- n. 苦工
- 1. I've been slogging around the streets of London all day.
- 整整一天,我一直在伦敦街头走来走去。
- 2. He's been slogging away at that piece of music for weeks.
- 他苦练那段乐曲已有好几个星期了。
- 3. They secure their degrees by slogging through an intensive 11-month course.
- 他们通过苦读11个月的强化课程而获得了学位。
- 4. Don't just keep slogging away. Pay attention to method.
- 别一个劲儿傻干,要讲究方法。
- 5. He effected his escape by slogging a guard.
- 他猛击了一名看守,然后成功地逃跑了。
- 6. While slogging at work, have you neglected your marriage?
- 埋头工作的时候,你是否忽视了自己的婚姻?
- 7. Keep slogging away! You're nearly broken the back of the problem.
- 顽强地坚持下去!这个问题最困难的部分你已经差不多解决了。
- 8. I know how it feels to be slogging through digital quicksand, because I've been there.
- 我非常清楚与数码流沙艰难搏击的感觉,因为我也曾经经历过。
- 9. Tom has opened his own business while his classmates are still slogging away at school.
- 当汤姆的同学还在学校苦读时,他已经开始了自己的事业。
- 10. "The economy is slogging along," said Jerry Webman, chief economist at OppenheimerFunds.
- “经济正艰难恢复,”杰理温维彼曼说,奥本海默基金的主要经济学家。
- 11. Tom has opened his own venture while his clbummhcl posts continue slogging gone in school.
- 当汤姆的同窗还在学校苦读时,他曾经起源了本身的事业。
- 12. Instead of our drab slogging forth and back to the fishing boats, there's a reason to life!
- 除了单调地围绕着渔船盘旋外,生活还有其他目的!
- 13. To slip through this Catch-22, forget the idea of jogging for an hour or slogging to the gym.
- 要规避这个“循环矛盾”情况,忘了每天要小跑一小时,或要拖着沉重的步伐去健身房。
- 14. Soft, deep snow made for some tough slogging with his backpack and sled carrying his food and gear.
- 他背着背包、拖着装运食品和工具的雪橇在雪地上跋涉,松软厚实的积雪导致旅途更加艰难。
- 15. Going to the gym and slogging it out for a half hour a day is the Health Blog's standard fitness m.
- 每天去健身房拼命锻炼半小时是健康博客的标准健身秘诀。
- 16. She took the children off for a nice holiday while I was slogging around Europe trying to get this negotiation right.
- 她和孩子们享受了一个不错的假期,而我在欧洲周旋于各种谈判。
- 17. Soft, adidas Copa Mundial, deep snow made for some tough slogging with his backpack and sled carrying his food and gear.
- 他背着背包、拖着装运食物和工具的雪橇在雪地上跋涉,松软厚实的积雪导致旅途更加艰难。
- 18. When he regained his confidence, he worked hard day and night, slogging his body and mind just to make something out of himself.
- 他重新振作,没日没夜地工作,让他的身体和心思无暇顾及自己。
- 19. The shaking and rattling of pumps might not be noticeable while hauling a few tons of trash or slogging from one bus stop to the next.
- 当卡车托运着几吨垃圾或公交车步履艰难地从一个公交车站到下一个公交车站时,或许司机们注意不到它们车子的汽油加油泵摇来摇去并格格作响。
- 20. You can seriously impair your creativity and productivity by slogging through the entire year without a break from long hours and a heavy workload.
- 如果你全年都是长时间重负荷的工作,而没有一两次休假的话,你就会严重的消减你的创造力和生产力。
- 21. That's why his movies are often about him alone, slogging through homelessness in the Pursuit of Happyness, foraging as the last man in Manhattan in I Am Legend.
- 这也是他的电影经常是他独角戏的缘故:《当幸福来敲门》中无家可归的穷人;《我是传奇》中在曼哈顿游荡的最后幸存者。
- 22. Unfortunately for my children, who’d probably be just as happy to stay home, that reason is what keeps me slogging through the less glamorous parts of motherhood.
- 不幸的是对我那些呆在家里也一样快乐的孩子来说,这条理由就是让我能挺过做母亲那些烦人的一面。
- 23. Finnish cross-country skiers use swamp soccer to train in the snowless summer months. Both work the same muscles, but slogging through a mud-soaked field adds an element of fun.
- 芬兰越野滑雪运动员在夏季主要借助泥沼足球来进行体格训练,这样不仅锻炼了肌肉,同时还收获了快乐。
- 24. He glanced over at the Marines as they moved into position to climb to the upper part of the spillway-and out of the sewer they had been slogging through for the past twenty minutes.
- 他瞟了一眼,陆战队们已经就位,准备攀爬到溢洪道上部——然后离开他们在过去二十分钟里艰苦奋战过的下水道。
- 25. He glanced over at the Marines as they moved into position to climb to the upper part of the spillway-and out of the sewer they had been slogging through for the past twenty minutes.
- 他瞟了一眼,陆战队们已经就位,准备攀爬到溢洪道上部——然后离开他们在过去二十分钟里艰苦奋战过的下水道。
- It's a long hard slog up the mountain.
上山的这段路很难走。 - Marking the exam papers was quite a slog.
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