezes to naturally cool the house.
- 这些胶合板板条木材可以滑动或转动,便于微风吹入室内,自然冷却房子。
- 14. All Mary Anne and I had to do was get them loose, catch them in our nets, then transfer them to the wooden-slatted cages. In theory.
- 从理论上说,我和玛丽∙安要做的就是让树熊离开桉树,然后用捕网套住它们,再装到木条笼子运走。
- 15. Lightweight, slatted walls delicately veil the light, and bamboo plants form a luxuriant green heart in the building's central courtyard.
- 轻板条墙在如纱的薄光照射下与竹子等绿植形成了建筑物的中央庭院绿色心脏。
- 16. A slatted wooden roof shades the dining space, and a similar roof covers a small patio separating the living space from the master bedroom suite.
- 木板条的屋顶为用餐空间进行遮阳,另外一个类似的屋顶的结构覆盖在分离主卧室套房和生活空间的小天井上。
- 17. As well as keeping the library cool and sheltered from the sun's harshest rays, the slatted screen ensures that an even light reaches the building.
- 板条围屏不仅保持图书馆凉爽和躲避最刺眼的太阳光线,而且确保光线照到大楼。
- 18. The slatted surface extends around an outdoor lobby area, where a walkway formed of large slabs crosses a reflecting pool incorporating planted beds.
- 板条表面向周围的户外休闲区延伸,大块的石板步道穿过一片结合种植区的泳池。
- 19. Departments have their own reception areas, offices and meeting rooms. Waiting lounges feature contemporary decor and slatted walls made of white oak.
- 每个科室有自己的接待区、办公会议室。休息厅装修成现代风格,白橡木构成板条状的墙。
- 20. The old kitchen was incorporated into the living area, so a new one was built on the side yard, it was covered by a glass roof with a wood slatted screening.
- 旧厨房被并入生活区,一个新的厨房建于侧院,它覆盖着有木条屏的玻璃屋顶。
- 21. This slatted ceiling covers a walkway made from stepping stones placed in a pond, which leads from the street to a reception area towards the rear of the building.
- 条状板材构成的天花板下,石质的步行道环绕着池塘,引导人们从街道走入接待区,进入建筑内部。
- 22. The rear facade opens completely to the sky and the garden and have their privacy preserved through large slatted sliding panels that can be opened in various ways.
- 后立面完全敞向天空和花园,通过大型板条滑动板来保护隐私,滑动板能以不同的方式打开。
- 23. On the second floor, an exposed concrete "box" with the same slatted screening technique is an extension to the master bathroom and closet that rooms also a bathtub.
- 在二楼,一个有相同板条屏的清水混凝土“盒子”是主浴室和衣柜的扩建,里面容纳了一个浴缸。
- 24. Inspired by Mid-Century Modern design, the Nelson Media Cabinet features slatted, sliding doors which are exactingly constructed and perfectly marry into a solid panel when slid together.
- 受中世纪现代设计的启发,内尔松媒体柜最大的特点是由板条和推拉门组成,推拉门和板条之间的拼接相当紧凑,完美结合,融为一体。
- 25. Archi-Union Architects has added a slatted timber extension on top of an old concrete and brick factory building in Shanghai, turning it into a showroom and workspace for a ceramic artist.
- 创盟国际建筑事务所为一幢上海的旧混凝土砖房顶层的外立面外包了木栅格结构,把它变成一个陶瓷艺术家的陈列室和工作区。
- 26. A common trait of Kogan designs is continued in the Chimney House, as the slatted decking, lined concrete ceilings and patched hardwood floors start at one wall and stretch perfectly to another.
- 烟囱小屋延续着库格一贯的设计风格,以板条结构为主要元素,被切割或拼贴为板条效果的天花板和地面从一面墙延伸到另一面墙。
- 27. A slatted wooden screen wraps around the extended living space of this 1960s bungalow in Sydney, forming a protective surface that shields the interior from direct sunlight and views from the street.
- 木板条屏风包裹着这座建于20世纪60年代悉尼小屋扩展的起居空间,这形成一个保护性的外皮,可以保护室内空间远离阳光直射以及避开道路上行人的视线。
- 28. A slatted wooden screen wraps around the extended living space of this 1960s bungalow in Sydney, forming a protective surface that shields the interior from direct sunlight and views from the street.
- 木板条屏风包裹着这座建于20世纪60年代悉尼小屋扩展的起居空间,这形成一个保护性的外皮,可以保护室内空间远离阳光直射以及避开道路上行人的视线。
- The slatted bench was slatted.
用作形容词 (adj.)
- slat 薄而窄的板条...
- slatted roller 板条焊制辊
- slatted elevator 板条式升运机...
- slatted belt distributor 板条带式撒肥机...
- slatted apron 板条式输送器...
- slatted drum 杆条式滚筒
- slatted belt and flicker type distributor 板条带抛撒轮式撒肥机...
- slatted crate 板条箱
- slatted floor 漏缝地板
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